My little babies!!


Well-Known Member
Thanks everyone. I did something everyone seemed think was a sin...and look at how it turned out! I hope as time goes on and you continue to read my thread youll see that having more than one per pot is not affecting mine in the least bit. Maybe i just have good luck or something, but at the moment every single one is doing extremely well. So, i will keep doing what im doing. Cant wait to see the end results! Thanks everyone for the help. And those yellow spots are finally gone! The new growth doesnt have any yellow in it at all, and the old growth is finally back to normal. We added calmag, protekt and some epsome salt. We have also bumbed the earth juice up too 2 Tbsp per gal instead of 1. They really seem to love the extra nutes they are getting. I really love organics, so hard to over fert. Well happy growing to everyone!!


Well-Known Member
Sorry, i just have to post these. I just love these pics! The first one is one we topped, turned out pretty good i think. All of the ones we topped look like this now, and we have topped the tops :) The other ones just show how tight the node spacing, these are going to be some monsters! And the last one is just a cool pic that shows how uniform this one is growing. It looks so cool.

Oh, and see in my sig how it shows the whole address? How do i make the link say something instead of the addy? Anyone know? Thank



Well-Known Member
:mrgreen:ok FatalShot,,,I have kept up with this thread all the way,,and I can appreciate your method,,but I believe you will have a problem very soon,,you say your gonna cut the males at ground level,,when you discover them,,so ,,when you think you have chopped the male down,,and his roots are gonna die,,you are fukking wrong Mister,,,yes,,fdd did grow,,4 Females in one pot,,wich is totally different than chopping males outta the same pot as females,,I have atttached a pic of a male,,that has been on my balcony for almost 2 weeks now,,no water,,no care,,just a chopped stem,,three times I have been out there and pulled off ,,,exactly what you see in the pic,,wich is fresh 5 minutes ago,,new growth,,so prepare to have alot of hermie pot,,because,,simply cutting at ground level will NOT kill the roots,,by the time you notice sex,,,that stem will be almost a half incharound,,or more under dirt level,,chop as you will,,,but keep those clippers handy,,,good thing you had a bazillion seeds to start with,,pray you end up with multiple females per pot:mrgreen:

Keep on Growin

HoLE (Johnny&Royson)



Well-Known Member
That's too funny, if you cut the male bellow dirt level then burry it, most likely it's going to die off, in your pic your cut branches are above soil.


Well-Known Member
That's too funny, if you cut the male bellow dirt level then burry it, most likely it's going to die off, in your pic your cut branches are above soil.
ya,,they are,,but he said,,cutting at soil level,,I had many previous males,,,I hacked em off,,dirt level,,they grew back,,if he has 3 plants in one pot,,and two are female,,and one is male,,he can't cut much lower than dirt level,,and buried or not,,,something will sprout out,,and even if it doesn't,,he still has male roots growing right along with the two females,,,in my opinion,,male pot sucks:hump:

Keep on Growin



Well-Known Member
Here is a male I cut recently, if you notice that it's dry, out of its pot and gets very minimal light, still it's wanting to sprout, I believe if I were to put it back into its pot, burry it, put under lights and water that it will not continue to grow.

I may do just that, burry it, water and put it under lights, to see exactly what will happen.


Well-Known Member
Here is a male I cut recently, if you notice that it's dry, out of its pot and gets very minimal light, still it's wanting to sprout, I believe if I were to put it back into its pot, burry it, put under lights and water that it will not continue to grow.

I may do just that, burry it, water and put it under lights, to see exactly what will happen.
plz do,,but how much can he bury his male around his two females??,,persay,,,really,,do it,,and keep watering,,I'd like to know,,I'll leave my male on the balcony,,keep ripping off new growth,,keep neglecting it,,and we'll keep in touch,,and see what happens

Keep on Growin(andlearnin)



Active Member
Hey man there looking good despite what I thought would happen at first when I was looking through never thought of trying more then one per pot looks good. But how come your removing the smaller ones if they look healthy those could be female =X. Usually the biggest and strongest tend to be the males. Just an thought you might want to take into consideration. But keep up the good work.


Well-Known Member
Well, we arent taking out all of the smaller ones. We just got rid of 4 i think. 2 of them are being grown under cfl's in my room. You can check those out in my gallery. And when i say smaller, i dont mean they are tiny, they just aren't up to par with the rest. We are going to wait until preflowers to remove any more. See, this is just a way of making sure you have all the females you want and select the best ones. If we would have only planted one per pot we would have had 15 in there...half of those could have been males, maybe more maybe less. But we wouldnt have had 15 females. This way, we ensure we have as many as we want. Now, if you have feminized seeds thats different. Next grow we will have jock horror and silver pearl, from those will come clones. This was just a test run and you can see its doing pretty good i think. Im glad you're coming to the other side!! Keep watching, this should be a pretty good first grow! Well, first real grow where its more than some dirt and seeds outside. Thanks for keeping up with my journal everyone!


Well-Known Member
Oh humboldt its useless. We are not going to win over everyone. And HoLE you have done something very very wrong buddy. The two plants we cut at soil level then buried oh say about a week and a half ago are gone. Havent seen them since. They havent started sprouting or anything. Everything is good. Even if they keep coming back its not that hard to clip away the stem. You would only have to do that maybe once a week until harvest. I can handle clipping a few stems for what, 6 weeks or something? Ill survive. Also, when we find males and cut them out regardless of what you think the roots off of a male isnt going to cause the female to be hermie or produce seeds...once we cut them out the roots stop growing. Yes, if you just trim the plant down it will grow back. All you are doing is topping it real low. But if you cut it down very low, damage it in some way (squeeze it, twist it, anything!!!) then cover with dirt. Its dead, gone, NEVER coming back. I know, ive done it. Everything is fine. Just please do me a favor and stick around to the end. Thank you everyone. Im glad some people are finally starting to open their mind a little bit.

Edit: Nice plants vince420, fucking sparkly as hell. Great job dude!


Well-Known Member
plz do,,but how much can he bury his male around his two females??,,persay,,,really,,do it,,and keep watering,,I'd like to know,,I'll leave my male on the balcony,,keep ripping off new growth,,keep neglecting it,,and we'll keep in touch,,and see what happens

I just got done doing it and I will be treating it as if I wanted it to grow, and as long as it's completey burried that should do the trick, this is going to be interesting, specially if the bastard pops out of the soil.

I will keep you all posted!


Well-Known Member
Well, this may be a good idea. But knowing my luck your plant will grow like a tree. We dug a little tiny bit around the stem, cut it deep, squeezed the stem to damage it, then covered it up. Havent seen them yet! I would love to take a pic of them, but i cant find them. They are gone!! Can you believe it! And i dont know about the roots, but the plants they were beside are doing just fine :) And i dont think male roots will pollinate a female plant. I may be wrong though.


Well-Known Member
Oh humboldt its useless. We are not going to win over everyone

What's there to win? we are simply testing to see what will actually happen, arent you at least bit interested?


Well-Known Member
Oh humboldt its useless. We are not going to win over everyone. And HoLE you have done something very very wrong buddy. The two plants we cut at soil level then buried oh say about a week and a half ago are gone. Havent seen them since. They havent started sprouting or anything. Everything is good. Even if they keep coming back its not that hard to clip away the stem. You would only have to do that maybe once a week until harvest. I can handle clipping a few stems for what, 6 weeks or something? Ill survive. Also, when we find males and cut them out regardless of what you think the roots off of a male isnt going to cause the female to be hermie or produce seeds...once we cut them out the roots stop growing. Yes, if you just trim the plant down it will grow back. All you are doing is topping it real low. But if you cut it down very low, damage it in some way (squeeze it, twist it, anything!!!) then cover with dirt. Its dead, gone, NEVER coming back. I know, ive done it. Everything is fine. Just please do me a favor and stick around to the end. Thank you everyone. Im glad some people are finally starting to open their mind a little bit.
a week and a half ago your plants were,ummmmmmm,,,2 weeks old,,I wouldn't say you'd have too much problems,,they were barely past being a seedling,,and why would you remove those anyway,,this being an experiment and all???

Keep on Growing


PS notice how you skipped over anything you didn't want too hear,,and how quickly you agree,,with someone who praises you,,I'm done here

Edit: Nice plants vince420, fucking sparkly as hell. Great job dude!
a week and a half ago your plants were amazing,,,and ummm,,,about 2 weeks old,,I wouldn't say you's have too much problems,,they were barely past seedling stage,,and why would you remove those anyway at that age,,this being an experiment and all,,

Keep on Growin



Well-Known Member
I just got done doing it and I will be treating it as if I wanted it to grow, and as long as it's completey burried that should do the trick, this is going to be interesting, specially if the bastard pops out of the soil.

I will keep you all posted![/quoteI'm on your ass for this one bro:hump:

Keep on Growin



Well-Known Member
kwik question,,why do they recommend to clean and sterilize pots and dirt for new grow?????

Keep on Growin



Well-Known Member
Well, like i said a million times. The final product will be 2 plants per pot MAYBE. And we removed them cause they were kinda going a little slower. We have alot to play with, why not get rid of some runts :) Also, they are 3 weeks old now. From what ive seen from pics and other people i know that grow they are doing great. Sure, they could do better but who couldnt. I have a whole hell of a lot to learn but this is part of the process. Im learning. And maybe, just maybe teaching a little i hope. I just want people to see you can grow great with more than one per pot. Would i recommend it? Maybe not, but it is fun to try. The next grow with good strains, sure there will be only one per pot. But when you have alot of bagseeds and time to spare waiting on good strains, why not try something? And whats better is when that thing you are trying works so well you amaze yourself. Thats all im trying to do here. And Humboldt, what i meant was no matter how much positive info you show some people, you can not get them to accept, believe, or try another way other than what they know. Thats all im saying i guess. Thanks for the concern HoLE. But when shit starts going bad, ill come running for help. As of now, im just having a great time keeping up with them! Its so fun seeing something grow so big in only 3 weeks. I love it!!