rollitup member busted?? how safe are we?? lets start a tech talk forum......

these continued posts/rants about 1 guy getting busted make me wonder....

how many, young.. under the age of 20 individuals does this site have? what's the % i wonder? how many people don't really understand their rights and how to utilize them?

i have to guess at this point... around 50%, if not more... you talk, someone else talks, word spreads, you're busted... it's as simple as that.. if you wish to take your chances, by all means, go ahead... but when dealing with something of this nature, it's not the smartest decision...

this only comes with lack of intelligence or lack of maturity... one of the two...
millions of posts one person grassed by a prick who told of his account ...once thousands of people are busted by there IP then i might worry
far to much paranoia here.
if you post anything on the web its open to the world.
and i aint worried about a thing.
paranoia will annoy ya.

I don't think it's about a government conspiracy but if I worked for the govt I would be looking at sites like this
for the largest grow operations in states that aren't very accepting where cultivation is concerned.
Remember ther is a war on drugs lol. You got less than 10 I wouldn't worry.
Don't kid yourself there are govt agencies that have people online 24-7 monitoring sites like this.
Not necessarily looking to bust you.... just monitoring.

Yeah but the largest of grows would NEVER be on rollitup... simply because if you're doing that well, why even bother/risk it
i would like to see the guiy who gopt busted post on here, and really see if it was from posting on this site. But i am with the other guys, i NEVER post any pics herre just to be 100%
Everyone should do what they feel is right. I am comfortable posting pics. I remain compliant with the medical marijuana initiave in my state. Posting pics of your illegal grow is different in a sense. I am hoping people are old enough to THINK for THEMSELF, and not someone else.....
why not just make 2 profiles one for unincriminating postings you can use at your home (grow location) and one for your hard core bud porn Just get an old laptop put in a different hard drive (new / different hard drive = different IP) then u can go down to any place that has free wifi sit in your car outside and post till your hearts content what ever you want with out worry of ever getting "tracked" just remember to never log on to your home network with that laptop this is not rocketsurgery people


That isn't how it works, slugger. Your hard drive has nothing to do with your IP address. Also, metadata from your .jpgs can contain all kinds of incriminating information, not matter what route you use to put them online.
I would like to know the real reason why this guy got busted!

No doubt... Who knows exacxtly how it happened...
I wanna know. I don't take the news *word* it was a "tip".
Notice you always get left short of the root of the issue. Everytime on everything....

I hate the news. Tell us the TRUTH!!!
If there is enough evidence to get a warrant, they can go to the ISP and request the customer records for that IP, at which point they can get a warrant for your house.

The unfortunate truth is that most internet crime is ignored, for the simple fact that it costs more to prosecute than it is worth. The Feds won't touch a case that has less than 10k in damages, or massive media exposure. The state law enforcement is the same way. Local jurisdictions usually don't have the slightest clue how to handle electronic crime.
you can never be to carefull in the 2nd world war they used to say "CARELeSS TALK COSTS LIVES " maybe he chatt the chat to much as the popo are to busy catchin crackheads to be surfing the net lookin for pics of plants lol paranoia at the extreme me thinks Peace
All police have to do is look up your Ip associated with the pictures..They then can locate you.That part is Pretty easy, "noob hacker" kind of stuff almost anyone could do ... the problem is the sheer number of photo's, Info, and Ip's to sift through is enormous.. Don't help the cops by posting your real name address Ect....(Duh) It's still illegal most everywhere, and they will bust you for it...In some cases even where it is "legal" they will bust you for it... cops make a living doing this with no qualms as to our rights and freedoms vs. their paychecks and bonuses...

One of the best ways to protect yourself if you must post pics is to set up a "Proxy" Google it, learn how to use it, and do post your pics =)

From Wiki

In computer networks, a proxy server is a server (a computer system or an application program) that acts as an intermediary for requests from clients seeking resources from other servers. A client connects to the proxy server, requesting some service, such as a file, connection, web page, or other resource, available from a different server. The proxy server evaluates the request according to its filtering rules. For example, it may filter traffic by IP address or protocol. If the request is validated by the filter, the proxy provides the resource by connecting to the relevant server and requesting the service on behalf of the client. A proxy server may optionally alter the client's request or the server's response, and sometimes it may serve the request without contacting the specified server. In this case, it 'caches' responses from the remote server, and returns subsequent requests for the same content directly.
A proxy server has many potential purposes, including:

  • To keep machines behind it anonymous (mainly for security).[1]
  • To speed up access to resources (using caching). Web proxies are commonly used to cache web pages from a web server.[2]
  • To apply access policy to network services or content, e.g. to block undesired sites.
  • To log / audit usage, i.e. to provide company employee Internet usage reporting.
  • To bypass security/ parental controls.
  • To scan transmitted content before delivery for malware.
  • To scan outbound content, e.g. for data leak protection.
  • To circumvent regional restrictions.
A proxy server that passes requests and replies unmodified is usually called a gateway or sometimes tunneling proxy.
A proxy server can be placed in the user's local computer or at various points between the user and the destination servers on the Internet.
Several weeks ago when this all happened, I had heard about it on the fourms But, like the next day and for the next week Rollitup website wouldn't come up on my computer, I was actually getting a little worried about the whole thing. What was up with that? did that happen to anyone else?
come up at all or just not all the time? cuz they were working on the server on and off a while back.
i thought the saying was "loose lips sink ships", lol, guess their must be more than one.