Well-Known Member
might want to secure your plant stem at the base paper clip and stand plant back up then keep the base of your stem from laying down..if you dont you can uproot your shit..
Hmm, it's tough to say what could be causing the leaf tips to turn yellow like that. It look like a nute deficiency to me, then again you said you added the proper nutes. Maybe it's a problem with the soil or the roots not being able to absorb nutrients properly. If you put those tips close to the incandescent bulb, it definitely could have burnt them. Get rid of it when you can, it's inefficient and way too hot. A bunch of 6500K CFLs in the clamp reflectors you mentioned are goods. Your grow is still young, and I'm sure it will improve and turn out OK. If you ended up with a strain that is sensitive to nute levels, light, heat, etc. then be prepared for even more baby sitting. Don't worry, it's great practice for later grows when you do get lucky and end up with something low maintenance.heyyy. umm. ok im not exactly sure why my tips of my leaves are burning to tell you the truth..? lol. ive had some people say it was because of the nutes.. saying i was adding too much.. and other people say it was because of the light.. and then i have a leave or two that look a little bit yellow.. and im guessing thats because of a nitrogen deficiency.. and the nutes im using are HIGH in nitrogen.. its like 24-8-16.. i have a pic of the nutes and soil im using posted in my grow journal.. but its kinda like a catch 22....the tips of my leaves are burning from too much nutrients... but they leaves are also turning yellow due to nute deficiency.. lol. i was thinking the tips were burning because of the lights.. because i had ONE incandescent bulb in there.. a 100 watt one.. it was one of the daylight bulbs. i know its best to use CFL's but they dont give off much heat at all.. and soo the incandescent bulb was good for that. because without it.. my room was a little chilly. lol but i just got this new clamp light thingy (like the ones you see on the tops of turtle or snake cages.. theyre metal and coned shape kinda) ill put pics up on my log in a little bit.. and i put the incandescent bulb in there and placed it way above my plants.. and that seemed to stop the burning AND keep the plants warm.. i was going to say.. maybe that would help you out some too.. because i know you said you turned off your fan because it was getting too cold... i paid $6.50 at wal mart for that light clamp.. and it has a 150 watt bulb max on it (which isnt bad at all) and maybe u can but a 150 watt incandescent bulb (theyre like 3 bucks maybe 4 at the most) and place it far enough away from your plants to keep them from burning.. but close enough to where it gives off enough heat so that you can turn your fan back on.. because from what i hear.. keeping the air circulating helps alot.. and id just hate to see your plant start dying or not be strong enough over something simple like having your fan on... know what i mean?? ok. ok. im rambling on.. i tend to do that in the morning.....
but yeaaa im about to go check on my babies.. and take some pics in a little bit and post them in my journal.. heres the link to mine
I'll try to pre-flower a node in a couple of days, so yeah, keep your fingers crossed for meHey man, Been afew days since you were going to see if your baby is a female. Have you began to cover branches with a bag to make it 12/12 for a lower branch yet? i hope that it is a female mate, you have put ALOT of effort in and if its a male, the hash wont be worth itah well man im prayin 4 ya
Thanks for the tip, I was afraid of ripping the stem out actually. If I didn't put a fan on the plant prior to LST, I probably would have.might want to secure your plant stem at the base paper clip and stand plant back up then keep the base of your stem from laying down..if you dont you can uproot your shit..
Damn dude, Hawaii is the shit. I wish I could buy clones and just grow them in my yard like that. Never knew chickens ate pot, then again I haven't seen a wild chicken since I last visited the Dominican. The plants look sick, haven't seen some WW in a while.So i got ya some pics of mine, All ten are white widow clones that my buddie grows. I can pic them up whenever i want for 20 bucks a peice. If i get 10 or more he throws in the bottle of tiger bloom to.
None of mine are LST'ed cause when i get them there ready to flower. He does not train his plants because of the large numbers he has to take care of.
You'll notice there outside and behind chicken wire... chickens like to eat pot.
We have also ben getting massive amounts of rain for like 3 weeks now so thats what the greenhouse plastic is for.
I just checked out the plant up close and noticed what looks like some pistils (stigmas?) coming out from the nodes. I know pre-flowers aren't a very good indicator, but so far it looks female especially if you combine the overall "bushiness" of the plant, the stem thickness, and other criteria you brought up. Time to buy nutes and some 2500K CFLs!!Ok usually if its a male the internode spaceing will become more between each node... The genetics of a male plant tell it to get a tall as it can so that it can distribute its pollen over a larger area. Male plants tend to be skinier and taller and the have a noticable absence of side branches. The way that your plant has put on so much girth and the way the main stem has gotten so fat leads me to belive that this plant is female. I am almost positive of that. you can keep Vegging it til it preflowers and shows its sex on its own or you can leave it in the dark for twenty four hours then switch to twelve twelve it will start to sex its self a little quicker that way.
Im gonna ask someone i know on here to come look at your journal and give you his opinion on what to do.
till then you want to start giving it nutes now i wouldnt wait any longer its showing signs of deficencies
Thanks for coming by to check out my grow. I'm guessing you are one of the house grow experts here at RIU, so thanks again for the advice and compliment.your plant looks really nice. you may see preflowers if you look between the 8th and 12th nodes. if not you will have to wait until you put it on 12/12 to determine sex.
If your room is a bit cold, an incandescent thrown in there and placed at a distance might come in handy. Just don't keep it too close and hey, it can't hurt.heyy president kush.. thanks for the advice. but the incandescent bulb is a daylight bulb.. which is "somewhat" good for the plant.. but yea i know what you mean about them being WAYY TOO HOTT!! lol. found that out.. lol. BUT.. they can be helpful if your having heat problems... even if you just have the incandescent (DAYLIGHT) bulb in the room somewhere.. the heat it gives off is great. soo if your room is a little too cold.. that light would help.. but yeaa the leaves are still a bit yellow.. im still adding nutes tho.. well i JUST started adding nutes again yesterday. because the burnt tips are not really there anymore.. i think it was from when i had the incandescent bulb wayy too close.. but yeaaa im PRAYING these plants make it.. it is my VERY 1st grow.. soo ill just be happy if they produce like a gram.. but this is pretty much my practice before i order my seeds online. but anyways.. heres the link to my page.. i smoke alot.. sooo forgive me if i already posted it on your page.. lol
Damn dude, that suuuuuucksDamn that thing is bushy. If I were you I might consider transplanting that into a little bit bigger pot right before you flower so as to not let it get rootbound. Thats up to you, just something to think about as a rootbound plant will not grow very well.
As far as the spider mites I don't think thats what that is but I could be wrong... try posting a pic in the marijuana plant problems someone there will help ya out.
Your probably gonna see more of me in here I just had to kill all my crop and move 2500 miles so I have nowhere to poke my green thumb around.
That and I just went from Hawaii in December to Oregon at 11 degrees... To cold to go anywhere so I spend alot of time either on the computer or out in the shop welding.
BTW what type of nutes are you using ?
Yoo!! Thanks for the props, I definitely need to make a couple reflectors as soon as I get the sockets. Where did you get your sockets from?heyy watsup?? yeaa i made one of those reflectors from a soda can as well. and that thing deff helps out alot man. Everythings looking good man. and that kids right that thing is madd bushy!! lol Good Luck!!
I know in the northeast US, the 20-30 something year old big city people sometimes refer to each other as "kid"Kid?
ok then
I know in the northeast US, the 20-30 something year old big city people sometimes refer to each other as "kid".