DST's Vertical Step Grow - Headband and Cali Orange

hey man! glad i could stop by and check out the sick set up(props man) even if i did get here way late...
i was lookin through the grow and i know this probably happened a while ago but im sorry ur moms house got broke into...my car was just i stolen and then my girls car got wrecked so i know the feelin.

on a lighter note...let me ask you? where do u go to get seeds? i know you said u went to that alien shop(i cant remember the name) that u grabbed that black jack from....but who do u usually go thro a specific company or?


Active Member
After several pretty brief conversations with the wife, it pans out that she was never in a month of Sundays gonna purchase me a roor. So I had been into the shop earlier in the week, spoke to the girl about getting some discount, and then yesterday returned to pick up the beastie.

:- Sorry Scotty, didn't take you advice with regards to the straight bong...MY favourite bong was always the beaker type so this was the route I went down. It's 5mil glass, with a 18m bowl, but I was also given a slide and smaller bowl from my good bud, who also said that these American style bowls are not available anymore over here, so quite stoked about that.

So here she is::hump:

Peace, DST
Beautiful! Bet you're impressed with the efficiency?

....No worries my beaker-loving friend, but I am curious... why
are you so dedicated to that much h20?


Well-Known Member
hey man! glad i could stop by and check out the sick set up(props man) even if i did get here way late...
i was lookin through the grow and i know this probably happened a while ago but im sorry ur moms house got broke into...my car was just i stolen and then my girls car got wrecked so i know the feelin.

on a lighter note...let me ask you? where do u go to get seeds? i know you said u went to that alien shop(i cant remember the name) that u grabbed that black jack from....but who do u usually go thro a specific company or?
Welcome Auto!! Good to have you on board our Green submarine. The Old Dear is slowly coming round to the loss of her jewelery...I still can't get my head roun dit, that's all they took (and they were selective as well, they even left some stuff behind - and NOTHING else was touched in the house!!) My Mum was carrying all the stuff she had on holiday around town with her she was so para about leaving it in the house.....just not good vibes.
As for cars, for the last 10 years I have only had company cars (cars are a pain) and now I got my bike, no car. I offset that against running 800+ watts of light everyday:mrgreen: I am green honest. Plus my girls suck up a lot of Carbon....
Seeds, withouth sounding like a c_nt, I have every seed shop I want in the Dam. My experience ordering with AlienGrowshop has not left me with a great taste in my mouth, so if I am purchasing more, then I will use the shops in town (DN, Sensi, Greenhous, Barneys, Dampkring, Sagamartha (you can call for a personal meeting) and so on and so on. Then there are guys that are doing there own thing as well, just not commercial. So yeh, that's what I have.
mangoo sounds goooood
It does, but the seed look sooooooo small. I am wondering if a plant can actually come out of these seeds.
Beautiful! Bet you're impressed with the efficiency?

....No worries my beaker-loving friend, but I am curious... why
are you so dedicated to that much h20?
I am an Octopus Scotty, I live under the sea......I need H2O:mrgreen:.

Okay, seriously, I have used the straight roor at the GA, and I have used the Beaker. I think the beaker is just right for me. I pull, pull, and fill right up. I think there is more space for smoke (I don't put that much water in it, it's just flatter on the bottom of the beaker), and then when brimming with smoke, lift my bowl and take a good oud lung full, clearing the chamber.
Other reasons I thought about (because I knew I would need to justify it to you china:mrgreen: lol) I am a dosy fekker, the beakers have more give if you knock them, they wobble back and forward and then correct themselves. A straight old girl, you knock it, that it's over.
Ergonomics, really, I just like the shape, it's more pleasing to the eye. The straight's, remind me of an underfed supermodel.....me like sporty and curvey.

But it's all good, just stoked to have it bru.

Peace, DST


Well-Known Member
Okay, so I have had one guess on what my new clones are. So if you all need some inticing, then so be it.

I will send whoever guesses the correct strain, 5 of my Headband seeds for you to experiment with. All you need to do is give me an address/po box to send them to and they will be yours. For free (it is Xmas after all:mrgreen:) OH, and of course you need to guess correctly.

So come on folks, here's the girls:


Well-Known Member
My guess is cannabis :|

Well it's you and, Jig in the running Mr West.

Guesses so far:
  1. Scottish Tramp
  2. Cannabis
  3. ????
And I really thought we had some innovative people on this site. Obviously only two innovative people on RIU.

I'll even give a prize to the funniest, most innovative quess.....just because it's Xmas. Who said the Scots where tight....

mr west

Well-Known Member

Well it's you and, Jig in the running Mr West.

Guesses so far:
  1. Scottish Tramp
  2. Cannabis
  3. ????
And I really thought we had some innovative people on this site. Obviously only two innovative people on RIU.

I'll even give a prize to the funniest, most innovative quess.....just because it's Xmas. Who said the Scots where tight....

I didnt know u was of the blue persurasion dst. My girlfriend is half scotts lol. Can i have another guess?


Well-Known Member
I didnt know u was of the blue persurasion dst. My girlfriend is half scotts lol. Can i have another guess?
That must be her best half then:mrgreen: lol.

Of course Mr W, there are two competitions now.

The funniest guess,
and then
The real guess.

So now I am giving away even more seeds. Santa McClaus here:mrgreen:

Oh, and if you want to submit another funny guess, go for it.....rules are there to be bent!!!!


Well-Known Member
is it one of thease here on this list?
lol, fekkin great list bru. But I have to dissapoint and say, nae. And which vote do you want this put in, the Real Guess, or The Funny guess? although Cannabis is your funny me thinks.

Sorry, must again, Great List. Gonna go back and have another butchers.


Well-Known Member
Theres one we use to get back in the late 80's, early 90's, NLa or Northern Light a. It was a women who bread that, it was cloned for over 6 years, then I lost touch with that crowd...

mr west

Well-Known Member
theres an old woman that grows in this area and shes crossed a blue cheese with something they call oldlady blue, It tastes fantastic but as yet not managed to snag a cut of it. Ill tempt her with a psychosis me thinks lol


Well-Known Member
Yesh, schmoked and noo ready fur the pub. But before I go.

This made me piss ma breaks....will post it up on Big P's funny thread, needs to be shared. Me finks in my stoned state.



Well-Known Member
Good guess GFK, like your thinking, keep em coming folks.....if ya can be ersed that is, after all, it's only free MJ beans.


Well-Known Member
Was out last night at a new place called the Green Light District. It's directly across from Central Station. A friend of mine is DJing there from time to time. It's got a strange interior (ships, fishing nets on the ceiling with seagulsl hanging precariously from them, and a seated area, that looks like the bridge of an old sail ship...then they play like jungle, bass, funk, dancey remixes, etc....quite streange. They also got Turkish ongs with the fruit stuff they smoke in them. They sell alcohol, and let you puff weed. Nice!!! Oh, and as I was sitting at the bar with my wife and our friend, I found an MJ seed. I was looking at it thinking, am I stoned, is this just a pip from an apple or something. But it's a fat little tiger stripped seed:mrgreen::hump:

So here's a few update pics I took yesterday.

Triple T is not looking good, but Thelma and Louise are going big guns. Def gonna take some cuttings of these girls.

The new mystery clones are in place and looking happy so far.

The Headband seedlings are no longer seedlings, and the Kushlings likewise, are turning into dirty little teenage trouble makers:mrgreen:



Couple O Cali O's, they are also looking okay.

I have put 3 Mangos, 1 Blackjack, and 1 NY47 into the germination process.

And an overhead:

Peace, DST

