jeff f
New Member
oh, and you're = you are
he is NOT a bigot. he just hates jews and christians.....nothing to see here.

oh, and you're = you are
As my title states- this should be a manditory read in schools. Especially Collages and Universities.
+rep +rep +rep!!
" i don't understand the relevance of you're zionist jew propaganda piece...."
The reason why you do not understand is simple- you lack the ability to Judge without bias. And your comprehension skills are very poor.
Your very first sentence said it all. And the rest proved you comprehended nothing that was being presented.
Your only intent was to show everyone that you hate Jews and how we are wrong while failing to see what is right and good.
You need to stop wearing your ass as a hat and using your heart for hate.
oh, and you're = you are
Bigotry comes in many forms..... red has shown his. No surprise there.
and guess what?? the entire world was against Israel slaughtering the Palestinians because they were wrong, the jews won't admit it though.... that land was originally a Palestinian place, and the palestines are willing to negotiate a treaty that will create a dual-state, that can co-exist in peace.... but Israel is too greedy, they want that land for themselves, history will not be kind to them..... yet you blindly defend them as 'decent'....
so give them the land and they will stop lobbing bombs into isreal? only problem with that is they (hezbollah) says it wont stop. hmmm what to do now?
your theory is not supported by any actions that the palistinians have done or stated. pretty much divorced from reality.
No, it's about NOT giving in to terrorism. You seem to adopt terrorism if it fits ur world view. I don't condone terrorism in any fashion.
It's wrong and should NEVER be rewarded.
The USA did not commit terrorism.
you're woefully misinformed.
The United States government has never commited terrorism?
Is that the claim you're making?
by your definition of terrorism or the actual definition of terrorism?
by yours, pretty much all i have to do is wake up and put gas in my truck, heat my house, run a business, make a profit and employ people. BAM i am a terrorist.
by the real meaning of the word? not so much.
almost forgot, if i go to church then that makes me a terrorist real fast in your bubble of a world.
by your definition of terrorism or the actual definition of terrorism?
by yours, pretty much all i have to do is wake up and put gas in my truck, heat my house, run a business, make a profit and employ people. BAM i am a terrorist.
by the real meaning of the word? not so much.
almost forgot, if i go to church then that makes me a terrorist real fast in your bubble of a world.
S: (n) terrorism, act of terrorism, terrorist act (the calculated use of violence (or the threat of violence) against civilians in order to attain goals that are political or religious or ideological in nature; this is done through intimidation or coercion or instilling fear)
CIVILIANS ... u CONVENIENTLY left that one out. That puts it back into the CORRECT perspective.
Israel and the USA just dropped off the list.
Who's left?![]()
LOL! jeff f has been kicking butts and taking names around here!
you're not giving in to 'terrorism' you have created a myth called 'terrorism' while you don't even know what it is...
what the palestinians are doing is not terrorism
so lobbing bombs into random neighorhoods, thats NOT terrorism?
climbig on a bus with a bomb straped to you chest, that is NOT terrorism?
sending children too school and then remotely detonating the child, thats NOT terrorism?
but the jewish guy who kills the man responsible for the above actions, he IS a terrorist?
is this how you define terrorist? thought so.
you are a fool and its easy getting you to point that out. you should be the poster child for free speach. an ass will always reveal himself if given time to speak.
good job!