jeff f
New Member
Nothing wrong with being opinionated but seriously, everybody thinks that THEY are more open to things. I agree with you that the govt. is fucked up but is more govt. the answer? I tend to think it's the problem. I'm all with you on eliminating govt. agencies which aren't working too. History should be our teacher. When govts get too big and have too much influence in its citizens' lives it's never a good thing. We are losing liberties at an alarming rate and some of the things you mention are doorways to more govt. control in our lives. I would like to see healthcare fixed but how can you justify govt. control when you don't even trust your own country to defend you. You hate the military, you hate the CIA. How can you like the idea of govt controlling your healthcare? You are a very confusing individual.![]()
i have to agree, he is confused

but i will give it to him, his beliefs guide him. he isnt like a couple others in here who are just a bunch of american hating dicks. they havent even thought out their positions but parrot talking points of other american hating dicks. med gets beyond the talking points and into the intellect of the arguments.
dont get me wrong, he is still way fucking wrong but i give him credit