chitown is a goof. I lmao when he started rapping. Shep you know your shit (Y)
Yea, it sorta sounds like that guy is on a bad path...if your defending recreational heroin use, that can't be good...almost like saying "stepping in front of a speeding dump truck is okay now and then."
ok final stance on dope is.... its no good people shouldnt use it!!! but people do. and someone needs to sell it, and there giving waaaaay waaaaaaaay waaaaaaay to much time for heron..... in this state if you get caught tryna sell over 15 grams its 6-30 years. and noone ever gets the min. its always like 9 and up!!!. 15 grams isnt shit!!!!
same sceduaeling has coke, but they usually go more twords the min. sentencing guidelines for yay esp powder. in this state heroin is the main problem. more feinds here in chicago then in any other state.
what a muppet, bragging about selling fucking smack and fucking peoples lifes up.
your my hero!
chitown is a GIANT tool and some of the worst scum of the world.
yeah rep up the heroin dealer top bloke, salt of the earth mate.
Remember, salt is vital for survival.
Geez, since when was this thread suppose to be about chi?( insert sarcasm)
I followed this thread from page 1 , I must say it is quite the read but why? This was not what op wanted so why let it go there?
First off, Im going to go out on a limb here and say your a complete idiot. Ignore anything is idiot says from that sentence forward.
Holy shit, the words of wisdom! Why the fuck cant people get this through there head. Im going to make this as basic and simple as possible. If we live in America to be "free", why cant we be free to choose which substances we put into our bodies? Now me? I dont do drugs. I smoke pot, and mostly for medicinal purposes, but a little euphoria never hurt anybody.
More or less, legalize and tax all drugs, allow people to do what they please with themselves.
I would +rep ya chitown, but it wont let me currently
Keep blazin everyone![]()