Oh Goodie! ... More on 911 (inside job) :)

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This is the kind of post that reflects the author is coming in at the end.... read the pages...it's ALL been explained FULLY.... over and over again.

It also shows, you haven't even BOTHERED to read the official report...which makes total sense.
I don't see how you can honestly watch Blueprint for Truth, like honestly watch it without instantly discarding the info, and not think twice about 9/11. Simple physics that a 10 year old can grasp which show the 3 towers were brought down via controlled demolition.

How do you explain the fact that the buildings fell at free-fall speed, not just for a split second either. They also fell symmetrically straight down into their own footprint (except of course for the top section of the tower that fell sideways hitting wtc7, but still had enough downward force to cause the lower 80% of the building to fall symmetrically at free fall speeds, and causing horrible fires that eventually brought the wtc7 building down symmetrically at free fall speeds.

Then theres the visual evidence including squibs coming from the bands you can see around the building which just happen to be the most heavily reinforced parts of the towers (the towers are 3 buildings stacked ontop of eachother. The joint, aka sky-lobby, must obviously bear a very heavy load. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5EbsGZcl2jk&feature=related but nah those aren't squibs its the air pressure bro!

Honestly though you can't argue the points made in Blueprint for Truth. Then once it finally dawns on you non-truthers that 9/11 was controlled by the US federal government and military, you will look into other political conspiracy theories from ages ago and realize not only is it highly possible for a secret society to be in control or planning to become in control, but that there has been for much longer than one may think and they have been slowly, with the world their stage, enacting their script. Many people have been murdered for speaking out against secret societies and warning of the potential they have to gain full control.

who asked canada? :roll:

go shovel your driveway. :-P

dude, it's NOT just missing the apostrophe. it is misspelled and we have gone over this before. it is a DIRECT reflection of your intelligence. you seem to be incapable of learning simple things. :sad:

Now Now FDD, you need to remember sentence structure. The beginning of a sentence will always be capitalized. Sometimes I think you do it on purpose just to show us all how stupid we really are, yourself included.
actually its the I before E bullshit that just confuses me as I am parcially dyslexic and I before E is not a true rule here some examples my "smart" freind

here just a coulpe for you to ponder my little buddy:-P
{list deleted}

so you can see for a person whos first language is was not english and the fact that I am somewhat dyslexic you can see how i got fucked by my teacher always telling me it I before E except after C

and drama I clearly stated I was too busy yesterday to debunk the rest, and that I would do it today,

dont be a lier and say things that are not true becuase you have your feeling obviously hurt,also dont put words in my mouth, as I catagotically spit them out in your face.

now let me see these clips and see what they are all about,

its funny you dont mention the first items that i already debunked off of GR's last post

what do you have to say about that blatent misinformation I already debunked, it was laughable

well let me know.

Well excuse me, I didn't realize you're vaginer was so full of sand and yeast. Next Im sure we will hear a story about how your teachers molested you and how your father was a hamster and your mother smelled of elder berries. Now go away before I Taunt you for a second time!

Now Now FDD, you need to remember sentence structure. The beginning of a sentence will always be capitalized. Sometimes I think you do it on purpose just to show us all how stupid we really are, yourself included.

yes, i do it on purpose. simply because i am LAZY. but at least i know how to spell.


i have this as a shirt actually the one that says New World Order

very first day i wore it i went to the doctor and while i was waiting this old woman came up to me whispering

"you know what"

*looks both ways and whispers*

"i think he is the anti christ"

it was so hard not to laugh
It does happen on occasion when the fingers are flying.......:lol:

But Keenly is an example of a person who is without a grammatical foundation worth emulating. It is a sign of education.

His response is basically.... whatever....which is the attitude of most ppl not schooled well.
It does happen on occasion when the fingers are flying.......:lol:

But Keenly is an example of a person who is without a grammatical foundation worth emulating. It is a sign of education.

His response is basically.... whatever....which is the attitude of most ppl not schooled well.

or your just a troll?

you know what taught me how to type? starcraft...

dont like the way a type? too bad, get over it, because its not going to change

just keep whining about it since thats all you can really do
or your just a troll?

you know what taught me how to type? starcraft...

dont like the way a type? too bad, get over it, because its not going to change

just keep whining about it since thats all you can really do

it's YOU'RE, jesus fucking christ. :wall:

i hope to god that was a joke. :-|
who asked canada? :roll:

go shovel your driveway. :-P


Nice try but you see Canadians are proud and won't take offense to childish comments like yours. If I didn't love my country I'd move, and I happen to love winter. I work outside everyday throughout. It helps you appreciate the warm weather when it comes.

Maybe you could reply to my post instead of acting like you are about to unveil what you brought to kindergarten today for show and tell. As far as your grammar concerns go, you know theres a screw loose when you end up pointing out your own short-comings while trying to do just that to someone else. Bottom line it's grammar, nobody cares, don't have a damn heart attack over it. So far your purpose in life seems to be irritating and instigating. I wonder how many of your posts are of any useful info.

Nice try but you see Canadians are proud and won't take offense to childish comments like yours. If I didn't love my country I'd move, and I happen to love winter. I work outside everyday throughout. It helps you appreciate the warm weather when it comes.

Maybe you could reply to my post instead of acting like you are about to unveil what you brought to kindergarten today for show and tell. As far as your grammar concerns go, you know theres a screw loose when you end up pointing out your own short-comings while trying to do just that to someone else. Bottom line it's grammar, nobody cares, don't have a damn heart attack over it. So far your purpose in life seems to be irritating and instigating. I wonder how many of your posts are of any useful info.


you all really need to lighten up. lol

another joke lost to lack of pot. i guess. :sad:
you all really need to lighten up. lol

another joke lost to lack of pot. i guess. :sad:

your joke was absolutely hilarious and I'm sure it was your sole intention to be funny.

this thread is about 9/11. I don't find genocide or your attempt at a joke to be funny. Doesn't matter which side of the movement you are on, you still look like an asshole and I wouldn't be surprised if you are creating arguments just to change the topic.:finger:
your joke was absolutely hilarious and I'm sure it was your sole intention to be funny.

this thread is about 9/11. I don't find genocide or your attempt at a joke to be funny. Doesn't matter which side of the movement you are on, you still look like an asshole and I wouldn't be surprised if you are creating arguments just to change the topic.:finger:

if i am, it's working. :clap::hump:
Ladies and gentlemen ... the 911 News ... here's a nice op ed for interested viewers ...

http://bigeye.com/911_would_government.htm9/11: Would Government?
When you grasp the WHY of 911 you will have less emotional resistance to discovering who murdered over 3,000 of our citizens. The late Aaron Russo's documentary videos offer a broad theory of the WHY. They need to be seen, although it seems unrealistic that a controlling oligarchy would risk employing technical expertise to execute 911. A more plausible theory, starting from CUI BONO, (Who Benefits? - the Latin starting argument in determining guilt) was propounded at the end of 2003 by Professor Paul J. Balles. Motive and benefit may be shared by both the guilty and the innocent. To accomplish as sophisticated an event as 911 requires means and opportunity, as well as motive (benefit).

Republicans unite to halt trials of alleged 9/11 plotters
US lawmakers Tuesday unveiled plans to block public funding for US-based trials involving Guantanamo detainees who are accused of plotting the September 11, 2001 attacks.
Republican lawmakers Frank Wolf and Lindsey Graham joined forces to introduce legislation which "would explicitly block this dangerous and wasteful trial from any domestic civilian court," Wolf said.
Webmaster's Commentary:
"Dangerous and wasteful"?!?
Dangerous for whom, and wasteful, in a country which is allegedly built on the principle of being a nation ruled by laws?
These men understand that the standards for proof toward a conviction are going to be far higher in a civilian court of law than they ever would be in a military tribunal.
Is it possible that some of these guys were just at the absolutely wrong place at the wrong time, were turned into American custody for a bounty, and were then tortured into confession, as was the case with Abdul Sheik Mohammed??
Of course, that is something these congressmen would never want the American people - or the world - to know.
That's why they're balking at any possibility of a civilian trial, which - if we actually believe in the American system of Justice - is what should be happening for every prisoner of war we are holding at Gitmo.

http://u2r2h.blogspot.com/2009/12/federal-judge-in-germany-numerous-911.html#ixzz0eOa6KkscFederal Judge in Germany: Numerous 9/11 Theories Screaming For Investigation
Question: Do you think the proposal of an independent 9/11 investigation to be realistic?
Judge Dieter Deiseroth:: I think the suggestion is reasonable and necessary. Because the official investigation is the central justification for the war ( "Operation Enduring Freedom") and for serious alterations of the U.S. legal system under the so-called homeland security legislation.

Here's an interesting report ... but isn't that why they use torture ... to gain false confessions of patsies, to cover up false flag operations ...

Much of 9/11 Commission’s Findings Cite Intelligence
Garnered by Torture

Much of 9/11 Commission’s Findings Cite Intelligence Garnered by Torture
Source: rawstory.com
Much of the material cited in the 9/11 Commission’s findings was derived from terror war detainees during brutal CIA interrogations authorized by the Bush administration, according to a Wednesday report.
“More than one-quarter of all footnotes in the 9/11 Report refer to CIA interrogations of al Qaeda operatives subjected to the now-controversial interrogation techniques,” writes former NBC producer Robert Windrem in The Daily Beast. “In fact, information derived from the interrogations was central to the 9/11 Report’s most critical chapters, those on the planning and execution of the attacks.”

... and that's all I have time for folks ... so good night and good news ... ;-):eyesmoke:

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