Is it really that hard....

The Lt.

I started this post because I am searching on line and it looks like we picked a hobby that is not really a cheap one! I am wondering does it really take something so special like a hydroponic set up or even HPS or Mh lights to produce good bud? I ask this because I remember back when I was in high school (I think it was like 9th or 10th grade.) I took a seed that I got out of one of the many 1/4 bags that I bought. Went to the garage and grabbed a shovel. I also snached one of my moms planter buckets. I scooped random dirt from the back yard in this thing and planted it then watered it. I took the bucket across the street to a factorys field and set the pot under a huge tree. The road tht this factory was on is not a busy one so I was not worryed about anyone seeing my little project. I forgot about it for over a month until my mom started asking where the planter bucket had gone. As a teenager I of course lied and told her I had no idea. That night I shot across the street and found my plant...all 3 feet of it! That right there proved to me that I could grow. So I guess that my question is...yea its all great but is all this great high priced gear as necessary as said? Now it don't matter to me because I did go and get the big lights and the hydro set up but come on...this is just a weed right lol. Now I know that the more gear the better the turn out. But with my next grow I will be setting a plant or to in a potter and putting it outside and forgetting about it. I would really like to see what would happen. I think that pending that I kept water on it I think that it would take right off?


Active Member
Outdoor is cheaper... don't need lights, just the sun.. :mrgreen:
If you want the best green you can get then you gunna want to invest a little, no hobby is free.. :lol:
Happy growing..



Well-Known Member
yes it's necessary and no it won't take off and become what your hoping unless you feed it nutrients.

The Lt.

I guess that the words "take off" maybe were not the right choice...I do think that it will grow with little or nothing invested. Granted like I said...I have the big lights and all that jazz. I was just thinking back when I was in school and how I dod nothing to that one plant however in that month it just shot up. Like I said I think that I am going to run another one like I did then just to see how it turns out. Figure if it dies well I am out nothing but if it lives...well FREEBEE lol.


Well-Known Member
I agree! I also see ur a MI caregiver, like myself. Its illegal to grow outdoors in MI. So if u value your privleges, I would advise against it. Imo. Good luck, smoke well..

Lil Czr

Well-Known Member
Provided you have a place to grow. It really doesn't take that much to start up a basic setup.

You could build yourself a small 2-3 plant CFL grow.

Get a decent fan, some plywood, 5 or 6 lamp cords and 23 watt CFL's (100 watt equivalent and mix up the spectrum), some decent soil and pots and you're in business.

If you had the seed already, you could probably to a stripped down grow like this for a couple hundred bucks and build it up from there.

ripe fruit

anything indoors is going to cost money! when growing indoors we are trying to reinvent a sun, shorter grow cycles, and almost perfect wheather. with all those variables comes cost. my first setup costed me $500. 1 light, small exsaust fan, ballast , bulb, and some panda film. needless to say it was bag seed (not reaqlly good at all) and looked just as bad as the shit i got in the bag. i ended up trashing it all and waiting several months before i tried again with clones and bam! got some beautiful shit. actually the nicest looking i have grown since. not much on quanity. but who cared it was an acheivment!



Well-Known Member
The difference, is that plant outdoors got sunshine. No light, no matter how big, can ever really replicate the sun. Obviously, the sun is free. Try the same thing indoors - backyard dirt, minimal lighting - see what happens. The biggest expense for indoor growers is the lighting - get past that, and it isn't that bad.


my first indoor setup was retarded ghetto.... just a piece of a room, sectioned off with 2x4s and paneling, and a 400w mh that i got for $75.... In all, i only spent about $100 on the setup and nutes, as i used miracle grow... got almost 2ozs out of it the first time around.....

Now i've recently upgraded my setup, after a little break from growing, to about $1100 worth of stuff (actual tent, fans, hps, carbon filter, etc) and it surely looks like it will be paying off here soon:eyesmoke:

Point being, you dont have to spend a shitload of money on it.... learn to grow first.... If you know how to grow, then spend some money equipment:mrgreen:.... a shitload of fancy gear doesnt guarantee a good grow


Active Member
If you just want to grow some good personal smoke a few cfls in a small area will give you good results. I've noticed that a lot of the growers here are elitist and are afraid to experiment. Use what works for your own goals.


Well-Known Member
I grow outside every year with bagseed. i just go around and find stuff to compost like leaves ,decomposed road kill, seaweed,fish scrap,and ect. This gives me a medium to grow in and i also use the compost to make a tea. the small patch (about fifty plants) usually cost me nothing and gives me a couple pounds of really nice bud. The key is not to walk away from your patch but to take care of it like a newborn. Ive seen people spend thousands and come up with nothin but burnt tops. You cant be tryin to grow just for the money you have to love the plant and it will love you back. Oh and if you live anywhere near horses the best stuff you can get is composted manure and shavings out of the stalls. I have used this alone with just sunshine/regular watering and averaged six to eight ounces per plant with good bagseed. Look into how they grow in poorer regions of the world. They make beautiful plants for nothing.

The Lt.

I grow outside every year with bagseed. i just go around and find stuff to compost like leaves ,decomposed road kill, seaweed,fish scrap,and ect. This gives me a medium to grow in and i also use the compost to make a tea. the small patch (about fifty plants) usually cost me nothing and gives me a couple pounds of really nice bud. The key is not to walk away from your patch but to take care of it like a newborn. Ive seen people spend thousands and come up with nothin but burnt tops. You cant be tryin to grow just for the money you have to love the plant and it will love you back. Oh and if you live anywhere near horses the best stuff you can get is composted manure and shavings out of the stalls. I have used this alone with just sunshine/regular watering and averaged six to eight ounces per plant with good bagseed. Look into how they grow in poorer regions of the world. They make beautiful plants for nothing.
Well said...