The Lt.
I started this post because I am searching on line and it looks like we picked a hobby that is not really a cheap one! I am wondering does it really take something so special like a hydroponic set up or even HPS or Mh lights to produce good bud? I ask this because I remember back when I was in high school (I think it was like 9th or 10th grade.) I took a seed that I got out of one of the many 1/4 bags that I bought. Went to the garage and grabbed a shovel. I also snached one of my moms planter buckets. I scooped random dirt from the back yard in this thing and planted it then watered it. I took the bucket across the street to a factorys field and set the pot under a huge tree. The road tht this factory was on is not a busy one so I was not worryed about anyone seeing my little project. I forgot about it for over a month until my mom started asking where the planter bucket had gone. As a teenager I of course lied and told her I had no idea. That night I shot across the street and found my plant...all 3 feet of it! That right there proved to me that I could grow. So I guess that my question is...yea its all great but is all this great high priced gear as necessary as said? Now it don't matter to me because I did go and get the big lights and the hydro set up but come on...this is just a weed right lol. Now I know that the more gear the better the turn out. But with my next grow I will be setting a plant or to in a potter and putting it outside and forgetting about it. I would really like to see what would happen. I think that pending that I kept water on it I think that it would take right off?