jeff f
New Member
it would have been a lot easier doc if you would have just said, "you get an A for reading". it sounds like he read that verbatem out of the handbook. i counted about 7 extra point words too. right wing, hitler, nazi,apologist, teabag, ultra right wing. plus he mentions the money she made. dummy doesnt even know she didnt keep any of the money.Get yer facts straight there buddy. I am not a right wing apologist. I am an independent/libertarian. I chime in on some of these threads and stand up for the right because I see a lot of misguided lefties who are just so eager to stroke Obama's bothers me. I'm not now, nor have I ever been a Palin supporter. Show me a post where I'm making excuses for her. I am not republican nor am I a teabagger. I think for myself and when I see a flaw with conservative thought I point it out. When I see a flaw with liberal thought I point it out. Just so happens there is a lot more flaws with liberal thought around here IMO. I do tend to side with the conservatives on economic issues I will admit. Before you go making irresponsible statements like this one you should get your facts straight my friend.![]()
its way easier reading than it is thinking