3 weeks from seed-Easy Ryder


Well-Known Member
Dam i guess the LST is working out nicely then. Do you anticipate that they will get any bigger vertically? I am going to start a PC case grow this weekend and I'm looking for strains that will fit. Do you think i could swing two of these babies in a PC case?

Good luck with your harvest,
I don't think it will get an bigger vertically. I know for sure that you can keep 2 lowryder's in a PC case from seed to harvest. Check out crazytrain14's grow in his signature, he started out with 4 Lowryder #1's and ended up with 2 at harvest in his PC case.


Well-Known Member
yeh im gonna fit 2 in my box as well i have a scrog screen so ill have
more room for fat buds...just gotta find my cam so i can get some damn pics up


Well-Known Member
Earlier today I cut off a branch from the Easy Ryder and I am drying and doing a water cure on the nug that I got off of it. The wet weight of the branch was 12.2g's I will let you guys know how she smokes in about a week.:eyesmoke: I have noticed a dramatic change with the Easy Ryder, almost all of it's pistils have turned orange and the buds just seem to be getting bigger. Also most of the fan leaves are dying. I am estimating one week untill harvest at 10 weeks.:weed:
The California Hash Plant has also done a lot of growing, but in the vertical direction. I have noticed the fan leaves are getting wider. The California Hash Plant has not showed sex yet.



Well-Known Member
cant wait until the smoke report on the easy ryder! she lookin good, i've read about water cure but never actually done it curious to see how that goes too! the cali hash is gettin big....pray for a female!


Well-Known Member
cant wait until the smoke report on the easy ryder! she lookin good, i've read about water cure but never actually done it curious to see how that goes too! the cali hash is gettin big....pray for a female!
I'm hoping the water cured bud turns out good, this is my first time trying it. I will post the smoke report sometime after this weekend.



Well-Known Member
what up cloud,

stuff is looking good man. I got an o of some regs for rollin J's a few weeks ago and thought i would try water cure a quarter of it. so i did. let it sit in a mason jar for 7 days poured out the water and put new water in everyday. man you wouldn't believe how gross the water got lol got a real dark green color almost brown. it was 7 grams wheni put it in and after it came out it was around 5.5 so lost some weight but the smoke compared to what was not water cured was aslot better, but then again it was just schwagg lol. i'm interested to hear how it goes with dank.

peace buddy


Well-Known Member
what up cloud,

stuff is looking good man. I got an o of some regs for rollin J's a few weeks ago and thought i would try water cure a quarter of it. so i did. let it sit in a mason jar for 7 days poured out the water and put new water in everyday. man you wouldn't believe how gross the water got lol got a real dark green color almost brown. it was 7 grams wheni put it in and after it came out it was around 5.5 so lost some weight but the smoke compared to what was not water cured was aslot better, but then again it was just schwagg lol. i'm interested to hear how it goes with dank.

peace buddy
Thanks for stopping by, the water cure is going good. I'm not seeing any dark colored water, I'm guessing that is a good thing. I will let everyone know how the water curing went when finished. Untill then keep rollin'



Well-Known Member
Since the last update I have finished the water cure and I have chopped the rest of the Easy Ryder. The first pics are of the small buds of the cola I chopped earlier and water cured. I am now hang drying the rest of the Easy Ryder, the wet weight was 62.7g.

The California Hash Plant showed its sex two days ago, it's a girl! It has now grown to about 1.5ft, I will give you a correct measurement on the next update. Also the fan leaves are very broad and are the size of my hand with fingers spread. The California Hash Plant has had two waterings with 1/2 strength bloom nutes from Fox Farms. On the next watering it will get full strength nutes.

I want to let the water cured bud cure in a jar for a little while, maybe a week or two, untill it gets smoked and I will write a smoke report after. Just to let you guys know it weighed out at 2.1g.

Talk to you guys soon.



Active Member
Mate your grow looked sooo good, mines just started basically, ones 5 days and the others 2 days, Im thinking i will LST one of the plants considering the success you've had, and then if the other does get too tall I can chop it and I'll still have the LST'd one.

Would 'preciate your support on my grow if you can spare the moments. Just curious, how pungent was the smell during flowering?

Cheers man, much respect +rep!!


Well-Known Member
Mate your grow looked sooo good, mines just started basically, ones 5 days and the others 2 days, Im thinking i will LST one of the plants considering the success you've had, and then if the other does get too tall I can chop it and I'll still have the LST'd one.

Would 'preciate your support on my grow if you can spare the moments. Just curious, how pungent was the smell during flowering?

Cheers man, much respect +rep!!
You won't have to worry to much about LSTing, and the smell wasn't too bad, you know it did smell a little lemony. I didn't have a filter and it was in a personal bathroom sink cabinet.

I will be sure to check back on your grow frequently.


Well-Known Member
The buds have finished drying and were put into jars for curing. The dry weight was 13.6g, just under a half O. I will have an update tomorrow of the Cali Hash Plant with pics.


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, just wanted to let you know that I am enjoying every bit of the Easy Ryder. The California Hash Plant is now 1 week and 1 day into flowering and is starting to show quite a bit of pistils on the bud sites. I can't believe it but the plant is nearing 2 ft tall. I really hope that this plant will get close to an ounce of bud when finished, but you never know. I am having some issues with the temp. I have one 4 inch computer fan as the exaust and have a passive intake. My only concern is the high pitch sound that the fans make. It would only become worse if I doubled the exaust fans, but I will see what I can do.

Here's some pics.



Well-Known Member
yo cloud. how bout some pics of the dry easyryder?? and when ya guna pop those purple gems?

peace bro
I have looked for the pics on the hardrive, but it seems they didnt upload or they were deleted somehow. I will start those seeds as soon as it warms up out here in the south east. It's been cold lately,but it seems like we will start seeing warmer weather.


Active Member
South East? UK? I'm in Kent.... shan't disclose too much more... nor do i expect you to... but i got a couple seeds, and a couple bagseed im gonna plant outside... got a perfect spot... when you thinking of doing it? I read its end of May, April time....
