Sarah's 7th grade cheat skills


Well-Known Member
i really dont get this

a) why do people really care what a governor of alaska thinks (this is for both sides)

b) why is the left so hell bent on trying to discredit her through stupid personal attacks? its the same as the right and obamas teleprompter shit. who the fuck really cares if she uses a 4th grade tactic of looking at her hand to remind her of a point. her words are still her own, judge her stances and points. honestly it just adds to her strength for the right, the more you discuss her. even "negative" press is good, especially if that press is from your blatant opposition. just intensifys the support from the right for the left to keep bringing her up

c) this is so not news worthy

anyone care to argue against my points here? im not even trolling, just doped up on cold medicine and sleep deprivation, but i think these are all good points to be honest


Well-Known Member
i really dont get this

a) why do people really care what a governor of alaska thinks (this is for both sides)

b) why is the left so hell bent on trying to discredit her through stupid personal attacks? its the same as the right and obamas teleprompter shit. who the fuck really cares if she uses a 4th grade tactic of looking at her hand to remind her of a point. her words are still her own, judge her stances and points. honestly it just adds to her strength for the right, the more you discuss her. even "negative" press is good, especially if that press is from your blatant opposition. just intensifys the support from the right for the left to keep bringing her up

c) this is so not news worthy

anyone care to argue against my points here? im not even trolling, just doped up on cold medicine and sleep deprivation, but i think these are all good points to be honest
She ain't the governor of Alaska anymore bro. :eyesmoke:

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
i really dont get this

a) why do people really care what a governor of alaska thinks (this is for both sides)

b) why is the left so hell bent on trying to discredit her through stupid personal attacks? its the same as the right and obamas teleprompter shit. who the fuck really cares if she uses a 4th grade tactic of looking at her hand to remind her of a point. her words are still her own, judge her stances and points. honestly it just adds to her strength for the right, the more you discuss her. even "negative" press is good, especially if that press is from your blatant opposition. just intensifys the support from the right for the left to keep bringing her up

c) this is so not news worthy

anyone care to argue against my points here? im not even trolling, just doped up on cold medicine and sleep deprivation, but i think these are all good points to be honest
the thing is noone cares, left or right
the problem is everyone who talks on tv uses promtors of some kind
thats why it was more or a "pot calling the kettle black moment then anything else if you look at the speach she just did , she also was looking down at the podium- she doing the same thing that made mccain and her loose in the first pace which is attacking obama, he do not even say her name , why must she keep bringing him up, maybe if she would not have brought him up people would not be look ing at what she did....... nah , i take that back it still was tacky as hell, just use the gat dam promtor,, but now she can never use one, -dont let you mouth right a check your ass cant cash-

look how much she looks down and reads off the paper
she even stumbles over words the way people do when reading
if it in your memory you dont have to look down



New Member
Meghan McCain is a professed Republican PROGRESSIVE, as is her father. She is on record stating exactly that. Sarah Palin and the TEA Party movement are exactly the opposite of the Progressive Movement. Folks like Sarah Palin, Michele Bachmann, etal, are espousing limited powers for the central government, a return of powers to the states and binding the federal government by the chains set forth in the Constitution. Anyone who thinks the Progressives aren't scared shitless by the freedom movement set forth by the likes of Sarah Palin and others in the TEA Party movement are awfully naive in my opinion. And whom ever believes that the TEA Party movement is only made up by "Old People," is so far out of touch its laughable. The TEA Party movement is made up of ordinary Americans, most of whom are completely fed up with an out of control government that is spending future generations into bankruptcy.

I've said it many times here in this forum: Underestimate Sarah Palin at your peril. The woman may not, and probably will not run for office again ... but she has wide appeal in Middle America, and it is these folks who get politicians elected. How's the Kennedy dynasty doing these days? :lol:


Well-Known Member
Meghan McCain is a professed Republican PROGRESSIVE, as is her father. She is on record stating exactly that. Sarah Palin and the TEA Party movement are exactly the opposite of the Progressive Movement. Folks like Sarah Palin, Michele Bachmann, etal, are espousing limited powers for the central government, a return of powers to the states and binding the federal government by the chains set forth in the Constitution. Anyone who thinks the Progressives aren't scared shitless by the freedom movement set forth by the likes of Sarah Palin and others in the TEA Party movement are awfully naive in my opinion. And whom ever believes that the TEA Party movement is only made up by "Old People," is so far out of touch its laughable. The TEA Party movement is made up of ordinary Americans, most of whom are completely fed up with an out of control government that is spending future generations into bankruptcy.

I've said it many times here in this forum: Underestimate Sarah Palin at your peril. The woman may not, and probably will not run for office again ... but she has wide appeal in Middle America, and it is these folks who get politicians elected. How's the Kennedy dynasty doing these days? :lol:
I've never been one to join "movements" and I wanted to see what the tea parties were all about before I went to a rally. If they are all about smaller govt. I like it already. :bigjoint:


New Member
I've never been one to join "movements" and I wanted to see what the tea parties were all about before I went to a rally. If they are all about smaller govt. I like i already. :bigjoint:
So does this mean that we'll be seeing you at a rally, doc? :)

Illegal Smile

Palin is like a wide receiver that has to be double covered. She may never have the ball thrown to her, but she will create opportunities for others.


Well-Known Member
Sarah is a dumb broad who we enjoy making fun of everytime she opens her mouth...I used to make fun of the greeters at Wal Mart until my wife told me "you going to hell for that"...Never meant I was afraid of them.

Illegal Smile

It doesn't matter whether libs fear Palin or recognize her as a threat or anything else. There's nothing they can do about it anyway. She'll either have no impact over the next year and drift away, or she will have major impact for many years. We'll see.


Well-Known Member
I predict that she will try and run and screw you guys over bad.....She will either run on the Rep. ticket or run on a new tea party movement ticket ....either way is bad news for Republicans ..... so hell yes I will do my job to encourage her to run...about to send her another email encouraging her to do so ( as I'm sure others are doing as well)


Well-Known Member
Sarah is obviously not the most intelligent person. However, I think she is honest and would truly work for the American people, not the American Gov't. Would you rather have intelligent dis-honest politicians, like Obama, or less intelligent but honest politicians in WA. I just wish there were politicians that really cared about America and the people. There is too much bullshit in politics, government is way too big.


Active Member
Poll no present to Palin on her birthday

Washington (CNN) - As Sarah Palin marks her birthday, a new national poll indicates that 7 out of 10 Americans feel that she is not qualified to be president.
According to an ABC News/Washington Post survey, 71 percent of the public say the former Alaska governor is not qualified to serve in the White House

jeff f

New Member
Poll no present to Palin on her birthday

Washington (CNN) - As Sarah Palin marks her birthday, a new national poll indicates that 7 out of 10 Americans feel that she is not qualified to be president.
According to an ABC News/Washington Post survey, 71 percent of the public say the former Alaska governor is not qualified to serve in the White House
yes, we all know how accurate polls are 2 and a half years from the next election...:dunce:

i dont know if she will end up runnig or not, but i do know there isnt a stadium in the free world big enough to hold the crowds she draws.

she is having major impact on the arguments of the day and she is driving the libs nutty. in other words, ALL GOOD :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
actually as usually you are wrong..but with Palin how much is it really to say ????? I just hope she runs or if not take her azz back to Alaska u betcha ;-) ;-):roll: