actually i could, but its clear your incapable of listening/comprehending and i wouldn't bother wasting my time
actually i could, but its clear you incapable of listening and i wouldn't bother wasting my time
Finally an educated post... in the sense you would be wasting your time, and mine... for I only listen to those who are meant to be listened to, and you are not one of them.
or he will drop the ball , and be neglectfull - "look son i dont believe in work, " this is how he thinksStop the flame war. Would you still feel this way OP if you had starving children? Sometimes you don't care what it is, you need money. Sympathy and empathy doesn't feed anyone, either do discussions. I think everyone in this thread is educated. I have my GED, by the way. It didn't teach me responsibility. When someone depends on you, you will understand..
I don't respect American Society at-large. I think it's a Corporatist, conformist, cult of douchebags. Everything is fake. The thought of putting on a suit and going to a campus interview with a fake smile and sales pitch makes me want to puke in my soup. I'd defend these claims but that's more a political section thread.
Accepting these things as true, how do I get by? I'm struggling finding the motivation to do well in one of the more traditional majors in college because I genuinely don't believe in the work most of the companies I could interview for will be doing. What's more, I know I will hate the day-to-day. I don't want to be one of these guys who just settles and hates his entire working life, while going home knowing that he compromised his values all day long.
But I don't have an exit strategy. I can't find an escape. An outlet. A financial societal bypass.
I know this is a bit rambling. I apologize; I've been up all night, again, wracking my brain, trying to figure out how I can make some sense of all this. I'm so fucking lost. I feel like I'm already in debt and I better hurry up and conform and becoming an accounting major, but I know I'd hate my job doing so.
Thanks for reading.
this kind of thinking is not new - you really think someone is going to let you keep land and live off of it for free and just set on your ass all day smokin and fuckin .........I believe that the society we live in is the way it is because we have let it turn into what it is since human kind was created. Honestly I'm down to move far far away and start a new civilization where all we do is chill and smoke weed. Who's down?
this kind of thinking is not new - you really think someone is going to let you keep land and live off of it for free and just set on your ass all day smokin and fuckin .........
see this is what happen to the native american and african's, they sat around with that "let all stay high and live off the land and whats ours is everyones, and whats everyones is ours, and we are all related, we're all brothers and sisters, and you see what happen to them
one is all but extinct with no ownership of there land and the other ended up slave's with no connection to who they once were or there land
you guys live in a dream
and nothing come to a dreamer but a nightmere
us (blacks) and the NA where far too trusting we thought much like these kids on here eveything is free and we all eat of one pot - this is why when the white man first showed himself we were blow away by the tech. that he brought with him- we were so content with what we had we had no reason to advance are tech, so bows n arrows were meet with large ships and guns - that was our weakness. we laid around getting lifted tring to be spirtural - so we welcomed the enemy in to our village with open arms only to wake up in chains or dead after a long night of smoking and drinkingIt's the white mans fault...
and that's 100% fact.
He thought the land belonged to him, and that he could own it, and control others who live on his land... of course, that way of thinking has turned into reality and it's sad.
now aside from placing blame, i can partly agree with this the humans on this planet needs to find a way to merge as one. time is running outYea you beat me too it. White mans greed fucked that shit up.
If everyone came together at one point - the entire world and decided to use technology to further quality of life and not profits the world would be way ahead of its time. There is enough resources and technology to eliminate 90% of jobs. To power the entire world on renewable energies. The fact that we live in a Monetary society we will always be slaves to the numbers. In a technology based society all you need is innovation. Education and quality of life are valued and naturally developed heavily. Motivation changes from getting money to get by to creating new technology to be shared by all - pride and self worth. There would be no need for large government as they do nothing for a technology based society. They are not technicians - they do not produce technology. With the majority of jobs replaced by technology aka robots and such automation you can see how it is a "freeing" society whereas the society ruled by money enslaves with debt and forces scarcity upon those in the society. I will also argue that most crimes are caused or aggravated by money.
The Indians truly had it right. They understood. But then the greed came a blight upon the land and raped the land. And they called the Indians savages...Ironic.
I don't respect American Society at-large. I think it's a Corporatist, conformist, cult of douchebags. Everything is fake. The thought of putting on a suit and going to a campus interview with a fake smile and sales pitch makes me want to puke in my soup. I'd defend these claims but that's more a political section thread.
Accepting these things as true, how do I get by? I'm struggling finding the motivation to do well in one of the more traditional majors in college because I genuinely don't believe in the work most of the companies I could interview for will be doing. What's more, I know I will hate the day-to-day. I don't want to be one of these guys who just settles and hates his entire working life, while going home knowing that he compromised his values all day long.
But I don't have an exit strategy. I can't find an escape. An outlet. A financial societal bypass.
I know this is a bit rambling. I apologize; I've been up all night, again, wracking my brain, trying to figure out how I can make some sense of all this. I'm so fucking lost. I feel like I'm already in debt and I better hurry up and conform and becoming an accounting major, but I know I'd hate my job doing so.
Thanks for reading.
lol good shit.Crime is the only way.
Here's to hoping 2012 wipes us all out.
...umm...And as for your conspiracies, they mean nothing to me... so you can keep them to yourself.
Consider yourself a "drone" of the conspiracy theorists propaganda machine... so laughable!
Like I said, here's to hoping 2012 sends humanity to another place and restores the earth (eventually) to it's natural beauty... I wish I could be on this world to see it.
Enjoy worrying about what the future of this earth holds, your theories and fear mongering do not frighten me, nor enlighten me, as I already am familiar with world events and have made my plans, and made my bed... now I will lie in it.
this kind of thinking is not new - you really think someone is going to let you keep land and live off of it for free and just set on your ass all day smokin and fuckin .........
see this is what happen to the native american and african's, they sat around with that "let all stay high and live off the land and whats ours is everyones, and whats everyones is ours, and we are all related, we're all brothers and sisters, and you see what happen to them
one is all but extinct with no ownership of there land and the other ended up slave's with no connection to who they once were or there land
you guys live in a dream
and nothing come to a dreamer but a nightmere
Lets all hold hands and sing..... Peace
Exactly!!unless you want to go all Thoreau
is everyone a fan of family guy"I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived."
~Henry David Thoreau