Is smoking marijuana morally wrong?

You're not at all wrong. Please don't take offense to my saying this...I am an ex-Catholic...went to church 6 days a week, confession.....the whole nine yards.

What I have always found in the Catholic faith and the way families internalize particular situations, is that there is this EXTREME and relentless guilt factor.

I'm with you. I'm COMPLETELY against abortion. At the same time, I do not feel "any" Christian is entitled to inflict their personal view upon individuals. God gave us free will....right or wrong.

What's "wrong" with MJ I ask? Is it causing you to steal? lie? manipulate? Are you suddenly a menace to society for partaking of the herb? There are SO, SO many legal drugs out there the Catholic church would never even dream of questioning.

Don't ever let anyone inflict guilt upon you for opting to smoke a "j" vs. popping some chemicals.

I dont get any kind of pressure as far as guilt is concerned in my church, mainly because since i dont think that smoking weed is wrong, i dont confess it.
I think the problem is that some people demonized cannabis for the last (who know how many years), so it becomes illegal. Is it because people in the bible uses alcohol that makes it ok to drink? Why is it ok because you get high from alcohol as well. It is just a accepted substance at the time the bible is written so it is all ok afterward. Where in the bible did it say that you should not smoke cannabis? Many old culture like China, India has been using cannabis as a medician for thousands of years, and in the last few hundreds of years the western culture decided it is illegal substance and it is evil, many people who has no understanding of cannabis will say it is evil because their predecessors said so. Many scientific study has shown cannabis can have many medicianal values and it is safer than alcohol. It is these dogma that makes your feel guilty, not cannabis itself.
Im a practicing catholic. I know about morals and what is right and wrong but im having issues with weed. Here is some issues that im dealing with on a personal level if anyone wants to join in feel free.

I know that to be good christian you have to abide by the laws but sometimes the laws are misconstrued. Lets take for example abortion. Abortion is legal but morally wrong. So just right there some laws are even wrong. So i think that marijuana even though its illigal is morally on the same page as drinking. Drinking in my opionion is worse than marijuana. you can get alcohol addiction, overdose on alcohol, impare your motor skills so severly that it kills other inocent people. just to name a few. Even our state is in dispute on the legality of marijuana and other states as well. Marijuana has just had this bad misconception that has led people to think that it is morally wrong when in all reality its not. I cant drink alcohol because im slightly allergic and have always smoked weed to aleve some issues i have like chronic pain. I guess im just looking for some reasurrance from my fellow tokers out there. My wife understands and has accepted the fact that im a smoker. She is a baptized and practicing catholic.

Am i wrong here?

oops mods please move this to the appropriate forums. sorry.

i personally dont believe in any prophets but i know people that are really committed to there religion and smoke weed, they tell me that its not morally wrong because the simple fact that it is natural and it hurts you in no way shape or form they use it for many reasons like meditate, and as medicine really its plain and simple the reason people would take as wrong thing cause of its past and how its been brought up and because its illegal. dont let the govt fool you, just cause its illegal its not a bad thing they just dont know any better, hope this helps you my good friend. :bigjoint:
evil and good dont really exist when it comes to god imo. its all in our mind. if god made humans in his image that would also mean god is also made of both good and evil. everything in creation came from within god right? that would mean evil also resided in god. right? if god truly is all merciful and all forgiving and all loving like they say why would he ever punish one of his children for all eternity just because they sinned or chose the *wrong religion*? man invented religion to control people, and it works. but god loves you no matter what.
Maybe you should ask all the millions of people whose lives have been ruined due to laws against marijuana that have been pushed by the 'moral christians'.
I think the problem is that some people demonized cannabis for the last (who know how many years), so it becomes illegal. Is it because people in the bible uses alcohol that makes it ok to drink? Why is it ok because you get high from alcohol as well. It is just a accepted substance at the time the bible is written so it is all ok afterward. Where in the bible did it say that you should not smoke cannabis? Many old culture like China, India has been using cannabis as a medician for thousands of years, and in the last few hundreds of years the western culture decided it is illegal substance and it is evil, many people who has no understanding of cannabis will say it is evil because their predecessors said so. Many scientific study has shown cannabis can have many medicianal values and it is safer than alcohol. It is these dogma that makes your feel guilty, not cannabis itself.

right its that dogma and stereotype that was instilled in my head when i was young that makes me feel guilty. Im am getting over that though.
i personally dont believe in any prophets but i know people that are really committed to there religion and smoke weed, they tell me that its not morally wrong because the simple fact that it is natural and it hurts you in no way shape or form they use it for many reasons like meditate, and as medicine really its plain and simple the reason people would take as wrong thing cause of its past and how its been brought up and because its illegal. dont let the govt fool you, just cause its illegal its not a bad thing they just dont know any better, hope this helps you my good friend. :bigjoint:

responses like this is why i posted this question, thanks.
I dont get any kind of pressure as far as guilt is concerned in my church, mainly because since i dont think that smoking weed is wrong, i dont confess it.

dude confess it who cares?

"Every moving thing that liveth shall be meat for you; even as the green herb have I given you all things." (Genesis 9:3).

"He causeth the grass to grow for the cattle, and herb for the service of man." --Psalms 104:14
Humans have been smoking pot since it has been growing or animals have ate it & i figuire it has been for awhile since it is still here. Did'nt drop out of the sky 1 day or was man made. Let us just make it a little better the next time around.
religion and politics is a never ending argument no onw ill ever be right no one will ever win. i only believe in peace and love. might not ever happen among the world but spreading it as much as possible im content.
actually i didnt mean this to be a religous discussion on catholism. I just wanted to discuss the morality of weed really. sorry.
Don't apologize. What they stated was entirely out of line and inappropriate. Hate to say it, but there are plenty who find "believers" insulting on this forum.
Some of us "weirdos" still exist however, LOL.
Seriously, no shame on my part...nor should there be on yours. :peace::peace::peace:
evil and good dont really exist when it comes to god imo. its all in our mind. if god made humans in his image that would also mean god is also made of both good and evil. everything in creation came from within god right? that would mean evil also resided in god. right? if god truly is all merciful and all forgiving and all loving like they say why would he ever punish one of his children for all eternity just because they sinned or chose the *wrong religion*? man invented religion to control people, and it works. but god loves you no matter what.

exactly. ever read ishmael by daniel quinn?
I only respect those who "really" believe in their religion and do good for "everyone"
and those who don't believe in any religion and do good for "everyone".
Wow this thread blew up. They always do though around these kinds of topics.

Anyway, Babs34 nailed it right on the head. As long as it does not change who you are...make you irresponsible or you wind up stealing/selling it to kids etc to support your habit then don't stress it. You are an adult in a free country. What you choose to use as a medication while in the confines of your own home is no one else's business..and they have no right to tell you otherwise.

As far as comparing cannabis to vicodin... did you know that about 1,000 people every year die from using aspirin (rye syndrome...extreme example, but still true)? How many people have died from smoking a bowl? It's not you who needs to rethink their moral values my friend. Quite the opposite.

I'd like to note that my extreme Christian kick lasted about 8 months or so before I couldn't turn my back on my friends because they didn't believe what I did. Even though they completely accepted my change of belief. Just could not justify leaving those behind who had been closer to me than some family members, helped me out when I was at my lowest points in life. To me, that does not show God's grace, love or mercy.

But damnit...thats another thread...
I consider myself agnostic but I will try to put your mind at ease.

1st: The bible says that god created everything on this earth.

2nd: The story about Adam and Eve eating an apple from the forbidden tree is a story about prohibition if I have ever heard. God prohibited Adam and Eve from eating the apples and not even god himself could stop two people from eating an apple from a tree, if god can't do it then what makes anyone think the government can stop anyone?

3rd: Most of the problems associated with marijuana come from prohibition itself. Prohibition forces people to buy it from the gangs instead of buying it legally. The government is essentially protecting the gangs business by not allowing legal competition.

4th: Marijuana has many legit uses, it increases appetite in cancer and hiv/aids patients. Its a very good muscle relaxant, it can relieve headaches, it helps patients with glaucoma, etc.

5th: It has never killed anyone and it less addictive than coffee.

The only bad thing marijuana does to most people is it makes it ok to be bored, and its when we are bored that we should be doing stuff to improve ourselves like learning guitar or reading, etc.