Is smoking marijuana morally wrong?

Morality is a personal persons morals are not necessarily the life rules for everyone...a pork chop is immoral to some.

If you are feeling guilty about smoking Cannabis...well maybe for your system of are being naughty.

Personally there is nothing immoral with smoking, or doing anything else you freaking want to do as long as it harms no one else.

Stealing liberty from citizens who use Cannabis is immoral...Killing and taxing in the name of a fairy tale...well I would consider that wrong as well!

Wrong site for that question! lol but agreed with everyone... addiction can come from anything weeds included... Habitually addicted not physically though opposed to heroin or others
I consider myself agnostic but I will try to put your mind at ease.

1st: The bible says that god created everything on this earth.

2nd: The story about Adam and Eve eating an apple from the forbidden tree is a story about prohibition if I have ever heard. God prohibited Adam and Eve from eating the apples and not even god himself could stop two people from eating an apple from a tree, if god can't do it then what makes anyone think the government can stop anyone?
Just a quick side note about the whole adam and eve thing.. Bit off topic... I remember my mum telling me that the apple was just metaphor for Eve seducing Adam into having sex...

That is why when God found them naked in the garden and they were ashamed, it was because of the act they had just performed, not because they just ate something they weren't supposed to..

Food for thought hay??

I was christened Catholic, but I am not a practicing Catholic...:-)

Marijuana should be left alone... The Govt should be as concerned with marijuana as they are with any other crop, and that is, is there going to be enough to go around...???That should be the limit of their concern...
You're not at all wrong. Please don't take offense to my saying this...I am an ex-Catholic...went to church 6 days a week, confession.....the whole nine yards.

What I have always found in the Catholic faith and the way families internalize particular situations, is that there is this EXTREME and relentless guilt factor.

I'm with you. I'm COMPLETELY against abortion. At the same time, I do not feel "any" Christian is entitled to inflict their personal view upon individuals. God gave us free will....right or wrong.

What's "wrong" with MJ I ask? Is it causing you to steal? lie? manipulate? Are you suddenly a menace to society for partaking of the herb? There are SO, SO many legal drugs out there the Catholic church would never even dream of questioning.

Don't ever let anyone inflict guilt upon you for opting to smoke a "j" vs. popping some chemicals.

Good Grief... I am a catholic and I take everything they say with a grain of salt... My relationship with Jesus and God has nothing to do with going to a building full of people getting together to kiss God's arse...

I speak to Jesus when I need to and he has blessed me with a good life... I thank him for it in my prayers... But NO WHERE DID JESUS TELL ME TO BRING UNWANTED CHILDREN INTO THE WORLD.... Abortion is science and the miracle of creation has been broken down into science also, otherwise we'd be having babies at bloody churches... Not every child is concieved in absolute love and perfect family unity and security... Get over yourself... ITS MY BODY and MY CHOICE.... Who is ANYONE TO TELL ME what to put into it, like Marijuana or be stuck with a pregnancy that wasn't wanted??? Do you know how many children are abused just because they were not wanted in the first place??? And their parents didn't have an option but to grin and bear it...?

You need to worry less about the Catholic Churchs opinion and work on your relationship with GOD and Jesus.. I don't go to Church, I had to at Catholic school, and hated that I was forced to go.. Religion is meant to be beautiful and expressive and full of love... Love for yourself and love for others, not doctrine and rules... Jesus didn't work like that...

Remember God sent Jesus to us, apparently, and he was preaching a different kind of word... not of punishment and fear but of love and acceptance and compassion..

By the way I've had two terminations (that's what they are called here) and I thanked God for getting me through both procedures.. And you know what? He saw fit to give those two children back to me, when I was with a man who made me feel ready to start a family... Does that mean I am going to hell?
dude im catholic, go to church every week but theres nothing wrong with smokin weed morally. people tried to give me shit for it. If a law is unjust, a man is not only right to disobey it, he is obligated to do so. - Thomas Jefferson
THANK YOU!!! I've been wondering which one of our founding fathers said that! Is that the exact quote?
this is a bit of a hard question to awnser, im going to ask you something, if weed never became illegal, if you had never heard anti-weed ads, would you think of it any different than tea or coffe coz they contain drugs aswell, and for a different argument on this topic, you have a ciggarete, you may become a smoker and die of a smoking related illness, the church sees this as ok, you have a glass of wine mayb once or twice a week, you may become addicted and literally destroy your life and even after recovery from the addiction live with permanent damage, the church sees this as ok, you smoke some weed and you eat 3 large pizzas and fall asleep, this is wrong? explain why exactly.
My 2 cents:
Everything in moderation is fine, it's only when something unproductive absorbs your life that it becomes a bad thing. This goes to encompass damn near everything including religion. I'm the kind of person that always has to look at all sides and find the counterarguments as well.

For instance, the argument that god gave us all fruit bearing seed to be meat. Well, does that mean that seeded crop is good and sinsemilla should be avoided? It's all just a bunch of Dogma or fine lines. As soon as someone can make you feel that what you are doing is questionable, then it's just the smallest effort or coercion on their part to make you feel guilt which is the main form of power that people typically try to gain.

We are told that we are made in God's image, having the capacity for emotions, free will and so many other things. As such, being in God's image that is, we desire to be admired or in power and then we are told that that is wrong therefore we are GUILTY. We are also told about Adamic sin, we are guilty and will die for a crime that someone else committed again teaching us from birth on that we are Guilty, and it all just continues on from there. It's all just a power play to make us bow to the will of whomever gets put in charge of us as they are placed there by some sovereign lord.

I'm definately the devil's advocate in this sense and if that offends some, I do apologize, But why is it that we never question the rulership of the one called GOD? If he is all loving, wise, just, and powerful, then why did satan and 33% of the sentient beings that had spent an undeterminable time with him, choose death over remaining servient to him? Does anyone ever question whether or not God is moral?

If you were place before a dictator that was proclaimed to be wise, just, loving, and powerful and he dictated to you that you should kill 185,000 Assyrians in one night with only the same warning that every nation that they had previously conquered had dictated just before their defeat, would you be willing to end the lives of 185,000 fathers, brothers, and sons because you were told to?

If a dictator with the same traits and following told you that we needed to cleanse the land of all infidels and social deviants by placing them in camps to construct weapons of death to be used on their brothers and sisters until they died from malnurishment, abuse and tyranny, would you obey if it meant your life or would you spit in his face and cherish your demise?

Simply because something or someone is put in front of you as a leader, does not mean that you should obey them. I believe that 1/3 of the angels fell because they opposed God on issues of morality. It is reasonable to me that a majority would remain loyal in order to continue it's existance and that's why he still has a following, not because of his self proclaimed traits.

The whole reason I bring all of this up on a thread about the morality of cannabis is to ask why you are even concerned with it's morality. Are you asking this because of someone else's dictated judgement on it is having an impact on your processes of morality? I believe that all issues of morality should be rhetorically answered by yourself. Not everything is black and white and you have to be the one to judge those gray areas. The bible says it's wrong to kill, but if killing someone meant saving your life and the lives of your family, then by all means pull that trigger. Be your own judge and stop posting questions that are only answerable by yourself.

Best of luck to you in your life and hope that this doesn't fall on completely deaf ears.
thats a hell of a post, it must of taken a long time to compose it. unfortunately I'm fairly certain the original poster and the people who were talking about it have all moved on and lost intrest, mainly cuz of all the arguing and people attacking the op. +rep for your great post, i hope im wrong but this thread is taking its last breaths right now. lol
:razz:I personally think that there is nothing wrong with easing your pain.I am believer in god and in most teachings say that he is big on forgiveness.If we are doing something wrong in his eyes I am sure that he would see fit to forgive us
I consider myself agnostic but I will try to put your mind at ease.

1st: The bible says that god created everything on this earth.

2nd: The story about Adam and Eve eating an apple from the forbidden tree is a story about prohibition if I have ever heard. God prohibited Adam and Eve from eating the apples and not even god himself could stop two people from eating an apple from a tree, if god can't do it then what makes anyone think the government can stop anyone?
Just a quick side note about the whole adam and eve thing.. Bit off topic... I remember my mum telling me that the apple was just metaphor for Eve seducing Adam into having sex...

That is why when God found them naked in the garden and they were ashamed, it was because of the act they had just performed, not because they just ate something they weren't supposed to..

Food for thought hay??

I was christened Catholic, but I am not a practicing Catholic...:-)

Marijuana should be left alone... The Govt should be as concerned with marijuana as they are with any other crop, and that is, is there going to be enough to go around...???That should be the limit of their concern...

I doubt your still subbed to this thread and I really don't mean to bash if it comes across as that, but God told Adam and Eve to "fill the earth and subdue it" How could they accomplish this without sex. The fact that you or anyone else took that information to include sex just illustrates how we will simply take someones word for something without putting any thought into it ourselves.

That metaphor makes me sad for humanity.
adam and eve is a perfect example of a women can get you to do anything she wants.. even if it means fucking over your god..


sarcasm.. but not a bad theory..
regardless the bible was written by people like you and I, a long time ago..

they needed someway to control the clueless.. and we still do today..
I am believer in god and in most teachings say that he is big on forgiveness.If we are doing something wrong in his eyes I am sure that he would see fit to forgive us

Probably...but take his name in smack about your shitty parents...think about screwing the neighbors wife...and this loving god will have you burn for an eternity:fire:

Diddling little boys evidently is cool...:wall:

The dude(ette) is all powerful...except when it comes to that darn devil dude, oh and evidently he really needs your cash;-)

dude confess it who cares?

"Every moving thing that liveth shall be meat for you; even as the green herb have I given you all things." (Genesis 9:3).

"He causeth the grass to grow for the cattle, and herb for the service of man." --Psalms 104:14

haha, its not wrong!!!
don't know if this link was posted already, but I thought it was quite interesting.

same thread but from the point of view of all catholics.
Thank's for the link.Amazing how many post there were so mis-informed. The person who posted it will cause brain damage, must be brain dead.:idea: lol Thank's again.:clap:Follow your heart with dignity,honesty & compassion.The rest will fall into place.