Well-Known Member
don't know if this link was posted already, but I thought it was quite interesting.
same thread but from the point of view of all catholics.
LOL, after having only read the following excerpt, I may have fun with this at a later time when I am feeling a little more rambunctious.
I think it's safe to assume that the person asking if smoking is moral never really seriously felt the need to ask....avatar says it for me anyway. Damn, that chick's ass is giving me a headache--up, down, up, down...kind of like while you are in church.
Everything is so SO methodical in the Catholic church. If you ever sit down and ask your priest if it's ok, I assure you he will tell you it is not.
This WAS funny!.and no offense to any Catholic (honestly)....I grew up VERY Catholic.
Re: Marijuana = Sinfull?
"We went out into the woods and smoked"

Have you ever notice that when we sin, or do something we really shouldn't be doing, we do it in darkness? We do it hidden from view of others and ourselves? If I commit murder am I going to do it at the mall in clear view of everyone else? Or do I do it some place not to be caught or seen? The tragedy now becomes when we find others in the darkness and we do the sin hidden together. The the next thing you know we are justifying our actions to some how make a wrong a right. "They were always so happy and always laughed when they were high and we all had a good time. As odd as it sounds they are all on the Honor Roll at school, too, and are considered upstanding young men and women by everyone. I take pride to be in their company."
We need to ask ourselves what we are truly doing. If smoking grass is not a sin, why do you hide? When you smoke grass are you not being intoxicated, or "high"? Being drunk is a sin, but getting stoned isn't? Please keep yourself in the light and run from the darkness, run to Christ.