Is smoking marijuana morally wrong?

don't know if this link was posted already, but I thought it was quite interesting.

same thread but from the point of view of all catholics.

LOL, after having only read the following excerpt, I may have fun with this at a later time when I am feeling a little more rambunctious.

I think it's safe to assume that the person asking if smoking is moral never really seriously felt the need to ask....avatar says it for me anyway. Damn, that chick's ass is giving me a headache--up, down, up, down...kind of like while you are in church.
Everything is so SO methodical in the Catholic church. If you ever sit down and ask your priest if it's ok, I assure you he will tell you it is not.

This WAS funny!.and no offense to any Catholic (honestly)....I grew up VERY Catholic.

Re: Marijuana = Sinfull?
"We went out into the woods and smoked"

Have you ever notice that when we sin, or do something we really shouldn't be doing, we do it in darkness? We do it hidden from view of others and ourselves? If I commit murder am I going to do it at the mall in clear view of everyone else? Or do I do it some place not to be caught or seen? The tragedy now becomes when we find others in the darkness and we do the sin hidden together. The the next thing you know we are justifying our actions to some how make a wrong a right. "They were always so happy and always laughed when they were high and we all had a good time. As odd as it sounds they are all on the Honor Roll at school, too, and are considered upstanding young men and women by everyone. I take pride to be in their company."
We need to ask ourselves what we are truly doing. If smoking grass is not a sin, why do you hide? When you smoke grass are you not being intoxicated, or "high"? Being drunk is a sin, but getting stoned isn't? Please keep yourself in the light and run from the darkness, run to Christ.

LOL, after having only read the following excerpt, I may have fun with this at a later time when I am feeling a little more rambunctious.

I think it's safe to assume that the person asking if smoking is moral never really seriously felt the need to ask....avatar says it for me anyway. Damn, that chick's ass is giving me a headache--up, down, up, down...kind of like while you are in church.
Everything is so SO methodical in the Catholic church. If you ever sit down and ask your priest if it's ok, I assure you he will tell you it is not.

This WAS funny!.and no offense to any Catholic (honestly)....I grew up VERY Catholic.

Re: Marijuana = Sinfull?
"We went out into the woods and smoked"

Have you ever notice that when we sin, or do something we really shouldn't be doing, we do it in darkness? We do it hidden from view of others and ourselves? If I commit murder am I going to do it at the mall in clear view of everyone else? Or do I do it some place not to be caught or seen? The tragedy now becomes when we find others in the darkness and we do the sin hidden together. The the next thing you know we are justifying our actions to some how make a wrong a right. "They were always so happy and always laughed when they were high and we all had a good time. As odd as it sounds they are all on the Honor Roll at school, too, and are considered upstanding young men and women by everyone. I take pride to be in their company."
We need to ask ourselves what we are truly doing. If smoking grass is not a sin, why do you hide? When you smoke grass are you not being intoxicated, or "high"? Being drunk is a sin, but getting stoned isn't? Please keep yourself in the light and run from the darkness, run to Christ.

i've smoked joints out in the city centre, what does that say about me?
that you dont respect your local marijuana laws.... good for you!!!:hump:

I smoke everywhere I go, I smoke while driving. If I have to drive over 30 miles, I normally roll at least 3 for the road. I don't think it effects me the same anymore, I think it just stops me being angry at the world.
i've smoked joints out in the city centre, what does that say about me?
.....says to me that you are a rarity.
Let's you and I take on city hall. :joint:

..amazes me to no end that MILLIONS are adamantly against prohibition, yet all too willing to pay an attorney to bail them out of their supposed infraction.
Let's step up to the plate. :leaf:
I smoke everywhere I go, I smoke while driving. If I have to drive over 30 miles, I normally roll at least 3 for the road. I don't think it effects me the same anymore, I think it just stops me being angry at the world.
Now, see, I get this....and would argue it in a court of law mind you.

Road rage is all too common. For the most part, I drive short distances. "But"....emphatic BUT---never do I get behind the wheel where I don't encounter the moron who lives in their own little world of delusional euphoria whereas they are the only people on the road.

I am an EXTREMELY defensive driver, minus the rage.....thank you MJ. :eyesmoke:
,,,,,I could write the book.
Unjust laws deserve to be broken. Besides, morality doesn't come from the bible or a god but from one's own sense of values.
Unjust laws deserve to be broken. Besides, morality doesn't come from the bible or a god but from one's own sense of values.

If I were in an elevator or some other confined space, I wouldn't even consider smoking, it's my choice to do what I do and I don't like to force anyone to inhale my secondhand smoke. I think outdoors is fair game though. The only person I'm hurting outdoors is myself and thats my choice if I want to drive without wearing a seatbelt, again my choice. I don't see how its even legal to say someone can't do something when it doesn't effect someone else. The police should be going after murderers and rapists, the people that actual play a grave role in someone elses life.
i couldnt agree more, the cops should be going after murderers and rapists, not peaceful potheads who grow bud for themselves and maybe sell to a few close friends! However i do believe that the people who are out in gangs running drugs leaders should be taken care of if they are violent or give orders for violence or stuff like that. They are the biggest hurdle to overcome to get people to realize bud isnt bad, its some of the ruthless people who take advantage of the fact its illegal to make money w/o a care for anyone else who are bad.
i couldnt agree more, the cops should be going after murderers and rapists, not peaceful potheads who grow bud for themselves and maybe sell to a few close friends! However i do believe that the people who are out in gangs running drugs leaders should be taken care of if they are violent or give orders for violence or stuff like that. They are the biggest hurdle to overcome to get people to realize bud isnt bad, its some of the ruthless people who take advantage of the fact its illegal to make money w/o a care for anyone else who are bad.

ok how about this for an mj law, it is illegal to sell it, and will be looked upon very harshly, however it is completely legal to grow your own for your personal consumption.

this way the "terrorist" that we fund by smoking weed will not be funded, it will not lead to harder substances because you don't come in contact with people who are pushing it.
hops and marijuana come from the same family. you have to use hops to make beer, so beer is way less natural than weed. weed wont kill you, alchahol will kill your liver and other insides. There may or may not be a god, but i dont think he would care that you loved mary jane.
hops and marijuana come from the same family. you have to use hops to make beer, so beer is way less natural than weed. weed wont kill you, alchahol will kill your liver and other insides. There may or may not be a god, but i dont think he would care that you loved mary jane.

While what you say about alcohol is 100% true...Beer is very natural.

I have brewed many gallons, though I have not had a beer for months (a bit of a headache...and I prefer pot!)

Beer contains 4 ingredients...

Malted Barley (moistened to sprout, then roasted to varying degrees to stop the growth and impart color and flavor)

All very natural and possibly responsible not only for the shift from hunter/gatherers to farmers but for the continuation of the species prior to water purification.

However it seems to cause those with flawed DNA to act like angry baboons:fire:

While what you say about alcohol is 100% true...Beer is very natural.

I have brewed many gallons, though I have not had a beer for months (a bit of a headache...and I prefer pot!)

Beer contains 4 ingredients...

Malted Barley (moistened to sprout, then roasted to varying degrees to stop the growth and impart color and flavor)

All very natural and possibly responsible not only for the shift from hunter/gatherers to farmers but for the continuation of the species prior to water purification.

However it seems to cause those with flawed DNA to act like angry baboons:fire:


I agree, i brewed all last year and for some reason it just gives me headaches. I never used to but a few months ago my mom told me that my granfather was allergic to alcohol. damn my luck. Guess its weed from here on out.
I agree, i brewed all last year and for some reason it just gives me headaches. I never used to but a few months ago my mom told me that my granfather was allergic to alcohol. damn my luck. Guess its weed from here on out.
hmmmmm, I have the same problem. I used to love having a few beers or shots after work w/a bowl but I didnt drink for like 4 months and now every single time I drink i get really bad headaches. I never contemplated it being because im *allergic to alcohol* since it never used to do that when i drank, is it possible to *develop* an allergy like that:blsmoke:?