Is smoking marijuana morally wrong?

I agree, i brewed all last year and for some reason it just gives me headaches. I never used to but a few months ago my mom told me that my granfather was allergic to alcohol. damn my luck. Guess its weed from here on out.

I am still not sure if it could be the Ale yeast, and maybe lager yeasts would not have the same effect as they produce fewer phenols and esters...I believe these are the source of the headaches...I love beer and it kinda sucks but I was sick of taking advil. I have only drank during times of no/low smoking...those days are gone so no big deal, but I love the flavors of beer.

I also have a couple thousand dollars worth of brew equipment:-|

I consider myself agnostic but I will try to put your mind at ease.

1st: The bible says that god created everything on this earth.

2nd: The story about Adam and Eve eating an apple from the forbidden tree is a story about prohibition if I have ever heard. God prohibited Adam and Eve from eating the apples and not even god himself could stop two people from eating an apple from a tree, if god can't do it then what makes anyone think the government can stop anyone?

3rd: Most of the problems associated with marijuana come from prohibition itself. Prohibition forces people to buy it from the gangs instead of buying it legally. The government is essentially protecting the gangs business by not allowing legal competition.

4th: Marijuana has many legit uses, it increases appetite in cancer and hiv/aids patients. Its a very good muscle relaxant, it can relieve headaches, it helps patients with glaucoma, etc.

5th: It has never killed anyone and it less addictive than coffee.

The only bad thing marijuana does to most people is it makes it ok to be bored, and its when we are bored that we should be doing stuff to improve ourselves like learning guitar or reading, etc

True, but there are a lot of folks READING this blog. Does that count for something?

Good points BTW...:peace:
and alot of us here watch like history or discoverychannel or nat geo or animal planet etc, to get *unbored*. we just had a big ol thread about it actually. Your points were all good thoufh like the other guy said.
hmmmmm, I have the same problem. I used to love having a few beers or shots after work w/a bowl but I didnt drink for like 4 months and now every single time I drink i get really bad headaches. I never contemplated it being because im *allergic to alcohol* since it never used to do that when i drank, is it possible to *develop* an allergy like that:blsmoke:?

I dont really know. My mom told me so im sure its wrong.. :( I really enjoy the taste of beer and maybe just one isnt all that bad but really i cannot drink at all.

I cant believe this post got so big. Thanks everyone!!!! pretty cool really. I read all of the posts and expected all of it really. I asked my priest if driving over the speed limit was a sin because it was against the law and he said that the church isnt really going to look at minor law disturbances and call them a sin. I know marijuana is a serious offense so that is where im torn really. I know it helps me more than narcodics. I started on vicodins and that led to lortabs and then oxys and that is a road better off not traveled if you know what i mean and i was on it for a long time. Weed for me helped more than all those pain killers. I got off narcodics and started smoking weed again. It helps my pain managment (better than narcodics for me) and i feel way better. I actually have side effects from tylonol so weed is even better than that. So without going into another tangant I just honostly believe its not wrong and its just a matter of time before everyone else finds that out. My dad finially did and we smoke together now how cool is that? He sees the benefits and now is my local growing competition. lol
TO be honest i think that there is nothing wrong with smoking weed as long as you dont become lazy. Lazyness is slothful and slothful is wrong but hey everyone is lazy sometimes. Just dont let weed consume your life. Other than that smoke it up and enjoy your high
TO be honest i think that there is nothing wrong with smoking weed as long as you dont become lazy. Lazyness is slothful and slothful is wrong but hey everyone is lazy sometimes. Just dont let weed consume your life. Other than that smoke it up and enjoy your high

never think that weed makes you lazy, because it doesn't, its just an excuse that people use to be lazy.
personally i think its more the anti-marijuana culture that cultivates the myth marijuana makes you *lazy and stupid*. its ridiculous, it really is. thats one of the myths I hate the most cuz like you said-It's total bullshit.
So without going into another tangant I just honostly believe its not wrong and its just a matter of time before everyone else finds that out. My dad finially did and we smoke together now how cool is that? He sees the benefits and now is my local growing competition. lol

this is cool, must admit sourstone i had a problem knowing how to respond to your OP. i got the spirit of what you were saying "is it wrong?" but can we really only ask "is it beneficial?" and weigh up the benefits opposed the cons such as social stigma being rejected by those around? basically status. heres a recap.

wrong= our status being downgraded in eyes of those around.
right= our status improving in the eyes of those around.

thanks to our huge frontal lobes even the possibility of a future downgrading is often enough to deter us from acts which would enrage our community. it was never the fear of hell that bothered me ... it was being treated like i had just shat in the soup by the rest of the family that really sucked.
"slothfulness is wrong" whoever said this? it would be quite cute and a bit of a giggle if a child said it, to think that this has been said by a person who is capable of having children themselves or worse, already has children under their charge, fills me with dread. ... not really ... just being dramatic, i accept that we are all capable of being childlike whilst believing we are "all growed up".

oh nearly forgot ... 1 Timothy 6:17 "god who giveth us all things richly to enjoy" :weed:
Genesis 1:12 God gave us plants with seed in their kind:weed:, and God saw that it was good.... and who am I to over rule God?:peace:
OK, let's break it down...

Bible says it's ok to grow any seed "GOD" has "Supplied" for you...This was before the industrial revolution.

When lumber companies and plastic companies and fuel companies recognized the threat cannabis would have to their empires, they had lobbyists sway the presidents into criminalizing it.

You suffer from Capitalistic Smut...

Smoke your weed like your "GOD" wanted you too...

Oh, and for the record, Jesus' toga was probably hemp.

Cotton was like Gucci back then. (No cotton machine)
I'd have to ask, HOW can smoking marijuana be morally wrong? Aside from the garbage everyone else wants to tell us about our beloved herb.... I'm drawing a complete blank.
I know EXACTLY what you are going through here. Just last year I went into a major Christian kick..and had to figure out if I could continue smoking my cannabis.

Let me help to ease your mind here:

I forget exactly where, but somewhere in Scripture Paul tells Timothy to drink wine medically for some physical ailments (something with his stomach I think).

I also started thinking about something...this is strictly from a theological point of please if for some reason it bothers you (being anyone who reads this) please just ignore it and chalk it up to a disagreement and leave it at that:

Did God create everything here on earth? Yes. Does that include cannabis? Yes. Did God say in Genesis that he gave all green plants to us for food? Yes.

Will you get high if you eat cannabis? YES.

That is just some things to get your brain going. Feel free to hit me back with any direct moral issues you may be having. I would be entirely glad to help you ease your mind.

thats what ive been saying this whole time to my family and they now finaly got it marijuana is one of earths wonders that god put here for us.