Time to End "Don't Ask, Don't Tell"

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
True. I'm one of them.But I don't set out deliberately trying to judge people and hold them to a rigid set of standards. I wouldn't come out and say someone was nasty or evil just because they liked something sexually I didn't,as long as everyone involved consented and was an adult.
I guess I just fail to see why it matters if the guy holding a gun has a lisp and a love for Liza Minelli,as long as he's on our side.
there are people that chime in about everything.


Well-Known Member
True. I'm one of them.But I don't set out deliberately trying to judge people and hold them to a rigid set of standards. I wouldn't come out and say someone was nasty or evil just because they liked something sexually I didn't,as long as everyone involved consented and was an adult.
I guess I just fail to see why it matters if the guy holding a gun has a lisp and a love for Liza Minelli,as long as he's on our side.
seems like it might cause a lot of distraction in this particular case. but i could be wrong.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Hey, I'm for openly gay people being able to serve.I have no problem with it and don't think it's a distraction,any more than hetero soldiers having to deal with women. Most arguments against it(not all) stem from a moral objection. Anyway, I'll reply more tomorrow, time for bed.:hug:
then why all the hub bub? :-|


Well-Known Member
Why do you always go back to this argument? Gay doesn't mean pedophile. Most pedophiles are straight identified. Homosexuality is not deviance.It is between consenting adults.It is a sexual orientation. Pedophilia and rape are not sexual orientations- they are about power, and a sexual thrill gotten from that power.Period. If sexual orientation indicated a predisposition towards pedophilia, well, then everyone would be doing it, using that faulty logic.:roll:
Now, before any single person goes jumping on me for being homophobic:roll::roll::roll:......know, I am just jumping from thread to thread and just honestly commenting.
My brother is gay and I would leave him alone with my young son in a heartbeat with not a single fear in the world that he would even possibly molest him.
Pedophelia and homosexuality do NOT go hand in hand.


Well-Known Member
Hey, I'm for openly gay people being able to serve.I have no problem with it and don't think it's a distraction,any more than hetero soldiers having to deal with women. Most arguments against it(not all) stem from a moral objection. Anyway, I'll reply more tomorrow, time for bed.:hug:
they separate the men and women though.

big circles.



New Member
Stoney.... the military doesn't want it's fighting units to be openly ANYTHING. They want them NOT thinking along those lines at all when in rotation. It's not a perfect system and ppl will be ppl ... but when on duty... there isn't any sexuality ... only DUTY. No hetero, no homo ... just duty....focus.

They don't want it.


Well-Known Member
Stoney.... the military doesn't want it's fighting units to be openly ANYTHING. They want them NOT thinking along those lines at all when in rotation. It's not a perfect system and ppl will be ppl ... but when on duty... there isn't any sexuality ... only DUTY. No hetero, no homo ... just duty....focus.

They don't want it.
you keep saying this.

drop and give me 50, maggot.

they aren't getting it.

I did read the first...7 pages but decided to skip a head.

I'm unsure if it was already said but ending DADT doesn't mean a bunch of queers are going to come waving rainbow flags or attaching a bunch of rainbows or *insert gay symbol* to their uniforms.

DADT or not, there will be gay/lesbians serving.

USA is losing a lot of great soldiers/officers due to the policy. The gays going into the military know about DADT, they're not stupid. I doubt the Don't Ask portion of that is being upheld, if so there wouldn't have been so many people being kicked out for even being suspected to be gay. Not all straight men are butch, not all straight women are feminine...but they can be targeted because of the policy.

What would the difference be? Gay/lesbians in the military don't have to hide in their civilian life. If every member of the military is as professional as they are supposed to be...there should be no issues. What they do in their private life is their business is it not?

But but....the gays will swarm me in the showers and I'll have no where to go! You know what...I'm sure there will be some guys to check out other guys, but that doesn't mean you're going to get butt raped, or even anything said to you. When someone tells you they're gay or mentions anything towards them being gay, it doesn't mean they want you.

Just because one straight guy in the army goes and takes advantage of a woman in the army, it doesn't mean all straight men intend to do that same now does it? Just as if a gay guy took advantage of another male in the army...is it tolerable? No, he should be dealt with and discharged, that's not a way to uphold the military. But should every other gay guy get tossed because of a couple of morons?


New Member
I did read the first...7 pages but decided to skip a head.

I'm unsure if it was already said but ending DADT doesn't mean a bunch of queers are going to come waving rainbow flags or attaching a bunch of rainbows or *insert gay symbol* to their uniforms.

DADT or not, there will be gay/lesbians serving.

USA is losing a lot of great soldiers/officers due to the policy. The gays going into the military know about DADT, they're not stupid. I doubt the Don't Ask portion of that is being upheld, if so there wouldn't have been so many people being kicked out for even being suspected to be gay. Not all straight men are butch, not all straight women are feminine...but they can be targeted because of the policy.

What would the difference be? Gay/lesbians in the military don't have to hide in their civilian life. If every member of the military is as professional as they are supposed to be...there should be no issues. What they do in their private life is their business is it not?

But but....the gays will swarm me in the showers and I'll have no where to go! You know what...I'm sure there will be some guys to check out other guys, but that doesn't mean you're going to get butt raped, or even anything said to you. When someone tells you they're gay or mentions anything towards them being gay, it doesn't mean they want you.

Just because one straight guy in the army goes and takes advantage of a woman in the army, it doesn't mean all straight men intend to do that same now does it? Just as if a gay guy took advantage of another male in the army...is it tolerable? No, he should be dealt with and discharged, that's not a way to uphold the military. But should every other gay guy get tossed because of a couple of morons?

The gay population is pegged at 2%. the military isn't lacking for recruits because of gays. There are plenty of gays already in the military.

just to be clear.