they separate the men and women though.
big circles.
Stoney.... the military doesn't want it's fighting units to be openly ANYTHING. They want them NOT thinking along those lines at all when in rotation. It's not a perfect system and ppl will be ppl ... but when on duty... there isn't any sexuality ... only DUTY. No hetero, no homo ... just duty....focus.
They don't want it.
they have separate bathrooms for men and women because they are the OPPOSITE SEX!!!!!!!
Heh....the military doesn't care about swapping stories.... Now I have gay friends.... but we don't swap stories...![]()
It's about being openly gay ... not stories. It's about UNIT cohesion.... not individuality.
It should not be a reflection of our society. It should be the meanest baddest, most modern and best equipped fighting machine. Then our diplomatic efforts are taken seriously. And lives are saved.
I mean, forgive me guys, I've been accused of having too "simplistic" a view,but(and I'll ask my bro just to make sure, because he was over there fighting)in the heat of battle, I'm sure the last thing a soldier is concerned about is whether the guy next to him likes to swallow swords in his spare time.
then why the fuck does he feel the need to TELL ME ABOUT IT?
i don't think you get it. i love you, but i think you are completely missing the point.
I get it, but I don't see why he should have to HIDE it.If you say "Hey, are you married, private?" He can say, "Yes." Then, if you say,"What's your wife's name?" He should be albe to answer honestly,"I don't have a wife, my husband's name is Brad." And you can both just leave it at that.
I'm sure down in the fox hole ... at that point they coud talk about anything. But it's all the points leading up to that point which are problematic.
I posted this earlier but it's worth repeating. This isn't a military policy. This is Congressional law. Passed by a Democrat controlled Congress and signed into law by William Jefferson Clinton.
That was to put this issue to bed![]()
By the way ... it works.
They aren't living ... they are SERVING.
It exists outside our society.
The military is all about your word, your commitment to the UNIT, not the individual.