Time to End "Don't Ask, Don't Tell"


Well-Known Member
if you can't leave your personal crap at home stay there. As an employer, I don't want to hear anyone's crap. If you are in a bad mood, fix it before you punch in. If you are having other issues, you better not be thinking about them while on my clock - keep you mind focused on work or go home. And you are more than welcome to practice free speech at home, while at work you will say what I tell you to say and behave like I tell you to behave. If you have a problem with that - go home.

Quite Frankly, I can't imagine anyone trying to run a business any other way. All this touchy feely stuff is a load of crap and we are all worse for buying into it. And that is exactly how it should be in the military. Why would soldiers even thinking about their personal issues when they ought to be thinking about what they are told to think about.

Is the military for training killing machines or for listening to people's problems?
he's right...question answered problem solved .


New Member
Rick is correct. I went the touchy feely way with my first business and ended up having to fire everyone. It creates more problems than it solves.

Second round of employees. Parameters firmly set...but with a smile. Leave your personal life at HOME. I don't want to hear it.... I'm not your Dad. He probably doesn't want to hear it either...:lol:

Just like your spouse doesn't want you bringing your work home at night .... your boss expects the same in reverse. Your boss deserves the same.

You can always start your own business and be personally involved with your employees. See how that works out.


Well-Known Member
And yet there will always exist extenuating circumstances that WILL arise where we are called to be humanly compassionate.

Empathizing with unforeseen disastrous events should be innate.


Well-Known Member
Rick is correct. I went the touchy feely way with my first business and ended up having to fire everyone. It creates more problems than it solves.

Second round of employees. Parameters firmly set...but with a smile. Leave your personal life at HOME. I don't want to hear it.... I'm not your Dad. He probably doesn't want to hear it either...:lol:

Just like your spouse doesn't want you bringing your work home at night .... your boss expects the same in reverse. Your boss deserves the same.

You can always start your own business and be personally involved with your employees. See how that works out.

i work at home, alone, because of bosses like you guys. hire a mexican and stress more, i'm outta here. bongsmilie

i left smiling. :eyesmoke:


New Member
All I'm saying is leave the personal drama at home. It's a workplace. It doesn't mean I run a slave ship. By the way I used 7 Mexican brothers as they were around and available. We had lots of "fun" together doing work! We became friends but there had to be lines drawn. If you want to share the responsibility and decision making, get a partner. Everyone else has to be treated differently. Not treated badly, just differently.
In the end I attracted a workforce that prided itself on getting a job done, and done well. I reciprocated by dividing up extra profits equally (in cash). There were many times I had to force them to take breaks and get some water. Can do attitude.

They have invited me to their homes many times and their ranch down In ol Mehico even, but they know I won't take them up on it. They get it.


Well-Known Member
Rick is correct. I went the touchy feely way with my first business and ended up having to fire everyone. It creates more problems than it solves.

Second round of employees. Parameters firmly set...but with a smile. Leave your personal life at HOME. I don't want to hear it.... I'm not your Dad. He probably doesn't want to hear it either...:lol:

Just like your spouse doesn't want you bringing your work home at night .... your boss expects the same in reverse. Your boss deserves the same.

You can always start your own business and be personally involved with your employees. See how that works out.

I treat my employees great, and in return I expect certain things including a level of professionalism. This term BTW, pretty much sums up everything we are saying.

Showing up for work with your heart on your sleeve is not professional. Likewise, to even think that your sexuality ought to be a topic of consideration is unprofessional.

Therefore, the entire notion of being "openly gay" or openly anything is unprofessional conduct. The only thing an employee should be thinking about is how to openly be the best employee they can be.

And isn't this what we should all be teaching our children? Shouldn't we be teaching them that in life it isn't about them all the time and that nobody ever gets ahead with this sort of mentality? After all, the ones who will get ahead will be the ones who are team players; the ones who can keep their personal issues to themselves, act according to professional standards of conduct, and be role model employees.

How about instead of always hyper-focusing on an individuals right to flaunt his sexual nature, we send this message to the next generation loud and clear.

The military isn't there to cater to and coddle the individual and his need to be liked and accepted; the military is about being in service to ones country to the point of laying down one's life.

John F. Kennedy said, "ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country."

This is the message we want to send to the next generation - not that everything in life is about them. The fact that so many in our society have lost this focus only demonstrates why they call the baby boomers the "me generation." We are all much worse off for following this lead.


New Member
Yes, in society, and in my workp[lace it means if I bump into you downtown and you're wearing a dress, you aren't fired the next morning. There may be a smirk though from me on payday. :lol:


Well-Known Member
Therefore, the entire notion of being "openly gay" or openly anything is unprofessional conduct. The only thing an employee should be thinking about is how to openly be the best employee they can be.

How about instead of always hyper-focusing on an individuals right to flaunt his sexual nature, we send this message to the next generation loud and clear.
I agree that there's no need to be flaunting any personal issues at work, school, in the military, etc.. But that wasn't really what this was about. I was talking about people not being able to have a conversation among friends in their free time. We agree that proselytizing in the military is not good, so why not be consistent and make a rule that religious discussion is NEVER allowed, even among friends, on breaks.

Nobody was suggesting that the military should coddle anyone, or that gays should be able to throw their sexuality around in a distracting way. Maybe, just the fact that they are gay would turn out to be too much distraction... I don't know. But this isn't about guys wanting to wear pink dresses and have gay parades in the military - it's about them having to pretend that they aren't who they are because it makes some people uncomfortable.


Well-Known Member
I agree that there's no need to be flaunting any personal issues at work, school, in the military, etc.. But that wasn't really what this was about. I was talking about people not being able to have a conversation among friends in their free time. We agree that proselytizing in the military is not good, so why not be consistent and make a rule that religious discussion is NEVER allowed, even among friends, on breaks.

Nobody was suggesting that the military should coddle anyone, or that gays should be able to throw their sexuality around in a distracting way. Maybe, just the fact that they are gay would turn out to be too much distraction... I don't know. But this isn't about guys wanting to wear pink dresses and have gay parades in the military - it's about them having to pretend that they aren't who they are because it makes some people uncomfortable.
I would vote to ban proselytizing period - I find it that annoying. The problem is, it is the most fundamental underlying basis for the first amendment. Courts have even ruled that people may trespass in order to proselytize. I know because I called the cops on those fuckers before.

As what Gays would or wouldn't do. I would like to introduce you to the American public - have you met? Do you really not see how this is already occurring? In general, you are right. But, you have to consider why we are discussing this issue in the first place. As it is, they don't have to pretend to be anything - all they need to do is STFU which is what they should be doing anyway.

DADT was started to protect Gays from discrimination. The inch was given and now the mile is trying to be taken. This is how it will be - it is what people do. So yes, I can guarantee that if we change things so that Gays may be obvious about their nature, they will not only flaunt it, they will do so aggressively and they will sue as soon as someone says one word against them.

See, that is the problem. When you start monkeying around with giving out special minority status, you get people acting out and a torrent of lawsuits. Ask a small business owner who has had to fire an employee and has been sued for discrimination as a result.

We have already seen this playing out with regard to Gays. In fact, the Catholic Church has been forced out of the adoption business in states that have legalized gay adoption. Their choice was to do something against their conscious and their convictions or be sued. I for one don't think this kind of thing is good for our military.


New Member
So yes, I can guarantee that if we change things so that Gays may be obvious about their nature, they will not only flaunt it, they will do so aggressively and they will sue as soon as someone says one word against them.

RickWhite: Fortune Teller. Satisfaction gauranteed


Well-Known Member
So yes, I can guarantee that if we change things so that Gays may be obvious about their nature, they will not only flaunt it, they will do so aggressively and they will sue as soon as someone says one word against them.

RickWhite: Fortune Teller. Satisfaction gauranteed
right...!! if people want equality try equal treatment not just equal when its good and.. female or gay or black when it will get you special treatment


Well-Known Member
All I'm saying is leave the personal drama at home. It's a workplace. It doesn't mean I run a slave ship. By the way I used 7 Mexican brothers as they were around and available. We had lots of "fun" together doing work! We became friends but there had to be lines drawn. If you want to share the responsibility and decision making, get a partner. Everyone else has to be treated differently. Not treated badly, just differently.
In the end I attracted a workforce that prided itself on getting a job done, and done well. I reciprocated by dividing up extra profits equally (in cash). There were many times I had to force them to take breaks and get some water. Can do attitude.

They have invited me to their homes many times and their ranch down In ol Mehico even, but they know I won't take them up on it. They get it.
Congrats Cracker......you employed a bunch of illegals and screwed your American brethren.......big high five to you!......and you did it all in the name of escrow, tax's and otherwise bullshit that would have drained your personal account. You, in short, screwed your American neighbor, to hire the guy who would work for pennies less--so to speak--in order that you retire early......how very PATRIOTIC on your part.
And you attempt to mask yourself somehow the neutral hero...pfft. Tell it to the judge.

For the record, I do hope you weren't in construction........spare me with the DRAMA as to how they (mexicans) are better workers, a big pfffffffffffffffffffft to you.
You, in short, are a traitor for the pure egotistical purpose of hoarding money...case closed.

......and a little "p.s" for you--don't waste your time (Or mine) with the silly drama.

You are what you are and with every post you speak volumes---without even knowing it.


Well-Known Member
i work at home, alone, because of bosses like you guys. hire a mexican and stress more, i'm outta here. bongsmilie

i left smiling. :eyesmoke:
let me clarify, since some didn't get it, "hire an illegal mexican and stress over it. i'm going home". :bigjoint: :eyesmoke: bongsmilie

and i'm smiling. :mrgreen:


New Member
I like to point out agreements between CJ and I when I see them, and yeah, nowhere did he say 'illegal Mexicans' that is a huge jump.


Well-Known Member
I like to point out agreements between CJ and I when I see them, and yeah, nowhere did he say 'illegal Mexicans' that is a huge jump.

no, it is not a huge jump. i made the original stayement and it is EXACTLY what i meant. CJ replied to My comment.

when i say "hire a mexican, i'm going home", it's pretty obvious i mean an "illegal mexican". are there any other kind? lol


New Member
You're right, it is not a huge jump. But I happen to know many many legal Mexicans so maybe for me it is a bigger jump. I wasn't commenting on anything you said, I was just commenting on how Babs made a big deal about something based on an assumption. I wash my hands of this...