No it doesn't. Only a fool believes that opinions having to do with politics and social issued can be proved. To believe this, one must be ignorant of the meaning of proof and the abstract nature of social issues and of life in general.
All you have is opinion. That's what I've been saying. When we debate things like sexual orientation, abortion, welfare, the federal government, etc. you state your opinion, which is usually in opposition to the majority of the rest of the community, then even in light of contrary evidence and data, you still hold the same opinion and brush off whatever proof or evidence that was presented against your opinion as "liberal" "biased" "left-wing" "socialist" "communist"..
Opinions are fine, I never said they need to be proved, I said "prove to me your beliefs/opinions are not founded in religion" because you're the one making the claim that "conservatives are no more religious than anyone else" - which is so obviously glaringly false it's almost stupid for someone to make that claim in America. Even foreigners know which party is more religious.
Your inability to see how easily Conservative thinking can occur outside of religion simply demonstrates your inability to think critically and to properly analyze any of life's issues.
And your denial of an atheist - that would be me Rick - admitting he holds conservative values on certain issues contradicts everything you just said. If I held the position your proposing, explain to me exactly how I'd get my "conservative" values without a God.
You are big on repeating your self over and over regardless of how many times you have been shown to be wrong, which is several in this thread alone. Instead of defending my position from childish demands for the impossible, why don't you demonstrate what you are asking me to do. Why don't you prove that your opinions are right.
No need. I never made that claim. I most likely do hold some incorrect positions (oh NOES now it's the end of the world!!

Really at this point, one must wonder if you have any self awareness at all. You seem not to be able to see that to anyone with any intelligence, you are coming off like a punk with a smart mouth and no ability to think.
Funny how my positions are supported more than yours (or should I make a poll to prove it to your ass again? - that you would probably just dismiss as 'unscientific'...). Funny how that rep system works... keep tellin' yourself that.
I'll post in that thread when I get back.