A theory about life.


Active Member
Another theory:

God is a survival mechanism. With human life lasting many years we need a purpose other than procreation. With a sense of purpose and responsibility the mind is focused and healthy in turn making the body healthy.

Also humans today no longer have to "survive" in a sense. Our primitive instincts are unneccessary nowadays. We must fill this gap.


Well-Known Member
wow. So much to say, and words are the hardest to say them in. It blows me away how I went into a small panic attack just the other day about this same topic. thinking/feeling backed into a corner in fright, it wasn't fun but it went away. Now the idea of death -loss of everything/one ever known the good and the bad- just seems sad. It doesn't get me too down but it's not fun to think about. I ran across this post and it was really on point with a thought about our energy not being destroyed. I must say I came across great incite along the read. Much love to everyone, it's late & I'm baked.


Well-Known Member
I've had that happen to me. It is a lot like an out of body experience but you just know you are in suspension. Neither dead or really on the other side.

I would think it would be freaky if she was flat lining and coming back over and over again. Her mind body and spirit and in total shock and not ready for the transition yet.

I'm sure she was fine and made it ok.:mrgreen::blsmoke::peace:
not ready for the transition yet, yep i was thinking along those same lines too. you had an out of body experience lacy? any details with this? i am very curious.:blsmoke:


New Member
Absolutely. i belive that people have the ability to do almost anything with the use of the mind. Considering we only use such a small percentage of it in our waking presence.:mrgreen::blsmoke::peace:

Did anyone see that program on television about that guy who lived in the hollow of a tree for like years with no food or water.

True story!:mrgreen::blsmoke::peace:
On the topic of sensory perception and the mind, I sometimes wonder this... When we smoke pot, or eat mushrooms, or do any drug, endorphins and other chemicals are released into our bloodstreams from the brain. Drugs dont create anything new in your brain, they let the brain release chemical reactors all at once... For instance LSD releases a lot of the same chemicals in the brain as schizophrenia does. Schizophrenics only see their alter ego because their brain releases similar chemicals. In essence, would it be possible to release these chemicals without drugs just by believing you could? Since schizophrenics truly believe that there is another person, when really it is just themself... Could one trip without drugs by means of mind over matter?


New Member
Yes! I also believe this idea. That we are all connected on some level but because we are consciously awake we see ourselves as separate.

Philosophers say that once you feel disconnected from everyone and everything else in the world that you plummet into depths of dispair because this connection or )LOVE) is the glue that binds us all together.

I really like that concept!!!! Works for me.:mrgreen::blsmoke::peace:
Has it occurred to anyone that we are all part of the same Consiousness? Not just we Humans. Plants, Animals, Single Celled Creatures, Rocks, Water, Air? If you buy that idea, the rest of the universe, and everything in it doesn't require much of a stretch to include on one's list.

If that's the case, when we "die" it is possible that our consciousness unites with the whole. If we don't travel to other places, perhaps we become a part of all the consciousness that has come before, adding our experience of the universe to the Universal Consiousness, and increasing it's awareness of it's self.

I've always felt, to one degree or another, that the reason we are gifted with consciousness is to witness the beauty of the universe, and to add to it if we can.

When we change states of consciousness by "dying" maybe we bring our experience of existence with us back to the source, adding to the universal consciousness awareness of it's self.

I strongly suggest reading Eckhart Tolle Eckhart Tolle. His books The Power of Now, A New Earth, and others make the notion of Consiousness quite accessible, and have the power to change the way you look at life.


New Member
I've had several out of body experiences in my life.
The 1st one I had was when i was really small, about 6 or 7. I was in bed dreaming and I woke up startled and instead of being in my body, i was up top looking down at myself.

At first it really spooked me and I started going back but then I got the feel of it and stayed 'out-of-body.' I ended up going to the back of our house, in the famers fields looking around. It was really scary but awesome at the same time.

My heart has also stopped beating about 3 times in my life as well and I have found myself doing the same thing BUT there is absolutely 'no fear' at all. NONE what-so-ever! It is the most peaceful feeling you could ever possibly imagine.
I felt this sense of love, peace and belonging like I have never felt in my entire life.
It was TOTALLY awesome.!!!!!!!!!!!!

Didn't want to come back but I suppose GOD had other plans. :mrgreen::blsmoke::peace:
not ready for the transition yet, yep i was thinking along those same lines too. you had an out of body experience lacy? any details with this? i am very curious.:blsmoke:


New Member
I had a near death experience when I was 4. I was in a coma for 7 days.

My experience medically was without explanation. I talked openly about it when I was a child, but soon I found myself stalked by writers, physhologist, and paranormal researchers. I have never talked to anyone about it who simply wants to make a dollar.

I wish medical privacy had existed in the early 1970's.

I remember my experience vividly. I do, however, speak to people who are in hospice care and uncertain or afraid of death. I think it helps to comfort them to have an insight of what awaits us on the other side of our existence.



Well-Known Member
g'morn Lacy....thanks for this. I am gonna go and look for this....that sounds rather intriguing....thanks so much for sharing this with me. cheers! :blsmoke:
Oh tahoe. If you like this concept you will really like this one book I have that really elaborates on this concept. It really gets you thinking differently. One of the books is called 'A course in mircles" but that is not easy reading. I'll go upstairs and check out the other one for ya.

Its REALLY good.:mrgreen::blsmoke::peace:

Be right back!


New Member
I looked for that other book last night but could not find it but I will look for it today tahoe. you will really like this one.
A course in m iracles is excellent BUT it is also very intense reading.

It can literally take years to read.

Gotta go. I have my appoimtne totday to see if I will be legal or not.

Byeeee tahoe!:mrgreen::blsmoke::peace:
g'morn Lacy....thanks for this. I am gonna go and look for this....that sounds rather intriguing....thanks so much for sharing this with me. cheers! :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
cheers...GL to you...remember....we're all their with you....its simple.....feel the collective strength!


Well-Known Member
Wow. Right on Lacy, right on. As usual. lol:mrgreen:

I discovered a while ago that everything you learn, you already know. (not like, in school...that knowledge is useless, unless specifically applied). All you have to do is think. Thinking and understanding, coupled with respect, could solve all crisis. But humans are not yet at this level of conscious as a species, only as individuals and certain cultures.

Yes i believe this also. I believe that we all evolve to different dimensions or levels of conscious.

I also believe that this earth is for slow learners as as human beings with bodies as well as souls we are consciously sleeping most of the time.

I think that "TIME" doesn't really exist but only for our learning experience. We do know everything we need to know unconsciously, we just need to awaken ourselves to listen to it.

I love this kind of stuff.
Meditation can bring out more of your conscious awareness.

Great question.:mrgreen::blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
I'll have to dig it up, but there is quite a few people that believe the soul is made up of energy (like what powers everything as even the body has small electrical charges_
Yeah dude, haven't researched people who believe it, but I do. Energy guides everything and, I believe, is the force known as "God" to many cultures.


Well-Known Member
not sure if this fits with the rest of this discussion at the moment, but this is something I have taken from some readings of the past several years - so not mine - but certainly ring true for me - our existence is a function of the integration of energies put into spirituality, creativity and sexuality. when we cultivate and refuse to separate these expressions of our being, we can experience the depth and truth of our soul.


Well-Known Member
If you understand time, this makes perfect sense. However, I have a slightly altered perception from yours.

Look at time as a giant web, or course of actions, with incomprehensibly vast numbers of options. The course, or "reality", we find ourselves on depends on the choices made by us, those around us, and everything. circumstance included. this guides your course. If you can see ahead, or predict, or view what could have been, you are beginning to understand the sea of time.

This is actually a concept in the Dune (science fiction novels by Frank Herbert...mad good, highly recommended...more than just your standard "GO FIGHT HTE BAD GUYS AND WIN" kinda book), but I like to think I came up with the theory independently. (although i'm not sure. because i did read the book a long long time ago, like, before i can remember real well (middle school, i wanna say) so it may have left an impression on my mind that I slowly became unconscious of).

You know what I thought about once while I was tripping. I thought that a parallel universe could be possible. A universe were there is another me typing this exact same reply to this exact same thread. Maybe its a day later when they type it or maybe even a year before I type it. This is how I came to rationalize this thought while tripping. I figured if the universe is as big as they say it is then maybe in some far far far off galaxy there is a sun just like our own. This sun formed the same way our sun did. Planets formed around this sun just like ours. The exact same thing went on that happened in our solar system. I figure if the universe is as big as they say than why cant there be an exact copy of a solar system. Maybe there is even a slight difference like the time when there's started. The only thing with this theory is that if everything was done twice would it all work out to be the exact same. Like if there were two exact solar systems would we make the same choices and would we have the same outcomes in the end? Who knows?


Active Member
So most people in the world believe in a god of some sort, while I was really stoned, I just had this inspiration come through my mind.
I thought about how everyone has a soul, and when you die your soul must travel somewhere, but what if your soul traveled through different universes or glaxaies? Going from planet to planet after you have lived your life on one planet?

ya its kind of crazy thought but so far most people iv told like the theory lol
you should start your own faith with all of this