For those who support the war on terror


Well-Known Member
Im Just Glad The Military Is Not At The Brunt End Of This Topic...i Love Debates But Most A Lot Of People Blame The Soldiers..we Just Do What We Are Ordered To Do. Merry Xmas

I don't blame them, I feel bad for America's soldiers because they don't exactly have much choice on the matter.

I don't think Iraq was justified, period. As for Afghanistan, it was and I don't think 9/11 was "controlled" explosions. I feel it was the result of the many years of foreign polices the US has had caused the world to have quite the hate for America.


Well-Known Member
War on Terror??

Do you mean, Weapons of Mass Destruction?

Because those don't exist....but the war does...?

Explain that


Well-Known Member
Just to correct a few points.

By the way I am in no way saying that 911 was a inside job and the conspirciy theorists accusations have been debunked many times such... pop mechanics ect, but do I beleive and plenty of evidence supports that the bush adminstration used 911 as an excuse to attack iraq ie, trying to link Iraq with terrorism (which was bogus)
Are you so dumb as to think that saddam wasn't linked to terrorism?

You don't think that harboring known terrorists would link him to terrorism?

You don't think that paying $25,000 to the familys of terrorist bombers would link him to terrorism?

Do you think that thats all that linked him to terrorism?

You think that theres evidence that supports bush used 911 as an excuse to attack iraq? This is truly great info, tell me of this evidence i'm sure we would all like to hear this. Why didn't you just tell us this and not just elude to it?

...BUT my point is here I feel I have to correct some points i read in previous posts........The CIA defintly suported the Afgahinstan Mujadeen in their fight against the Russian, They did in fact supply them with stinger missiles which were used to shoot down many russian aircraft but mostly helicoptors, the earlier poster mentioned about a video of first stinger shot, he is right I believe it was Ronald Regan himself who requested that a video be made of the first stinger shot so he could verify it himself....The majority of the support that CIA gave to the afgan fighters were indirect....They supplied the Pakistani intell force with large amounts of money for the sole pupose of purchasing weapons and then suppling them to the fighters in Afgan....By the way I don't think this info is top secret anymore....and the CIA fully admits they did this in 1980's and several former operators that particapated in it in the 80's and high up in the CIA have gave many interviews disclosing these facts, In fact they have been on a few history channel programs about the Taliban ect.......very similar to what Iran is doing in Iraq if you come on here and say that previous post was wrong and then mock need to get your facts right because you obviously have no idea what you are talking about....hey but if you don't trust me look it might feel stupid
You haven't corrected anything. not a single thing. You should feel stupid.

Nor have you said anything thats not well known, I have little doubt that med knows a lot more than you have posted on this, I know that I damn sure do.

You should read things a few times and maybe you will understand a little more.


New Member
You had no point you only think you did.
May, you only post arguementative statements with a prove it on the end. Hey partner, that's not debate, that's the professor telling us what is up and to go do our homework, fuck that. You'll get my opinion and sometimes a cut and paste but not any long drawn out explanations of my position and why it is the only one. I'll tell you if I think you opinion is fucked and feel dree to tell me mine is, but no homework professor dumbell.


Well-Known Member
The american military does not need to fight Israels battles, plain and simple. Why don't you let them fight their own terrorism? ................What terrorists that attacked the UNITED STATES were harbored by Saddam?


Well-Known Member
The american military does not need to fight Israels battles, plain and simple. Why don't you let them fight their own terrorism? ................What terrorists that attacked the UNITED STATES were harbored by Saddam?
Do you mean the ones that went down with the planes?
I don't think saddam was harboring them why would you think he was?


New Member
Do you mean the ones that went down with the planes?
I don't think saddam was harboring them why would you think he was?
Well, your Idol, Bush said so, didn't you believe him? My, you can't be sincere. Sure as hell you believed him and guzzeled the lies like a baby elephant at his mothers teat.


Well-Known Member
Your a little couldn't realize i was asking a question i'll say it again WHO WERE THE TERRORISTS THAT ATTACKED THE U.N.I.T.E.D S.T.A.T.E.S THAT WERE HARBORED BY SADDAM HUSSEIN?........stop spinning


Well-Known Member
Do you mean the ones that went down with the planes?
I don't think saddam was harboring them why would you think he was?
That reminds me. Did you guys know that something like ten of the supposed hijackers are still alive and well. The government can't even get its facts straight on who hijacked the planes. How could they of done it if they're still alive?


New Member

that is the history and present of those in control of this nation.

"create a threat, fabricate a war, on and on."

when will americans learn this about their controlers?
it's called macavellie, the art of war.

declare an outside threat from an enemy of your choosing, or eventing, and wrap yourself in patriotism, delcare those not in accordance of your intentions as unpatriotic and you can rally the masses and march them off to war to fight for any cause that's unpopular with the people .

it's what is happening to us right now.


Well-Known Member
ha ha I just looked at your site that you you provided I'm just going to pick out 1 hijacker, the evidence that is provided by the site about Abdoul alomari is 2 picture is of Alomari and the other picture is supposed to be the inpersonator........its the same guy.....if you cant realize that, your just dening reality.................anybody please look at alomari.....its almost a joke


Well-Known Member
oh yeah on the same site it says that photos of Atta that were taken as he was boarding the plane......this is funny was his double and Atta is really a Mossad took me 30 sec to find this Mullarkey.........I'm done on this topic so don't even try to tempt me


New Member
Just to correct a few points.

You think that theres evidence that supports bush used 911 as an excuse to attack iraq? This is truly great info, tell me of this evidence i'm sure we would all like to hear this. Why didn't you just tell us this and not just elude to it?
it's called the pnac document, written 2 yrs before 911, saying all they need is a helpful pearl harbor type incident to invade Iraq,Bush's transition team was instructed to draw up plans for attack before he even took office, the document calls for planes with fake passengers to take off, secretly land and then off load everyone, then go back up on remote control.

then be flown into buildings to be used to blame saddam and as the pretense to go to war.

google -pnac

the downing street memo, written by british mi6 was the document cited as factual intel, it was presented to colon Powell by rummy and bush, this document was later proven to be totally false and completely made up.

google -downing street memo.

osama bin laiden's family is in business with the bushes. he sits on their board of directors, their getting rich over this. bin liaden was used against the russians, in fact he was hand picked by the CIA and british mi6, made a religious icon and armed, we built the cave complexes in afganistan for him, and used him against the russians.

they created the group al qauda, it means the base, in old arabic it means the toilet. i doubt fanatic Muslim fighters would call themselves the toilet.

bin laiden was also imported to bosnia and used to rally the Muslims against the christians there as a pretext to bomb them.

50 yrs before these peoples fathers saved 50,000 american flyers in damaged aircraft returning from bombing missions over germany, we betrayed them.

what's happening is bigger then whats happening inissolted pockets around the world., it all fits together into a puzzle.

it's world government forming , the implementation of state dept. document. 7277, the united nations unilateral disarmament treaty.

160 nations signed it agreeing to disarm, merging into 1 country/government , combine militaries and create a world police force.

those nations that did not signed were to be disarmed, by force if need be by the majority of the world (nations) iraq did not sighn, syria, afganistan, libya just complied, korea,bosnia,,,blah,blah.

google -state dept. doc. 7277

those arab nations also surround the caspian sea oil reserve, the largest in the world, vital to control if your going to control all nations.

right now, america is being taken down to 3rd world status, we're being balkanized ( mixed of races and nationalities) in order for us to be easily merged with the rest of the world. you cant have world gov, and a america, america must fall and be absorbed.

bush signed a treaty, that the president does not have the authority to negotiate and sign, obligating us to merged with canada and mexico, he sighned it on march 23 2004, only congress can enter into treatys, the president has no law making powers.

thats why they tried 4 times this year with the dream act being the last attempt thwarted by patriotic americans, it's an ileagle amnesty, citizenship for wet backs,

thats why there's no border fence.

google -spp march 23rd 2004, shared prosperity partnership.

the dollar is crashing by design, you cant have world currency and the american dollar, the dollar must go. they are creating the amero, a currency for the 3 nations, then we'll merge with south america then the european union and so on until we are 1.

google -amero

( make no mistake about it, we are going to crash, prob. have a war here fighting resistors to world gov. and then i say we're invaded by a coalition of UN nations to disarm america by force, knowing we will not give up the guns voluntarily,


the police will be used to disarm the people (cannon fodder)and the military will come in to disarm us and the police after we fight back.

make no mistake it's world gov, it is not a bigger america, it's a complete copy of the russian soviet fabian involuntarily slave state constitution, absent our bill of rights, etc,etc. absent america

we are going to suffer greatly, by design, at the hands of our elected officials who think the ends justify the means to bring about a new order of things, the new world order, out of chaos will come order, the new world order.

novus ordo seclorum, it's on the dollar bill. the new world of the ages,.

we, and our right to the american dream is being sacrificed on the alter of world government.

these people are luciferians in the sense they believe in the 1000 lights of luciferianism and the right of man to over take and control the weaker classes of people. they believe they will aspire to be and eventually become gods like satan, equal to the all mighty god. the creater,

BULL FKEN SHIT, we're gonna fight back., just watch and see, better get a gun and bullets boys, there's gonna be a fight.

so there you have a brief explanation and the means to prove it with document government documents.


it's all stagged. and it's all evil.

and it's being carried out by pedofiles and queers from both sides of the isle.

hagalian dialytic, divide and conquer.

left/right dem/repub christian/Muslim jew/atheist black/white/red/yellow/
male/female young/old sick/well

notice how they will now blur the lines, like rudy, a christian conservative who's opposed to guns and pro abortion.

thats not a republican conservative, thats a liberal democrat.

these people are smart, and stupid.

they goofed by not waiting 1 more generation, they started brain washing people and dumbing them down 1 generation too late, and they gave us instant information verification ( internet)

if you dont take the time to research or verify peoples claims, then you deserve everything bad thats gonna happen to you, you are the lazy decedent american that socialist call us.

it'll be your own damn fault if you dont wake up and do it quick, this is no joke, it's not going to happen in someone elses life time.

it's here, it's now, it's our fight.

good luck and god bless, you'll need it.


Well-Known Member
oh yeah on the same site it says that photos of Atta that were taken as he was boarding the plane......this is funny was his double and Atta is really a Mossad took me 30 sec to find this Mullarkey.........I'm done on this topic so don't even try to tempt me
Google it yourself then if you don't like that website:evil:


Well-Known Member
it's called macavellie, the art of war.

declare an outside threat from an enemy of your choosing, or eventing, and wrap yourself in patriotism, delcare those not in accordance of your intentions as unpatriotic and you can rally the masses and march them off to war to fight for any cause that's unpopular with the people .

it's what is happening to us right now.
Very good post. It's been done throughout history. People that cannot see it happening right now are either dumb or refuse to see the evidence.


New Member
ha ha I just looked at your site that you you provided I'm just going to pick out 1 hijacker, the evidence that is provided by the site about Abdoul alomari is 2 picture is of Alomari and the other picture is supposed to be the inpersonator........its the same guy.....if you cant realize that, your just dening reality.................anybody please look at alomari.....its almost a joke
it's been proven, 7 of the accused hijackers are still alive,

their passports were stolen and used to book passage on the flights

let's not forget, except for 1 pix of 4 men getting on an airplane(which could have been any day) there is not 1 piece of actual evidence to prove any of the hijacker were infact on those planes.

it wall all blown up, not 1 piece of human flesh was identified as them. not 1 body found.

just unburned pass ports in pristine condition floated down from the 2 inferno's.a koran left in a strip bar ? ( muslim fanatics in a strip bar ?, hipocritical dont you think) and a koran in a briefcase at the air port.

a bad attempt at plants.

yah right, and I got a bridge i want to sell ya.

thats like the be heading video, huge men in the combat ready stance, when all arabs are skinny from starving, and they had gold airborne watches on, muslim fanatics observe the loran, no jewlery, including watches.

it's all a piss poor attempt to blame someone else for a false flag operation, an inside job.

never before in history has a tower fell from fire, but on that day 3 towers fell when only 2 were hit by planes.

(I am a former fire fighter with 23 yrs experiance)

tower 1 took a direct hit, and tower 2 a side hit and instead of the top falling off after the weak spot gave out, it imploded, and it imploded first.

tower 7 fell 45 minutes after the bbc did a story and said it fell , while it was still there in the backround.

a real piss poor attempt to fool the masses.

you have to be an idiot to believe that fabrication.

refer to my signature statement.

the official 911 story, is the conspiracy theory, there is no evidence to support any of it.