150W HPS Multi Strain Cab


Well-Known Member
No clue, i havent used them. SICC has used BioBizz tho. Not sure if they need weening. Maybe a GOOD flush, then start small, building back up...


Well-Known Member
Well I flushed after I switched off MG and bio bizz is organic so there shouldnt be any build up. However, The Bio Bizz bottles say they can also be used in the same amount when working with other nutes as they would by themselves. Im Thinking about trying half and half of both and if nothing goes wrong try both at full strength. Moving up VERY slowly of course...Yes by the way I AM a tinkerer.


Well-Known Member
Now comes the tough decision. Do I choose to test it on 1 of the 2 with the most bud production so far...Or risk getting cussed out by my girl for killing her plant...(No she dosent have any evidence and yes I can get rid of the evidence VERY quickly)


Well-Known Member
Nah I told her if she lied to her dad about where she was coming so she could come up here id name the big one after her and let her make the major calls on it. Anyway she said she trusts me with mini her so time to get mixing nutes XD


Well-Known Member
Well I just mixed the cocktail for jizzy...She'll get her first taste of super nutes day after tomorrow. Temps are down to low - mid 80's now in the room. A/C is still on and I have a fan blowing over a bucket of ice and into the closet to help out.


Well-Known Member
Hell yea man I been waiting on you to say something...Thought you werent going to ask I done went and got fucked up.


Well-Known Member
lol, needed to take a cod break for a bit.. gonna make some dinner ill hit ya up when im ready...


Well-Known Member
Anyone wanna help?
When i first got my Bio Bizz i threw it into the mix with my GH line up, So it should be fine, people mix different line ups all the time. But after almost a week, maybe like 4-5 days in my mixing jug i started getting this filmy residue in my water, so i stopped using it and haven't ran into it since, not saying you will, but thats what happened to me and now i dont even want to use the stuff lol


Well-Known Member
Probably a chemical reaction. Il keep an eye on it. Feeding all 3 every 2 days a gallon usually lasts about 2 feedings. Il have enough for maybe 1/2 a feeding of one plant left in the bottom I just pour out and rinse out the container in the tub and start over. Also if I need to I can break everything down into a smaller mix and mix maybe say 2 liters at a time like I used to. That would be about 3 feedings for jizzy by herself.


Well-Known Member
Im thinking of taking 2 or 3 cuttings from the girls and trying my hand at cloning. Any thoughts from anyone? Good branches you noticed to clone from or anything is more than appreciated.


Well-Known Member
i dunno if its gonna be worth it if u dont have room, and youve already been flowering for a month....