The New Trendy Drug of the Future?

I love 2c-e personally, so does everyone that I personally know who has tried it. No wonder it is the highest held rc, everyone loves it lol.
Well get a connect to the family and you have yourself real LSD-25. 2cb, 2ci, 2ce are the new tools to add to your toolbox. LSD should always be there in their toolbox. DMT if it can be produced widely and be sold cheaply will be the next new thing because its the most ridiculous psychedelic in terms of hallucinations but the feeling is more natural and euphoric than almost any other drug, IT EXISTS IN ALL OF US. 5-MeO-AMT is nice but its not LSD. Some acid sold is actually 5-MeO-AMT and if you have ever had real LSD-25 you would know that LSD is the shit. Mescaline is very spiritual and dreamy and those cacti aren't going anywhere. But the new drug of the future might not be made yet. I have to still try 2ci which is from what i hear the next psych after LSD, in terms of 10 hour or longer drugs. Pure or close to pure MDMA is the shit. Apart from the rave and dance culture it is apart of, MDMA is probably the single most useful psychotherapy drug out there. I was surprised that Ketamine did not come up more.

My recommendation is for people to realize that whip-its or nitrous oxide, aka laughing gas, when used under the influence of other psychedelics is the next drug of the future. Sure a lot of people have taken whip-its, but you have not experienced the full potential of a whip-it until you take one trippin.
I love Hippy Crack.

Haha, again what is hippy crack?

I knew immediately who it was... a big know it all!

I see he got banned already or the moderator found out... no one else post over a 100 comments in one day :lol:
So I understand, out of all the "Acid" that goes around, only approximately 1% is actual LSD-25 (so for all the people who say they have had acid, are you sure?)

im sure... :eyesmoke:
'real lucy' is pretty unmistakable, lol, especially when compared RC's cut with strichnine... which is exactly what 99% of people are getting nowadays... but i remember. kinda. lol... little blurry tho :lol:
There's legal highs in Britain what i know of,i debate that lsd is not dieing it's still alive,there new rc drugs, dm and dxm , plant fertilizer, Drugs are like music you can't kill them lsd will remain forever just like Mozart,Mozart is still heard to this day but new trendy music takes the spotlight for who knows what my kids will be on ,or there kids,not too long ago crack never was know, meth was just a small drug, weed was still having a low thc content,compared to toay

People will always find new ways to get high.

Sheeple will just get pissed