Bquamb & s7even's Tighty Whitey Grow Journal (RIU Exclusive)


Active Member
ok just got home from work and dam am i tiered... hate filling in for the morning guys sigh.... dont remember the last time i willingly woke up at 6am lol. on the bright side :D i got 112$ from the govrm. today gatta love the 3 month check u get from them hey :D now i just need my tax return and im set :D and also the plant is snaping outta shock from the transplant the other day and it looks like there are 2 new leaf sets popping out of the top middle! Time for a victory bong bowl! just picked up some sticky sticky cron so im gunna rock out some TooL and Alexisonfire and ill check back in a few boys!


Active Member
picture update looking bigger but bottom leafs are droopy a bit, prob from it being a lil over watered so just gatta sit back and watch it for a while

Edit: but she's still pushing up and making new leaf sets and the stem is starting to look really good and strong so im too too worried yet.



Well-Known Member
shees looking preetty nice bud!
ic have problem with droopy leaves like the whole life of my girl, could never really figure out the problem...


Active Member
well as long as she keeps on pushing out new leaf sets theres no real need to worry all that much. i just cant wait to watch it get tall now :D


Well-Known Member
Yea man looking good but that droop has me thinking you need to start more seeds. What do you guys think about sending a seed my way and I will dedicate a grow to you guys? If not no worries (I probably wouldn't send someone seeds I paid for lol) Come check out my thread fellas I threw up some new pix :D


Active Member
yea she's deff back into explosive growth mode again, no more shock of movement that's for shur! it looks like a mini tree so cool :D


Well-Known Member
have to subscribe to this
i just grew out this strain... very nice fruity/sweet smoke

ive noticed everytime i grow this strain (2nd batch in right now) that i get some RANDOM funked up plants... have 1 that basically topped itself immediatley and grew up in a "V" with 2 main stalks

doesnt produce tons or oils and turn completley white like in pictures... i used the FOX FARM solubles (beastie bloomz and cha ching) on my 2nd grow right now and they def have huge increase in resin production so make sure you try something like that


Active Member
yea man i hear fox farm is the best but i cant find it anywhere here. nor do i know what the bag looks like. I'm also at the disadvantage at living on Vancouver Island in Victoria so selection is mostly limited when it comes to good soil. we have a rona here Canadian tire wallmart (is undergoing expansion) and everything under the moon for construction stores but i can't find fox farm the only other thing i can think of is going to a actuall hydro store for it but I have the feeling it will cost a bit more


Well-Known Member
yeah i hear ya on selection

personally i used 50% sphagnum peat moss and 50% perlite and thats it... worked great for me

the fox farm stuff i bought off ebay... like you... no stores around
that is link if you are interested... cheapest price i found and that stuff will last a long long time

you get any freebies from bc?? i got a strain called big green.... that grew out great too

since then i ordered jedi death star and euphoria so cant wait to get those all started and a journal going for them


Active Member
no we were both really wanting some free's specially the jedi death star! we were eyeing that one down hard hahah but we got 11 instead of 10 that's about it man and wen we tried sprouting 2 only the 1 actually kept on growing which is the plant we are currently growing now. my step dad was saying to me while ago that i should grow my own pot instead of paying for it haha oh little does he know hey! he is my land lord so im keeping it hush hush but wen he came out and said that im gunna ask him to help me build a grow box cuz he can build a friggen house by him self, and it would be great to put this all into a proper grow box and not worry about getting caught too would be a nice bonus.


Well-Known Member
nice to have family on board... i am 100% legal grower in Michigan so its a nice feeling to have people back you lol

but best of luck on the grow and keep it updated... i will be following close to see how it compares to my grows.... this strain grows pretty tall and bushy so make sure you give them lots of space

i built a box for them the first grow but they got too big and caused problems so i have decided to give all my plants a big open room


Active Member
ok just got back from class. and there's new leaf sets starting lower down the stem so i guess u can say its filling out the bare spots in between the other leaf sets, and its no longer looking yellow new the bottom leafs like it was the other day, just has 2 droopy looking leafs and other then that she looks green lush and perky! god i love growing pot, and im also surprised on how much it already reeks of pot in there, like yesterday i went into my bedroom and was like woaa! were the fuck did all this smell come from!


Well-Known Member
yea man i hear fox farm is the best but i cant find it anywhere here. nor do i know what the bag looks like. I'm also at the disadvantage at living on Vancouver Island in Victoria so selection is mostly limited when it comes to good soil. we have a rona here Canadian tire wallmart (is undergoing expansion) and everything under the moon for construction stores but i can't find fox farm the only other thing i can think of is going to a actuall hydro store for it but I have the feeling it will cost a bit more
Not always true on the cost thing. My hydro store sells bigger bags for less than I got mine at Lowes...
Here is a picture I found of a plant grown with Fox Farm Ocean Forest.
Here is a picture of what the bag itself looks like.

Does that help any?


Well-Known Member
nice man, she seems to be growing fast now hey!?
hmmm i wonder what the droppy leaves could mean? i could never figure my stuff out.


Well-Known Member
What soil are you using? Did you mix perlite into the soil?(that is a clickable link btw :D ) It looks over / under watered. Are those spots on the leaves? How tall is she now? How many stalks does she have now? Hey B get ahold of me at my email I wanna send you some seeds from this last grow.