Did you ever do a smoke report on the hash?
Actually ya know what... I didnt. I did like.. a lil baby report.. sooo here goes..
Well, me and my gf ended up smokin it late at night.. well around like 11ish. I pulled off 2 small little pieces. One for each of us. The piece was about the size of one of those little metal BB's. I got 2 decent hits off of it, as did she.
The taste is kinda hard to explain.. but it wasnt nasty, like I thought it would be. I was picturing this really harsh.. nasty taste, almost like resin. I used to use my metal pipe alllllllll the time before, and after a couple months.. I would go and scrape all the resin out of it.. and put it on some tinfoil... get a straw or a pen thats been hollowed out.. and put a lighter underneath the pile of resin and smoke that.. and that shit tased like ASS! and it was soo ahrsh.. and u could actually feel it sticking to ur throat.. anywayz.... for w.e. reason.. that is what I was expecting the hash to be like.. but I was deff wrong!
I dont wanna say the smoke wasnt harsh... but.. idk.. it didnt hurt to smoke it.. but it seemed almost... "thick"? if that makes sense. The tast was pretty good too.. it had a weed taste too it. (and when I was breaking the piece off.. it smelled like weed as well) It made my mouth water a little when I smoked it. =)
As for the High........ WoooooooHoooooo... lol.. I feel like the best way to describe it... it was almost like getting High for the 1st time all over again! lol. Im not sure if it will be the same for everyone.. I dont want to get everyones hopes up.. and have them thinkin if they smoke hash.. it will be like their 1st time again.. but for me... thats exactly how I felt.. I havent been smoking for too too long.. since I am kinda young... and I've come to find out that alot of people on here are a little older than me.. I am only 21.. and have been smoking on a regular basis since I was about 15. I had smoked before then.. but not all the time/every day or close to it.
Soo anywayz.. back to the smoke report.. As I said.. I only took the 2 hits.. and that was ALL I needed.. hahaha. It seemed to hit me almost right away.. within 60 seconds I would say. lol. Deff felt giggly... and everything almost seemed like... cloudy?? in a good way tho.. sometimes.. I would be doing stuff.. and not know why I was doing them.. or like.. I would forget that I was doing it.. lol.
It was deff a lot better than I was expecting.. as I said before.. I was picturing it as being the same as when I smoked the resin.. pretty much just a really strong couchlock high.. adn then fall asleep.. but for a little while..I was pretty awake.. we watched TV.. and played some video games.... and then we woke up the next morning.... hahaha.. Dont really remember going to sleep?? Not sure what we did while/after we played XBOX..? eithe rdecided to go to sleep.. or maybe we fell asleep while we were playing....? not really sure... =)
But all in all... DEFF a fun experience.. adn am looking forward to smoking some more again soon!! I deff wouldnt smoke it if I had something to do. lol. Not sure If it was so good/intense (not in a bad way tho) because it was my 1st time.. and if now the 2nd time wont be as good.....? =/ idk.
When I smoke some moer I will let you guys know. =)