*Making Hash With Your Trimmings For Free! Using Basic HouseHold Items*

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I think you should make a new thread :p

yeaaa, I think im gonna to.. cuz no1's gonna see the title of this thread... adn be like hmmm... how to make hash for free... heyy i bet that thread got turned into an open discussion about hash and hash making! lol. Yeaa, I'll work on a little title page.. and will make a new thread.. adn will post the link in here for you guys
thanks for the +rep m8, that gumby was made ur way with just things found around the home, that ball in the pic weighed 5.6g there was another ball 5.6 exactly again! and also a 15.2 ball so yeah almost an oz, as for price i would never sell my gumby for me its prob the best part of the growing process the making hash i much prefer good hash its just sooooo much stronger than NE strain.

but in dam bubble hash gos for silly money per gram something like 40-50euros i think? plus most in the uk wouldnt even apreciate it cause all they no hash wise is something called soap bar, hash that has been contaminated with all kinds of nasty shit like plastic,hay,rubber just to add weight!

yeaaa, thta ball looked pretty nice. Yea, I doubt I would sell any of mine either.. maybe to a friend or sumthing.. but I was just curious.. cuz I had NOOOOO idea wat it goes for. I agree, it is MUCH stronger than anything I've smoked b4. =)

yeaa Im over in the US.. some kids who dont really knoe anything.. and have their paretns money to blow on weed will spend like $30-$30 a gram for White Widow... sooo I can only imagine what they would spend on hash.. lol. Yeaa, I've heard of Soap Bar Hash..... but I had Nooooo idea it was made with all that shit!! Thats fucking DISGUSTING!!! :spew::spew::spew::spew:
Did anything come out in the reusable filter the first time without the paper? And you filter the water twice thru the paper one? Also why not run all the greens thru the whole process twice? Instead of just shaking in a jar the second time. Sorry thats a shit load of questions. Thanks
Did anything come out in the reusable filter the first time without the paper? And you filter the water twice thru the paper one? Also why not run all the greens thru the whole process twice? Instead of just shaking in a jar the second time. Sorry thats a shit load of questions. Thanks

nothing is written in stone.
do it your own way.
and the reusable filter is too big to stop any trichs.
especialy after you agitate some ice water through it
after the initial pour.
my 112 micron filter has no trichs in it after a rinse, just vegie matter.
Did anything come out in the reusable filter the first time without the paper? And you filter the water twice thru the paper one? Also why not run all the greens thru the whole process twice? Instead of just shaking in a jar the second time. Sorry thats a shit load of questions. Thanks

Naa nothin came out.. the only thing that was in there.. was small pieces of leaves.. nothing worth saving. and no I used a new paper the 2nd time I filtered the water.

And thats a good question.. (why didnt I do the same process again)... I guess I was just thinkin since I did that method already... maybe if I try something different.. I'll get the trichs I didnt get using the other method... Honestly.. I got more using the Jar method that I did the original method.. but Im not sure if that was because I had used ALOT less water this time..? or if it was the actual method itself that gave me a bigger yield.

and its ok. ask away.
naaa. i was thinkin about it.. but idk. i think i woulda had to have mnore ppl interested in it. idk i might f=do it 1 of these days. jsut fuckin around. i'll let u kno tho
i never would of wasted my time making my thread if i had seen this , sweet job chris ...rob

lol. thanks man. but theres plenty of hash making guides out there.. its better to have a whole bunch.. even tho theyre the same info.. sum people would find yours. and not mine.. or find others instead of ours.. etc. =) we're helping contribute to RIU. =) im actually getting ready to make sum hash 2morrow. =) i jsut harvested my White Widow plant today. think i'll get about 3 ounces dry.. maybe more.. not bad for 1 plant and only using CFL's. =D u can check out my sig. if u wanna see it harevsted
ok... just smoked a good size ball with my homie...havent smoked in 3 days!
so either the hash was bomb!!!
or...i just needed that!haha
have some drying now still..looks like a decent yield for about a handfull of trim and whack ass bud..i mean you could hardly call it that!
had visible resin but the bud didnt form out like it should..smallest yield ive had from a tree..
maybe like20-30 grams of product?idk... so i just hashed the whole thing!
but im DEFINATELY going to try this shit when harvest time comes!
ok... just smoked a good size ball with my homie...havent smoked in 3 days!
so either the hash was bomb!!!
or...i just needed that!haha
have some drying now still..looks like a decent yield for about a handfull of trim and whack ass bud..i mean you could hardly call it that!
had visible resin but the bud didnt form out like it should..smallest yield ive had from a tree..
maybe like20-30 grams of product?idk... so i just hashed the whole thing!
but im DEFINATELY going to try this shit when harvest time comes!

lol. im sure its a little bit of both. lol. the hassh is bomb.. adn u needed it. glad it worked for ya. =)
you should try boiling the mix before adding the ice and filtering it, it will help knock off all the THC crystals. (this works for nettles too!)