New Member
Well I guess we will have to see how it goes because so for its running very well. I guess the proof will be in the pudding. And the funny thing is that my buddy has a atomix system and it is not a cone spray it is a flat fan but hey what do I know they could have just sent him the wrong one . Before you go making assumptions you should ask if i cycle on and off. Oh and by the way my timer goes into the thousands of a second. The system I have noone has.
Dude I said nothing about cone shapes. Yes atomix did sell a slit nozzle. It is also clearly shown in their patent application. Your point is what? Nozzles are available with slot tips. Personally I have not found them to perform as well as a round cone nozzle. but it is typically the slot tips offered with the cheesy tip cleaner. I am sure the ready availability of a cleaning slot tip had a slot to do with atomix choosing the slot tip. In reality atomix's nozzles were not all that good. The needle cleaning device did not perform well. Actually the use of a nozzle set up in the siphon mode as used by atomixand by the manafcturer naking the cheesy sad knockoff is quite sorry anyway. A gravity feed set up works much better.
I really do not care if you cycle on or off and id not imply that you did or did not. I merely related what research has shown. What you do or do not gain from that is up to you. How you personally run your grow is really none of my concern. If you care to share your experiences that would nice. If not, that is your choice.
My timers also go to 0.001 seconds. I use Omron industrial timer. The short cyclic interval posible are definitely not needed for an aero system and really not a bragging point, but they are sold that way. I buy them because of their dependability and versatilty (other features) rather than their ability for a 0.001 minimum or 999.9 hour maximum cycle option. I have never had the need to use a cyclic time shorter than 1 second. Some people do drop spray times down to 0.5 seconds at night. I believe if you check you will find that while you can cycle down to an on cycle of 0.001 seconds, when doing so your off cycle likely maxs at 9.999 seconds. A 0.01 on allows up to a max 99.9 second off cycle., and a 0.1 on allows for a max 999.9 second off cycle. This would continue up to a 0.1 hr on and a max 999.9 hours off.
I can also say the systems I have no one else has, but that matters little. I am sure there are many unique systems in use by many people. It is not like retailers are selling any good systems so people who wish really good systems build their own. Some might even work well. I am quite sure there are systems that work better and worse than both your system and my systems. I am always interested in improving my systems. Be sure to share when you have something to contribute.