BooMer's 5000w Medical Hydro Cannabis Laboratory w/ C02 Generator & ScrOG


Active Member
great info i appreciate it. +rep
how long did u veg ur indica for? i need to research my strains more and the original strains that made the hybrid.
All the plants under the screen were older plants that I cut back to take a bunch of cuttings from then let grow for awhile. Then stupidly I transplanted them just before putting them under the screen and flipping the lights. The plants just fit under the screen, maybe a slight bend of the very tops. That is how I wanted to do it this round as that is what was ready at the time. The Indica didn’t seem to be the best candidates for this type of grow. They grow fine on there own, no need for the screen. The sativa dom strain blew my mind last go (no SCROG). They were all stretchy and long spacing between internodes. They grew all over the place and I was unhappy with how unmanageable they were compared to the indicas. The indicas grew nice and compact, I didn’t need to keep raising the light, supporting branches and the buds were so frosty and fat early on . I thought that I’d go with all Indica next grow. Then late in the grow the sativa put on so much weight and smoked so good that I knew I had to grow them again. I pulled 5Lbs from 9 plants indoors! mostly from the sativa. That’s why I am trying the SCROG. I thought that they would be great as they stretched so much that they would be easy to lay under the screen and they would fill it up nicely. I was behind cuz I was planning all Indicas and now needed to re-plan, hence the screen and the table with the indicas that are stuck in the screen and by the way the leaves are so fat and grow so tight (short) that they seem like they are crowding each other where as the sativa seem to have lots of space (for now). Hope it helps some.

I have 9 plants growing again and I think my yield will be down quite a bit from before but it is making things so much easier this round. No unmanageable plants so far. We'll see what happens when they put on much weight soon.



Well-Known Member

All the plants under the screen were older plants that I cut back to take a bunch of cuttings from then let grow for awhile. Then stupidly I transplanted them just before putting them under the screen and flipping the lights. The plants just fit under the screen, maybe a slight bend of the very tops. That is how I wanted to do it this round as that is what was ready at the time. The Indica didn’t seem to be the best candidates for this type of grow. They grow fine on there own, no need for the screen. The sativa dom strain blew my mind last go (no SCROG). They were all stretchy and long spacing between internodes. They grew all over the place and I was unhappy with how unmanageable they were compared to the indicas. The indicas grew nice and compact, I didn’t need to keep raising the light, supporting branches and the buds were so frosty and fat early on . I thought that I’d go with all Indica next grow. Then late in the grow the sativa put on so much weight and smoked so good that I knew I had to grow them again. I pulled 5Lbs from 9 plants indoors! mostly from the sativa. That’s why I am trying the SCROG. I thought that they would be great as they stretched so much that they would be easy to lay under the screen and they would fill it up nicely. I was behind cuz I was planning all Indicas and now needed to re-plan, hence the screen and the table with the indicas that are stuck in the screen and by the way the leaves are so fat and grow so tight (short) that they seem like they are crowding each other where as the sativa seem to have lots of space (for now). Hope it helps some.

I have 9 plants growing again and I think my yield will be down quite a bit from before but it is making things so much easier this round. No unmanageable plants so far. We'll see what happens when they put on much weight soon.

if u got a link to ur grow id like to come check it out.
the info def helps. im hustlin to get all my research done this week and get the vegged ladies transplanted theyre big


Well-Known Member
So i was able to leave the ladies for two days and the room ran fine apparently.
came home to more then pleasent results.

On friday i refilled my 40gall rez with RO water and phd at 5.4 since my runoff has been like 6.0 and shit so im testing my runoff to learn how the rockwool affects my ph.
did a full flush with almost all 40gall and left for the weekend. when i came bak i swear they grew inches... i know seeing them everyday u dont notice the growth as much as being gone for a while and comebak. but anyways things are filling out.

now my concern is ive vegged too long. tryin to find the right balance of even canopy and lowest veg time. talkin with a couple experienced scrog growers and hydro guys that believe 2 weeks of veg is all thats really needed as long as ure doin full hydro and a hybrid strain. im goin onto week 5 if i can remember right. but i measured the ladies and theyre 17-20" tall which im thinkin is too tall already and i wanted to flip the switch at 12"

they seriously jumped up on me and i think its becuz i lowered my light finally(kinda forgot after i did the transplant lol) and also i believe the flush made a huge diff. plus the fact that i FIMmed them stunted them and slowed down gorwth. after learning more and more about scrogging im not sure i will FIM again since i will be bending LST style with the screen i dont really need to FIM to split main tops... the scrog doesnt worry about a "main stem" and i feel i lost valuable veg time by FIMming. i like FIM alot but not for scrog. i might be wrong but this is just wat im seeing so far.

i will mess with growin mod methods next round. still want to dial in my setup and the strains and not fuk myself up with too many tricks.

the new scion mothers are showing new top growth and ive been battling the ph for the week so far cuz i check it everyday and letting it pump thru and get evenly distributed. im sure ill get it dialed soon. was at 6.1-6.4 today so hopefully ill b in the correct 5.5-6.0 range soon. i did notcie a true ph moment that makes me focus on ph even more, my freshly transplanted clones that were decided to be my future mothers were showing light green-yellow colored new fan leafs which could b lack of N of other nutes but i had already threw in 25% strength nutes of sensi grow A & B. ppms were like 450 and once i adjusted the ph to a closer proper level, the color changed almost over night.

temps in the room are doin better then i thought but it hasnt been too hot outdoors lately. room temp inside has been between 69-77 consitantly. im manueling turning on and off the AC and exhaust fan to mess with humidity and temps during diff parts of the day and think ive figured out how to control the room with proper temps. which is also another theory i have to why the vegged ladies blew up.

anyways i think im done rambling for tonite. let me know wat u guys think about thge pix and scrog ideas im juggling.

enter the lab;

waterfarm scion system

master bubba kush mother showing new growth. old fan leafs are yellow due to nutes being used to start rooting.

sour grape mother lookin great
notice the thinner leaf blades compared to the mster bubba

the vegging ladies

that was taken today and now look at the pic from 5 days ago, huge diff right?

gettin bushy and filling out. 17-20" tall and trunks gettin thicker

got my lady bugs on duty

i finally removed the one runt out of the group and check out the blown out healthy white roots creepin from the block next door. not all the cubes are rootbound like this one but is a good sign theyre growin strong and healthy. def time for transplant



Well-Known Member
Damn man those bitches blew up on ya. They look so healthy man, I am stoked on how well you are doinng in your first hydro grow. My hats off to you Boomer! I would say it may be too late for a full scrog for sure. You can still train them with a screen though, you will just have to do some major lillipopping and pruning of the smaller branches. You can just make the screen a bit higher than you had planned. The good news is, what you keep will all be fat buds. I would keep maybe 2 or 3 shoots per plant, but you will know better how much you can keep after you clean them up. I usually do the lollipopping early and the pruning toward the end of the stretch so I can see what I am working with.


Active Member
if u got a link to ur grow id like to come check it out.
the info def helps. im hustlin to get all my research done this week and get the vegged ladies transplanted theyre big
I don't have a journal at the moment. I might start one for my outdoor grow soon for this summer. I am getting everything ready for that now, almost there, sites are prepped and plants starting to acclimate but not in the ground yet. 3 more weeks?

Your ladies are getting big. That is what I did last time and it got way out of hand. I couldn&#8217;t get myself to chop them down in height so I flipped the light 12/12 and watched them reach for the sky as I figured out how to manage them. Big branches broke off during the grow (not so bad late on as it gave me a sample of things to come, but it hurt when it happened). With all my complaining and saying I won&#8217;t let that happen again (getting taller than 12-14&#8221; in veg) I did get a great yield. I say all this cuz I see how big your plants are now. I am assuming your talking about a SCROG for your next grow not this one. I have 4 plants on one of my tables and they completely fill the screen. (see pix above) Now they just have to fatten up. You can do more plants than 4 of course but the screen should be about ½ way full before flipping to 12/12? (< this is a guess, check out pix above). They can fill quite a bit of the screen in the 2 to 3 week of stretch. I stopped bending them at about 2 weeks? I could have stopped sooner for the indica and a little longer on the sativa. Well the sativa might be just where I want her. She is filling in nicely.

Oh, I realize that those girls are in your veg room and you&#8217;ll probably move them to the flower room to flower. It that case your fine to go. That is what I did. Put a few under the screen and bend them into place, continue to bend under the screen for 2 weeks+
While bending you&#8217;ll notice some of the fatter higher branches grow a bit faster than the smaller lower ones so when trying to time an even canopy take that into account at the end of the two week+


Well-Known Member
looks great bro, im with #1raiderfan420, lollypopp down to only the toughest top colas, then final prune stretch. We'll be seeing some monster nugs similar to your outdoor grow!


Well-Known Member
Soil is more reliable! Aero guys cry when the power goes out and their backup gen fails. And what about a 3-5 day vacation? I'd be to nervous to ever leave them lol


Active Member
Soil is more reliable! Aero guys cry when the power goes out and their backup gen fails. And what about a 3-5 day vacation? I'd be to nervous to ever leave them lol
Isn't that the truth.

(power is reliable, it's when an air or water pump fails or a res heater fails or chiller fails or the Ph swings way off the charts cuz the Pen wasn't calibrated or ......)

Now, there is nothing wrong with it. I just said soil is ez. (and you can still flood a tray using soil if inclined)


Active Member
whats up boomer Ive got a question for ya. I was hoping to find out how you plan on venting your flower room with co2. I see the scrubber in the closet so I know you will exhaust but how often will you do it? [just at night, periodically thru the day, consistantly on low speed, etc...] Im sealing up my room for my next round and have purchased the minigen tiny co2 gen and a c.a.p. ppm3 controller. It should be perfect in my shed [320 cubic feet] It also only puts off 1250 btu. so im pretty stoked on the new shit, but am a little puzzled on the venting situation. Ive been given advice to vent slowly thru the day at the local shop but was not too sure. any advice would be greatly appreciated. thx bro +rep cause ive been meaning to anyway. your grow looks amazing so far.

p.s. are you using a dehumidifier or does the ac take care of that? I hear with the room sealed humidity is a problem.


Well-Known Member
So another 7 days worth of work crammed into 48 hours. case of monster and about a quarter later...

moved 36 vegged ladies in 6" rockwool cubes from the 4x4 veg tray into the flower room that contains 2- 4'x8' flood tables. put 18 on each tray underneath a total of 6 600w hps lamps.
dark period for 36 hours to boost flower initiation and had to hustle hookin up all feeding equip. cut up 1/4" and 1/2" tubing and created my new drip system via ring emiters ontop the rockwool cubes. i stacked the 6" RW onto 4" RW individual slabs.
threw on algae covers and tested all emiters. everything ran great. oh i also ran bleach/water thru my setup and table to clean out any shit sitting around. scrubbed it down and rinsed.
i am using totes for my runoff/waste. im using a submersible pump and drain hose setup to pump waste water down the hall to the bathtub drain. i use this same pump setup to drain all 3 runoff rez totes.

i installed my airpump in the garage which is located below the growrooms and ran 8 1/4" tubes thru the hole we made for plumbing and electric and hooked up all 8 airstones (4 in each rez)
thanks jack for the tip (in a sealed c02 room when using an airpump to oxygenize ur rez water u fill suck the c02 out of the air and put it into ur water, u want oxygen not c02 in ur water. so i had to move the pump 12' away but at least ill have oxygen in my water and not waste c02)

thank u to all who chimed in with scrog tips and when to flip the switch. i think i timed it good or if anything i flipped too soon. the ladies reached thru the screen which is 17" high total from the tray. its about 7"-8" above the medium. i bent the bitches under the netting for now til i decide my route.

im pretty sure i lost two ladies tho. one was lookin good but during the 36 hour dark period and no water it got weak and droopy. i messed this part up cuz friday nite was the last water and it was a flush and i was gone all weekend then decided to flip. i never waterred them again which i know wasnt good. anyways ill b positive that i still have the majority left to flower out.
the second one im not sure wtf happened. it tucked under the screen fine then when i went bak to spread it out more the bottom base stem snapped cleaned (prob too dry) and i held it and tried to splint it bak but the other side broke clean off as well. almost like it had sumthing eating at it? not sure but i took sum closeup pix for u guys to look at and let me know. not sure if its like algae, mold from the rw cubes not being covered all the time or wat. anyways i splinted it anyways but its way droopy and lookin tapped out now so mite replace it with a runt i had left over from the veg table aas a bakup.

the temps did great over night stayed 70-75 and humidity at 50%

when the lights came on at midnight everything fired up fine and temps got up to 77 and RH @ 47-50% which is perfect. i didnt turn on the c02 yet i wanted to test the room first. the 2 10" 1075 cfm max fans running the exhaust light cooling work did great. ran super quiet and kept the lights so cool. my hand can be up against the glass with little to no discomfort. my lights are 18-20" from the canopy now. when nuggs grow should b about 12"

building the scrog table isnt science but apparently stoners have issues when faded tired and cracked out onmonster working days straight... i swear to god i made perfect measurements and sketches and bought all the shit i needed... triple checked it and all... wasnt enough haha. i ended up cutting every single piece 2-3 times to shorten and ended up getting 1 wrong corner piece and 1 wrong T. i had to rush to homedepot at 930 to switch them out. so dumb ugh. glad i didnt glue thaty shit together i was just flat out beat and not thinking straight with shit. anyways quadruple check ur measurements and cuts when u make a scrog table haha.

all roots were healthy white but sum hanging out looked kinda brown so glad i transplanted.
i watered each table with lik 50gallons of RO water as a transplant flush with sum superthive. i will feed tonight with my new flower feeding recipe which i will update in detail with later.

my dad came up with a night time exhaust system to eliminate humidity issues during the nite so ill get into that once its done.

im so glad i went with the 7" square white netting; its hard enough as is to get thru all that shit and fit my hand. idk how i wouldve done it with the wire mesh thats like 2"x2" squares. thanks for the suggestions again guys ill rep out soon.

heres the scrog table in process

for center support to hold up and down

couldnt find a corner piece i wanted so i made shit up lol

look at all the lil ass fuk up cuts i made hahaha K.I.S.S

heres the newly moved ladies

scrog tables in

ladies tucked

heres the ring emitter but look at this bitches stem!!

its like evenly broken all around like it was chopped inwards or eaten at but no bite marks its weird

anyways hope u guys enjoy the update ramble since its been a while just been swamped ill be bak with more soon


Active Member
boomer youve got stem rot for sure!!! watch the watering I just went thru the same shit. make sure you let the rockwool get to be lightweight sometimes. this will cause major growth stunting as it did in my room. It is a fungus and can be fixed with funguside if you catch it in time. You might notice dark rings around the other girls stems. check them to see. It can be decieving because the plant will be growing fine but the stems will literally fall apart. In my case the girls never did come back right. I hope you caught it sooner than I did. I posted a question above your post with some co2 venting ?'s. Thought you might have missed it cause you were writing up that post. Good luck with the ladies.


Well-Known Member
U could possibly have the emitter sandwiched between the slab and the 6" cube? that would help the top of the cube dry out better & prevent the rot. RW can be a mofo...


Well-Known Member
whats up boomer Ive got a question for ya. I was hoping to find out how you plan on venting your flower room with co2. I see the scrubber in the closet so I know you will exhaust but how often will you do it? [just at night, periodically thru the day, consistantly on low speed, etc...] Im sealing up my room for my next round and have purchased the minigen tiny co2 gen and a c.a.p. ppm3 controller. It should be perfect in my shed [320 cubic feet] It also only puts off 1250 btu. so im pretty stoked on the new shit, but am a little puzzled on the venting situation. Ive been given advice to vent slowly thru the day at the local shop but was not too sure. any advice would be greatly appreciated. thx bro +rep cause ive been meaning to anyway. your grow looks amazing so far.

p.s. are you using a dehumidifier or does the ac take care of that? I hear with the room sealed humidity is a problem.

sorry i did miss this post but not good if i have root rot on my stems. from over watering or wat cuz the RW was dry as fuk before the transplant so if anything maybe it got wet too much then dried out and it was all over from there. i tossed the broken lady today and replaced it with a runt but watever i guess a single cola from one plant is better then nuthin.

about the venting its hard for me to explain wat im doin for venting but my 100can carbon filter has a single 8" 755cfm fan that scrubs the air throughout day and night whenever i want the timer to be set to scrub and still save power. i am not exhausting the carbon filter it stands on one end and continuously scrubs the room over and over. thats why i cycle it since it doesnt need to rescrub over and over. for exhausting the room due to stagnant air, humidity, etc; i will be installing two "T-Ys" where my intake is and install 3 damper setups within it and it will allow me to exhaust air during night time only (so i dont waste c02 during the day) and this will keep humidity issues down during the night. the other part of the setup im doing will allow passive air intake since openning a vent damper to exhaust stagnant air out via one of my 10" 1075cfm max fans, the other open vent will suck fresh air in from outside cuz the negative pressure created from the max fan sucking air out. dont forget to filter air intake. i would not recomending venting at all during lights on (since thats the only time u use c02) u dont want to waste any of it. plus if ure advanced enough to use c02 u should already have temps dialed (proper AC control so no cooling exhaust needed) buuut thats in my area and i dont use a dehumidifier due to runoff issues, power, and cost of the initial unit. decided just to do this simple setup to start then go from there. the 2ton split AC does double partially as a dehumidifier but im not relying on it as so. i will monitor my RH and see where it goes when the temps swing outdoors but its dialed at 50% perfect right now. just gotta get all the other shit dialed now since my fuk plants are falling apart haha. any suggestions for a spray or remedy to fix the ladies? sum did look weird at the base... i had inspected best could after the plant broke to see if others had anyting goin on and i think a couple might look weak and darker in spots at the base. gotta fix these bitches asap


Active Member
sorry i did miss this post but not good if i have root rot on my stems. from over watering or wat cuz the RW was dry as fuk before the transplant so if anything maybe it got wet too much then dried out and it was all over from there. i tossed the broken lady today and replaced it with a runt but watever i guess a single cola from one plant is better then nuthin.

about the venting its hard for me to explain wat im doin for venting but my 100can carbon filter has a single 8" 755cfm fan that scrubs the air throughout day and night whenever i want the timer to be set to scrub and still save power. i am not exhausting the carbon filter it stands on one end and continuously scrubs the room over and over. thats why i cycle it since it doesnt need to rescrub over and over. for exhausting the room due to stagnant air, humidity, etc; i will be installing two "T-Ys" where my intake is and install 3 damper setups within it and it will allow me to exhaust air during night time only (so i dont waste c02 during the day) and this will keep humidity issues down during the night. the other part of the setup im doing will allow passive air intake since openning a vent damper to exhaust stagnant air out via one of my 10" 1075cfm max fans, the other open vent will suck fresh air in from outside cuz the negative pressure created from the max fan sucking air out. dont forget to filter air intake. i would not recomending venting at all during lights on (since thats the only time u use c02) u dont want to waste any of it. plus if ure advanced enough to use c02 u should already have temps dialed (proper AC control so no cooling exhaust needed) buuut thats in my area and i dont use a dehumidifier due to runoff issues, power, and cost of the initial unit. decided just to do this simple setup to start then go from there. the 2ton split AC does double partially as a dehumidifier but im not relying on it as so. i will monitor my RH and see where it goes when the temps swing outdoors but its dialed at 50% perfect right now. just gotta get all the other shit dialed now since my fuk plants are falling apart haha. any suggestions for a spray or remedy to fix the ladies? sum did look weird at the base... i had inspected best could after the plant broke to see if others had anyting goin on and i think a couple might look weak and darker in spots at the base. gotta fix these bitches asap
Thanks for the reply boomer. So I will just exhaust at night with small fan should be good. I already have filtered passive intakes on the floor Ill just cover 3 and leave 1 so my room will be almost sealed.Haha and yeah I had good results with a fungaside called eagle 20.I foliar fed and sprayed the stems directly. It cleared all the probs but their growth rate slows. anyway they are healthy now and will just harvest a little lighter yield. I also think someguy had the best idea for the prob by moving your emitters away from the stems down to the slabs. Which by the way are bad ass I was eyeballin those this week. They will defenitely be in the next grow for me.


Active Member
Everything is looking great boomer. I like the height of the screen, I could have gone lower myself. 7" squares? I know mine are a bit close but 7&#8221; seems big. Always something to learn. I&#8217;ll be staying tuned for the grow for sure. Hope the rot is an isolated case. Keep up the great work.


Well-Known Member
Everything is looking great boomer. I like the height of the screen, I could have gone lower myself. 7" squares? I know mine are a bit close but 7&#8221; seems big. Always something to learn. I&#8217;ll be staying tuned for the grow for sure. Hope the rot is an isolated case. Keep up the great work.
well i put the screen that high based on wat research i found. compared to the plants, the screen is pretty high to me as well and prob shouldve vegged longer buut i dont want to be veggin for more then 2-3 weeks anyways. im sure becuz i FIMmed the ladies that they were stunted and grew out wider but not taller. sum poke thru the top while others cant be weaved thru to the next squares. the netting is the standard netting at the hydro store and seen it used with lots of other grows so we will see how it works out.