Grow log TNR(day11) and bagseed(day01)


Well-Known Member
I kind of decided to just ignore the heat problem since there really is nothing I can do about it right now. I also returned the 6500k light to the box. She is still doing great although some of her leaves are starting to pale on the midribs (if that is the right term). More yellow leaves today also. Hopefully it is just from going into flowering. Could it be she needs to be fed? It's only been a few days since the last feeding, but maybe the compost tea gets absorbed fast and she is hungry again. I'm not sure, and I don't want to overfeed her.

The new seeds started to break through the ground today. So I am going to call today day 1 for them. Even the ones that have not broken ground yet. I ended up digging them all out. The soil had become very compacted and I think that was hindering them from coming up. The bag seed was really wedged in and didn't move over a 12 hour period. I found the cotyledons buried and still in the seed so I loosely covered it with soil and watered it. One of the Indian Hazes never popped and I could not find the seed no matter how hard I looked. So I planted a Brazil x KC seed in its pot. I figure that one will come up in the next day or two, but I'm still going to count today as day 1 for it also. It will just make things easier. I'll also be starting a journal for that grow. So in review I have 3 Indian Haze (Seedman Seeds), 1 Brazil x KC (KC Brains), and 1 bag seed (some fruity cannabis I had about a year ago).

pic 4: you can see on some of the leaves how the veins/midribs are becoming pale and turning yellowish. Is this a sign of a deficiency?
pic 5: The quickest Indian Haze. Best picture I got. Apparently when I dropped my camera it broke the steady cam / blur reducing feature.

I just conducted a little experiment. I placed the lid of the box on the ground but raised so there was pretty much no intake resistance. This made the temperature drop by about 5 degrees in a minute or two. When I replaced the lid the temp started going back up. I then turned off the inside fans in case this was making hot air circulate. This made the temps jump up 5 degrees in under a minute. The fans that are inside being pointed at the lights is definitely a good thing. So now I know that I need to add another air intake. This should help me at least a tiny bit with my heat problem. Unfortunately it is too late for me to do this tonight since I have to get up in a little under 7 hours for work. So that will be my priority tomorrow night.



Well-Known Member
So I have been noticing an infestation of those small black gnats around my house plants and decided to do something about it. I put a sticky fly trap on the window by my succulents, another in my kitchen by my aloe plant, and the last by the new girls I just started. There must be over 50 dead ones in just 2 days. I didn't even realize they were that bad. I think they were dormant in my soil and compost.

The new girls are doing fine. They are still small but look healthy. One of the I.H. has the tiniest bit of yellowing on the single blade serrated leaves. They have an interesting growth pattern too. All 3 I.H. grew the single bladed serrated leaves at the same time at the cotyledons. All 4 leaves are pointed up at a 45 degree angle and in a cup sort of shape. The leaves are almost layered with the way they are growing if that makes sense. All 3 are very similar and are growing uniformly so at least I know these seeds are all the same kind. The bag seed has not developed it first set of serrated leaves yet and the B x KC hasn't broken ground.

Juliana is still doing well. A tiny bit more growth but not really that noticeable. I added 2 more intakes to the box. They are both 2" and the old intakes are 1.5". I wasn't even aware I got a different size until I glued it in. Light glows through the pipes and a little comes out of the ends. I hope this doesn't mean light is getting in too. The pipes are curved and down low so hopefully they won't affect her any. I will probably wrap them in black tape and also put some black tape inside the pipes to absorb light. Temps seem to be doing better, but there are hot spots in the box. I figure as long as she doesn't show signs of heat stress it really doesn't matter. Think about plants outside. Temps can get over 100 but they do fine. It may change the shape and density of the buds but I prefer big fluffy buds to small compact ones. Plus I think I'll probably still get about 1.5 oz or so off her.

Here are some shots of the new girls.



Well-Known Member
Same problems with temps although they are a few degrees cooler with the new intakes I added. Juliana is looking great. The buds are filling in a little, but there were a bunch of yellow leaves on her. I removed the ones that were barely holding on. I started a batch of tea and will be feeding her tomorrow. I may need to raise the frequency of her feedings, but first I'll see how she reacts to it tomorrow. A few of her hairs are turning reddish-brown on her top buds. Not many just one or two on a couple of buds.

Here are tonight's pics. What do you think? Pretty far along for only two weeks of flowering wouldn't you say?



Active Member
Hey Jebis. Thought I would make an appearance on here seeing as you have helped me out a lot. This is looking amazing. Like a larger scale of my grow. I hope it all goes well for you. Are your temps still sitting around 85? Thats where mine have sat the entire time I have used my hps and have my plants seem to be happy. Hope this goes ell for you, I will keep an eye on it.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, temps are still around 85. I had to take out the 23w 6500k to get it back down to that. I plan on getting an AC window unit but the house I'm in is really old and doesn't have grounded outlets. Makes me nervous running my equipment, and I don't think it could handle an AC unit turning on. Probably trip the breaker.

My lights don't come on for a little bit longer but once they do I'll post some pics. The seedlings are doing okay. Not much development over the past few days but I figure I'll see something soon. The KCxB doesn't want to break ground. I dug down to it a few times and it seems to have stopped growing. It grew crooked so I left the seed head exposed and buried the rest again. I think from being watered and then drying out from the light the soil is baking and becoming very compacted. Hopefully not so much that the seeds cannot break through. The bag seed's first set of serrated leaves grew in and they are in the shape of a circle. It's really weird looking. Hopefully it isn't bug damage. I've found a few dead fungus gnats stuck to the fly paper by the seedlings and I've squashed a few others. My house plants are infested with them. No matter how many die there are always more. I got some organic insecticidal soap but I am not going to use it on the seedlings.

I think the UFO has too small of coverage to give the seedlings adequate lighting. They are all right under the rim so they are kind of outside the radius of direct light. I raised it a few inches to widen the area covered. To help out with it I got a new light. It's a 65w 2700k CFL which is a 300w equivalent. It puts out 3900 lumens. It might be a little overboard but I had to try it out. The thing's a beast. Almost 10" from tip to tip. Depending on how hot it gets I may put it in the new box. If I can get it cooler with four 65w rather than eight 26w or 40w bulbs I'll definitely use them. They aren't cheap though. $17 plus tax at Lowe's for just one.



Well-Known Member
Well I set up a makeshift reflector for the 65w CFL which is just plain ghetto. I cut up a cardboard box and put Mylar on it. It rests on the ground right over the light and seedlings. I put a fan under it to mix the air. I figured it would get pretty hot in there. The thermometer is reading right at 80 degrees plus or minus about half a degree. I am leaving the house tomorrow for two days so hopefully they will be okay until I get back. The KCxB seed head is lifting up off the soil just a touch so I think she will be fine. Hopefully she pops the shell off by herself. I also set up a timer so they will be under 18/6 starting tonight. It will be by no means lightproof, but it doesn't matter as much for seedlings as it does for flowering plants.

I fed Juliana a healthy portion of compost tea. Some of the lower growth that I picked started to come back so I stripped it off again. There are also a bunch of yellow and dry leaves that won't come off of her so I am leaving them for now. Bud production is still coming along nicely. I've noticed she has done a little bit of stretching. Nothing substantial, maybe 2 inches since I induced flowering. I'll have to lower her a touch tonight so I don't risk burning her while I'm gone. The house has been cool so the temp of the box has been right at 80 degrees.

Here are the pics:



Well-Known Member
Just a suggestion, you may want to raise the lights away from the plants while your gone. Maybe even remove a few bulbs to help with heat while your gone. I would rather see less growth, than damage from heat or growing into the bulbs.


Well-Known Member
I plan to move her down away from the lights, but I'm going to leave all the bulbs in there. She has not shown any reaction to the heat so I'm not worried about that.


Well-Known Member
looks good buddy, i saw that 65 watt and my mouth dropped lol, the best cfl i could find at home depot was 42 watt fluro, anyways keep up on mine just posted pics and good luck with that tasty herb.


Well-Known Member
All of Juliana's branches are pointing straight up for the last 1.5" at the tips. I tried to move the ties to bring the tips down again but they are spreading too far out past the container for it to work. The ties just slip down into the next lowest buds. I adjusted a few though to have better distribution and supercropped two branches in the middle. Her fattest cola is the one that is far off into the corner. I hope it doesn't suffer from being on the edge of the box. Still getting a lot of yellow leaves under the canopy. Just not enough light penetration. I picked off probably 15 or so.

Does it look like I need to transplant her? The container is a rectangular shape and the largest side (10") is what is visible in the pictures. The other side is about 7" and the soil is 10" deep (with 2" of empty space at the top). So rough dimensions are 10x10x7 for the soil. I'd rather not transplant her since she is flowering. I don't want to risk slowing her down by damaging the roots. Then again I don't know how big she will be when she finishes and may need to transplant her.

Nothing to report on the seedlings. I'm just waiting for them to hit the vegetative stage. They are growing a bit slow, but I think that may be because they haven't had a dark period yet. The Brazil x KC dropped its shell and the cotyledons have just started to open. I need to figure out how to get some bluer spectrum light to them. Right now they are just getting the 65w 2700k light.

Pic #9 is after I removed the yellow leaves and adjusted the ties.



Well-Known Member
looks good buddy, i saw that 65 watt and my mouth dropped lol, the best cfl i could find at home depot was 42 watt fluro, anyways keep up on mine just posted pics and good luck with that tasty herb.
Nice, I'm going to hop over to yours right now.


Well-Known Member
Damn totally forgot to lower Juliana before the lights went out. She has about 4 or 5 inches of space between her and the lights if I remember correctly. I doubt she will be touching the lights by the time I get back although she may get close. Like I said she isn't stretching much. At least not so far. I could go get a green CFL from Lowe's but I don't know how good those are. The green isn't consistent throughout the whole bulb and I'm not going to risk turning her hermie because she may get close to the bulbs. Unless she kicks into overdrive I don't see how she would touch them.

I gave her a good watering one minute after the lights went out. The room wasn't too bright though. Just a single 23w and some light coming in through the blinds and she was exposed to it for maybe 30 seconds tops. Plus it was literally one minute after the lights went out.

I'm a little more worried about the seedlings. The soil tends to dry out fairly quickly on top, but it will stay heavy with water at the bottom of the container. I figure do the same for them as I did Juliana. A good watering right before I leave and they should be good until I return in two days. The BxKC is my biggest worry since she is the youngest. The rest probably have roots going deeper than her. The bag seed had a nice bump in growth. The serrated leaves about doubled in size since last night. They are still completely round though. The Indian Haze has some very slight purplish-brown color on the tips of the serrated teeth. I don't think it's any sort of stress. It's probably just its genetics.


Well-Known Member
Got back home and everything was fine with the girls. The seedlings are short. Just like all the seeds I have started under CFL's. Barely any leaf development also. Not enough wattage? The fact that it is a 2700k light? Very likely the culprit. At nine days I would think there would be more to show for it.

Juliana is still chugging along. Buds have started to slightly fill out, and there are many more hairs. I fed her water mixed with bat guano and sucunat last night and again tonight. It brought back a little of her color today although the lower stuff is starting to pale like it's using up the nutes. She is really developing fast so she is probably using up all the nutes quickly. She still had plenty of room between her and the lights. Just a little bit more vertical growth. She started developing trichomes over the past few days and their numbers are increasing noticeably over night.



Well-Known Member
glad to hear everything was good. i was worried for you, heard so many horror stories from people leaving their plants for a few days.


Well-Known Member
Things are still going well. A lot of yellowing of the leaves on Juliana still and some slight nute burn on her too. Gave her regular water for her last watering. The leaves are becoming pale at the veins before turning yellow. Could she be having deficiencies in something? I use R.O. water so could she be short on magnesium or calcium? What should I do if she is?

The seedlings have grown a bit more. They are a touch taller and the leaves are slightly larger. I will be putting them in the new grow box in the near future. I've also noticed the cotyledons have turned yellow on most of them. Maybe heat or too much warm light, not enough cool light.



Well-Known Member
Either Juliana is having deficiency problems or I over fed her and she is in nute lockout. I was looking at some trouble shooting threads and it looks like she is suffering from phosphorous, magnesium, and calcium deficiencies all at the same time. I am going to feed her some tea tonight and see how she reacts. If anything looks worse afterwards I will flush her out, but if she shows improvement I will step up her feeding. I've been doing it pretty sparsely so far. Lots of crystals are forming on the sugar leaf but the buds haven't started swelling yet. Hopefully they will get lengthier too. The bud tip growth seems slow but that may be from the heat problems. I have been able to keep it down around 85 when the lights are on however. Plus all of my thermometers are exposed to direct light so I'm sure that is influencing their readings. I spread her branches out a little more the other night and trimmed the lower fluff bud growth again. I basically removed any growth that didn't have at least a half dozen hairs coming out of it. All of that would have been immature for harvest and There wasn't enough to justify doing a double harvest.

The seedling are doing much better now that I switched to the 6500k cfl's. I am still having some problems with fungus gnats hanging around them. I don't want to use that insecticidal soap on them just yet. If they get worse though I will have to.


1: All the seedlings
2: Indian Haze 1
3: Indian Haze 2
4: Indian Haze 3
5: Bad seed
6: Brazil x KC
7 and on: Juliana



Well-Known Member
Hey jebus how r ya? Man Juliana started yellowing up all of a sudden wtf? I think you have a good plan to get her back hope it works for you. Anyway I'm on day 25 I didn't realize we were so close. Let us know how juliana is doing after some nutes.


Well-Known Member
Remember some of these macros and micros are dependent on each other. I had mag problems on one plant and treated only mag. Then, because mag depends on cal (or vice versa I can't remember right off hand) I ended up with REAL bad cal def. I also tried adding more nutes. I can tell you first I don't understand all of this 100%, and at that point I fucked that plant up. I would have been better off to give straight water until I seen improvement. But I hope she gets better soon, she ure is filling out well.


Well-Known Member
Here are some pics of her just before I fed her. It's about 12 hours later now and she looks fine. Hopefully when the lights come back on in about another 12 hours she will be good. I think I hurt her when I fed her water with sucunat. I think I made it too strong and it screwed something up. All the newer growth looks healthy though. The only damage is to the older larger leaves. It could be that she is just getting close too. The calyxes are just starting to swell. I could clearly identify them today. Plus all the fan leaves are falling off. Soon she will be nothing but bud and sugar leaf.



Well-Known Member
I am pretty sure she was hungry. She has some new growth coming out the top of all of the buds. Just fed her plain water today. I cut off a few small branches again today. Just the ones that aren't making any resin so far. I figured these buds are going to be small and weak so I might as well redirect the energy that would go to them to the larger buds. Pinched off some sucker buds that I cut off previously, but for the most part they are not growing back. It's funny to look at how she is growing. Almost half of the buds are coming from one branch off the main stalk. Most of the other buds are a single branch each. I think next time I will try topping after the second node and see how that goes. If I can get the majority of bud off one or two of the lower branches there is no reason to grow her out for so long. It will just take some experimenting for me to figure out the best way to do this with my box.

Temps are still high but there is nothing I can do about it. My house temp ranges from 75-80. The buds look good though so maybe she likes the heat, or maybe the box is cooler than I think. The thermometers are in direct light after all.

