This N That


Well-Known Member
Ayee yoo, thats madd mo'
But.. if I had to chose one to have it'd be...
short fat dick, gurls do enjoy alot of girth, lol.

grape dutch or vanilla dutch

~yells~ GRAPE! lol


Well-Known Member
^^^True dat, you got to cover that g spot, girth indeed, good choice bravo.

Grape dutch

For stealth grow:

EArly mitsy or white widow lowrider cross?


Well-Known Member
We talking about real trees? I forgot what a Avocoda or what ever is so...

Orange Tree

red or blue


Well-Known Member
like the fruit used in quakomoley (i have no clue how the fuck to spell it but you get the idea), with the green meat inside with a huge eyeball size seed in the middle, with the dark green skin that looks like ripely water.

red for those phat,hairy, crystally nuggets

Nuggs or bottom bag shake?


Well-Known Member

Hip, or Hop?
dude were does all the loose keif and orange hairs fall when they come loose of a bud. The bottom, the bottom shake is always a bit stoneyeir. See knowledge is power hahahaha.

Go on Living a carefree, smoke a joint, a normal boring lifestyle or experience an alien envasion?


Well-Known Member
Kobe is a egotistical biatch....

BUT, I would rather watch him then t mac.....

Lebron James or Kobe bryant