fuck this site

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New Member
sounds like you need help using a phone book too huh?;-)
let's test your knowledge of your own search feature.

search this please: how to LST, you'll get this "Sorry - no matches. Please try some different terms."

try this one next : SCRoG how to, you'll get the phone book. I stopped at page 10 just now with no chance of an actual sticky or how to anywhere in site.

try this one next: DFT, you would think such a general search would pull up a phone book worth of DFT related info huh???

Sorry - no matches. Please try some different terms.

So no, I can use a phone book just fine, so long as that phone book has useful info to me in it.


Well-Known Member
I have been a member for a couple years and still only have 365 posts, I use search more then anything. I learn sooo much just by looking at others operations and mistakes. I do ask questions sometimes but mostly search.


New Member
Yeah man i totaly agree. Back in the begining of april there were 25 threads started every day about HOW DO I GERMINATE. LOL its all good tho i just copied and pasted my answer to a word pad so i could help the noobs out but still it gets a little crazy sometimes.

hilarious, lol lmao back in april lol how to germinate lmmfao might be my sig in a second holy shit it hurts


Well-Known Member
let's test your knowledge of your own search feature.

search this please: how to LST, you'll get this "Sorry - no matches. Please try some different terms."

try this one next : SCRoG how to, you'll get the phone book. I stopped at page 10 just now with no chance of an actual sticky or how to anywhere in site.

try this one next: DFT, you would think such a general search would pull up a phone book worth of DFT related info huh???

Sorry - no matches. Please try some different terms.

So no, I can use a phone book just fine, so long as that phone book has useful info to me in it.
Listen dude, just because you cannot find it using the search bar does not mean it is not in the site. I could look around for 5 minutes and find a ton of different threads on LST etc... Quit being so fuckin lazy and browse through some threads! lol You will find more then you were looking for in the first place! Then if you cannot find what you are looking for then start a thread and ask the question. If nobody answers dont get pissed, bump your thread until someone that knows the answer responds. Don't pay attention to the guys who talk shit or whatever. You guys get you feelings hurt too easy. You are just one of those guys who has to have something to bitch about! This site is FREE and is full of useful info but you want to come on here and bitch. Now that I am done with this I will go take a bong rip....:peace:

H.R. Shove N Stuff

Active Member
It's true though, no one answers the good questions here. I had a question not answered for 2 days here but in 30 minutes on another forum I won't name with a detailed answer.


Well-Known Member
You know what? How dare you?! You don't know me! You have no idea where I
come from, where I've been, HOW LONG I'VE BEEN THERE, WHAT I HAD TO DO

LAX Skunky BwS

Well-Known Member
you know what all of you can go fuck yourselves everytime i ask a question now one responds,and if they do its always someone who`s a smart ass or they answer my question with a fuckin question even though i was clear and detailed with my question i`ll get the answers from a fuckin book or dvd.FUCK YOU ALL AND THIS SITE YOU BUNCH OF STUCK UP SORRY ASS PEOPLE P.S. YOU ALL ARE THE KIND OF PEOPLE THAT CAUSE OTHER GOOD PEOPLE TO GO ON SHOOTING SPREE GO TO HELL I HOPE YOU ALL GET BUSTED FUCKIN HATERS:evil:
maybe you should become more proactive on getting information by reading on learning how to grow... insted of asking people how to "Help You" with your grow ... like dude said change your attitude and jus maybe u might get some help.... your not the only one asking for help


New Member
Listen dude, just because you cannot find it using the search bar does not mean it is not in the site. I could look around for 5 minutes and find a ton of different threads on LST etc... Quit being so fuckin lazy and browse through some threads! lol You will find more then you were looking for in the first place!

your missing the entire point, DFT pulled up nothing, nothing, how the fuck is that even possible??

LST how to, pulled up everything but that "how to" part when I searched, just like you said a bunch of threads on LST, not one "HOW TO" in the first ten pages of shit it found.

the search feature is useless NOT this site, pay attention!!

this site sucks because its poorly organized, NOT because of shitty members. Telling people to use the search key would be a great response, on any other forum cause the fucking search feature is worth a shit.


Well-Known Member
you know what all of you can go fuck yourselves everytime i ask a question now one responds,and if they do its always someone who`s a smart ass or they answer my question with a fuckin question even though i was clear and detailed with my question i`ll get the answers from a fuckin book or dvd.FUCK YOU ALL AND THIS SITE YOU BUNCH OF STUCK UP SORRY ASS PEOPLE P.S. YOU ALL ARE THE KIND OF PEOPLE THAT CAUSE OTHER GOOD PEOPLE TO GO ON SHOOTING SPREE GO TO HELL I HOPE YOU ALL GET BUSTED FUCKIN HATERS:evil:
post some pics dude
whats your ph,medium and lighting
do you use go fuck yourself we dont care brand nutes
hope that helps

dr. greenthumbz

Well-Known Member
U kno. How dare this pussy panty waist mommy/daddy gave me everything I asked for right away without havin to do fukin thing punk try and wish sum b.s. on us like that. How dare u wish jail on sumone bitch u ever been there it ain't fukin fun. Don't ever cum bak I will now be on a mission to bash u evry chance I get. U better watch wat u wish on people it cums bak on u most of the time hater. Call us haters. No. Ur begging for a how to on lst u ever heard of google dumfuk try it and if u have half a brain ur question wood already be answered but u don't u only have a quarter or less I'm guessing. People aren't dying to give u a lesson on lst becuz they realize u haven't done any research on ur own which is dumb in my opinion. I spent a good four months on the web for hours on top of hours researchin this shit before I ever germed a seed and most people here probably did a fair share of researchin too. Stop being so fukin lazy.

Average americans pissin me off daily, damn I'm off to burn one now,

P.s. I'm a guy that could of helped u to the fullest as I'm a master of lst it is my preferred way of growing, but I don't help impatient little children. Grow up kid then maybe cum bak when u learn to just say bump bump until the shit is answered damn. If u even looked around the site for a second u would see that is the protocol if ur not gettina response not flippin out like a pansy.

I'm done now, peace.


Well-Known Member
yeah i saw that
there is even a thread for lazytard stoners
like everyone you dont get nothing for free so you gotta get out there and read
there is so much information here
and we all try to help maybe the pros missed your question
and trust me mate if ya try help yourself some also helps you


Well-Known Member
we have whole generation of lazy, never disciplined, self entitled, whiny bitches coming into the game-

remember when men were the ones that could get the job done, WITHOUT the whine

good luck kid, you don't stand a chance with guy's like me in the mix, my alpha personality forces me to dominate the weak


Active Member
Wouldn't you be better off searching there? Why hang around here?

this site sucks because its poorly organized, NOT because of shitty members. Telling people to use the search key would be a great response, on any other forum cause the fucking search feature is worth a shit.[/QUOTE]

dr. greenthumbz

Well-Known Member
Naw it ain't that bro. Dude waz just way outta line and as soon as they read the first post they probably got hot real quik and had to giv this pussy a piece of their mind. I mean seriously, wishin jail on people, talk of shootin up place all cuz his retarded ass can't use google. I don't know about u but I woodnt wish jail on my worst enemy, dude is pure scum and needed as many flames as we good give him. U know the douche is probably read a lot of these posts becuz he thought atantrum wood lead to sumone helping him kinda like a child does u kno. Hoppefully he did read all of this and it wakes his punkass up. Mommy and daddy ain't there forever.
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