fuck this site

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Medical Marijuana (MOD)
i just read sum of his thread and dude has an adittude in most of them or he can do a little leg work him self b4 comeing on here bashing us all.''DUDE WE CHOOSE NOT TO ANSWER THE SAME ? DAY IN AND DAY OUT.IT DOES GET OLD .. IN TIME IF YOU STICK AROUND YOU WILL SEE.


Well-Known Member
i understand him fully because like he said some of you out there think your too good to respond actin like a bitch thats on her period for 2 months u mutha fuckers need to realize you hadf to ask someone for something before2 so spidy mites to all you fucks out there !yes you! if you got some fuck shit to say!


New Member
you have done nothing but bash the site and me since you walked in the door. get over it or just leave. :sleep:

might try searching using the proper terminology. you wouldn't look in the phone book under JJS if you were trying to find john joe smith, would you? :dunce:


Keyword(s): Deep Film Technique

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Search: Search took 0.18 seconds.

not one post on DFT in the first 10 pages, try again :dunce:!!!!

And bash you?? Is that how you feel?? Good, I'm not but I'm glad you feel that way. You use fear to control as a MOD, not respect. These people DO NOT respect you or why would there be so much talk lately. People can see what you have done recently and you are being held accountable by them, deal with it or resign your position sir. You should be more than capable of handling these matters with the professionalism the admins had in mind when you were given your authority. If you cannot, then the outcome is obvious. You will continue to scare these members, they will continue to leave, you will soon have no position as there will be no one to moderate over, your cutting your own throat sir, if anything me keeping a close eye on you should help you be a better MOD.

Sorry I'm not of these kiss-ass

And sorry you feel this way " get over it or just leave. :sleep:" I think I'll stay AND NOT get over it, hows that buddy??

If you ban me like the others you only prove to everyone you are doing your best to sweep this whole thing under the rug, I wonder how long these people will let you convince them that they need you??

So go ahead click that shit, give the command, as I have NEVER broken a rule at RIU and the ban would make me a Martyr.

Brick Top

New Member
It's true though, no one answers the good questions here.

I am curious … precisely what are; “the good questions?” Questions you might like to see an answer too that are ones most people have seen answered a few hundred times or more by now?

People complain at times when they do not receive a quick response to a question, or do not receive a response at all, but considering that few here know all that much and that most give horrible advice some people should consider themselves lucky they did not receive a bunch of replies to their question.

Lack of responses at times is the result of frustration by those who tend to answer questions with accurate detailed replies. They get online and begin to read and almost instantly they read a question that is the exact same question they answered in detail six times the day before and they think, I am NOT answering that one again … and then someone goes without a reply ….. that or the person answers suggesting the one asking the question check out the THOUSAND other threads on the same subject and because the question asker did not receive a direct detailed reply they call the person answering a wise-ass.

What makes it even better for those who answer, and answer correctly, is when you post a long detailed reply that is unquestionably correct and the following message is from some little clown-shoe a week into their second or third grow who says … I did not pay attention to all that garbage above, but this is what I do … and then writes something as nonsensical as boiling the roots of plants at harvest to drive the THC up from the plant roots through the plant and into the buds.

Maybe my favorite is when someone thinks up ‘something new.’ Almost every time I read about something ‘new’ just having been thought up by someone I can think back close to four decades and remember the different times someone else thought up the very same ‘new thing,’ even though likely a century or a few centuries previous to then it was also tried ….. and each time it was a failure and it never caught on …. but sooner or later some Bozo in Dubuque will have an epiphany and come up with something totally brand new to try … totally brand new … so like each and every other time it had been tried, for about the one hundred thousandth time over the span of time people have cultivated herb the very same very old totally worthless but yet still totally new and exciting idea is told to the world by some excited kid who is about to give it a whirl … and fail. I always love that!


Well-Known Member

Amen brick, won't let me rep you right away. I had to take a break for a few months before coming back, seems much the same. I'm probably going to stay away from the boards for every single reason you mentioned. Helping people out via messages is way less painful and I don't have to read ludicrous advice from someone with a forum join date of the current month.

Thus far I've seen
-someone suggesting to place a carbon filter on an AC unit so the smell of the air conditioner doesn't affect the plants
-someone telling a guy to mix sand with clay soil to help drainage. . . . or create cement?
-someone telling another person that wide-spectrum CFL bulbs are just as good as an HID light
-advice to fertilize with pet and human urine because its free and his 2 week old plants are doing great

It goes on and on, makes my nuts ache brick. . . . . I don't like achy balls.


Well-Known Member

Keyword(s): Deep Film Technique

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Search: Search took 0.18 seconds.

not one post on DFT in the first 10 pages, try again :dunce:!!!!

And bash you?? Is that how you feel?? Good, I'm not but I'm glad you feel that way. You use fear to control as a MOD, not respect. These people DO NOT respect you or why would there be so much talk lately. People can see what you have done recently and you are being held accountable by them, deal with it or resign your position sir. You should be more than capable of handling these matters with the professionalism the admins had in mind when you were given your authority. If you cannot, then the outcome is obvious. You will continue to scare these members, they will continue to leave, you will soon have no position as there will be no one to moderate over, your cutting your own throat sir, if anything me keeping a close eye on you should help you be a better MOD.

Sorry I'm not of these kiss-ass

And sorry you feel this way " get over it or just leave. :sleep:" I think I'll stay AND NOT get over it, hows that buddy??

If you ban me like the others you only prove to everyone you are doing your best to sweep this whole thing under the rug, I wonder how long these people will let you convince them that they need you??

So go ahead click that shit, give the command, as I have NEVER broken a rule at RIU and the ban would make me a Martyr.
Wow. You're seriously chewing out fdd? The man has FORGOTTEN more about growing than your stupid ass will ever know. Martyr his ass black! I support it! Better yet, lock the thread. Its seriously useless


Well-Known Member

Keyword(s): Deep Film Technique

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Search: Search took 0.18 seconds.

not one post on DFT in the first 10 pages, try again :dunce:!!!!

And bash you?? Is that how you feel?? Good, I'm not but I'm glad you feel that way. You use fear to control as a MOD, not respect. These people DO NOT respect you or why would there be so much talk lately. People can see what you have done recently and you are being held accountable by them, deal with it or resign your position sir. You should be more than capable of handling these matters with the professionalism the admins had in mind when you were given your authority. If you cannot, then the outcome is obvious. You will continue to scare these members, they will continue to leave, you will soon have no position as there will be no one to moderate over, your cutting your own throat sir, if anything me keeping a close eye on you should help you be a better MOD.

Sorry I'm not of these kiss-ass

And sorry you feel this way " get over it or just leave. :sleep:" I think I'll stay AND NOT get over it, hows that buddy??

If you ban me like the others you only prove to everyone you are doing your best to sweep this whole thing under the rug, I wonder how long these people will let you convince them that they need you??

So go ahead click that shit, give the command, as I have NEVER broken a rule at RIU and the ban would make me a Martyr.

you were asked by admin to drop. you brought up "the mods only making their own threads stickies". you don't like it here. good-bye. :)

i've been doing this for years. yet they still keep posting good info. thank you everyone. :blsmoke: :joint::joint:


Misguided Angel
It's pretty sad when a thread like this has 9 pages of replies... While I agree the search function on this site is not very good, it still doesn't stop me from finding what I need. It just takes patience. If you don't have the patience to look for the info you need, you probably don't have the patience to grow in my opinion. And I do agree that it is tiresome to answer the same 4 questions 100 times a day, but i guess that is why it is called newbie central. just my two cents.


Misguided Angel
you were asked by admin to drop. you brought up "the mods only making their own threads stickies". you don't like it here. good-bye. :)

i've been doing this for years. yet they still keep posting good info. thank you everyone. :blsmoke: :joint::joint:

The less people on here like this the better


Well-Known Member
this is a privately owned website. you really don't have to do anything to be banned, but be a dick. :fire:

thread closed. happy days from here on out. :)


Well-Known Member
if the kid would just google "how do I grow weed?"
he would be presented with more useful information than he could digest.
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