Here is a video that shows the Isaelis attacked the passengers before they boarded


Active Member
as soon as YOU board a humanitarian ship. :wink:
AHHHH! but you see I am not the one pointing fingers and attempting to ellude that everyone should STFU and board humantiraian ships now am I. You are the one who is trying to tell people what their own priorities should be. Put your money where your mouth is and go cleanup Oil like you try to tell others to do.


Well-Known Member
I have been sending emails and posting at blogs in regards to the Gulf disaster. I am setting up my own Blogspot as well and one of the first subjects is going to be the gulf.

You are the one who is telling us to go to the gulf and yet you are not willing to practice what you preach. LOL!
I have been all over the Papantonio lawsuit blogs and Criminal Rico venture against Big Oil. I have been posting about and making youtube videos about the need for Green technologies.
What are you doing besides getting all worked up because people here are not paying attention to your threads.

you still aren't getting it. :wall:

i said INSTEAD of ranting about foreign politics.

i'm not ranting about foreign politics.


you just spun the oil spin into a figment of my ego. that's pretty good. :clap:


Well-Known Member
AHHHH! but you see I am not the one pointing fingers and attempting to ellude that everyone should STFU and board humantiraian ships now am I. You are the one who is trying to tell people what their own priorities should be. Put your money where your mouth is and go cleanup Oil like you try to tell others to do.

calm down, deep breathes.



Well-Known Member
Hey kendo! Are you and Helen Thomas related?:shock:



Active Member
Hey kendo! Are you and Helen Thomas related?:shock:


Hey Doc are you and Bozo the clown related. those clownshoes you wear are very similar. Do me a favor and honk that Big red nose of yours a few times for me.
Honk Honk Honk.


Active Member
You might have to to explain that one to me....
You seem to not be able to recognize much of anything that does not fall into lockstep with your hardset ideologies. I just wanted you to make sure that your nose was actually your nose and not some conspiracy that it was your bum.


Well-Known Member
you still aren't getting it. :wall:

i said INSTEAD of ranting about foreign politics.

i'm not ranting about foreign politics.


you just spun the oil spin into a figment of my ego. that's pretty good. :clap:
i plan on going down there as soon as i know i can get some pay out of it, or at least my travel costs mitigated. i'd love to see bp forced to set up some sort of new CCC that puts the unemployed back to work.

lulz on the helen thomas vid.

zionist agenda? here is a bit of a recap...


New Member
Netanyahu comes in as the #1 instigator of WWIII. It woulds not surprise me at all. I said this when he was prime minister the first time, look, he gets a second chance, maybe he'll get it right this time, I hope not.


Well-Known Member
shrimp anyone?
With all the oil that gets put on them at red lobster does it really matter?

I was watching the news last night and actually saw a lady talking about how bad the oil spill is, and her way to show it was holding up a clear water bottle that was covered in oil.

Can anyone see the irony of this?

And to all the Jews on this thread, can I get a break in hollywood, take out a loan and get hooked up with some bling please! Because it really seems like you guys have it all.

Both sides need to realize they are dying over a little patch of sand that neither one of them will ever be able to prove is theirs enough to convince the other side. That is just retarded, it is called moving on.

And to anyone that has said the word zionist and followed it up with somehow it being wrong, why do you think that we are so much better with our anti immigration stance? We don't want people we don't approve of to be able to be a part of our country as a whole right? I mean what 70% of Arizonians are in favor of booting mexicans (funny how the population is about 87% white there too). But I do agree that this whole anti muslim or whatever it is is weird and perverse.

We need to get over this whole imaginary border thing (to a point of course) and just work to get shit done.


Well-Known Member
Hey Doc are you and Bozo the clown related. those clownshoes you wear are very similar. Do me a favor and honk that Big red nose of yours a few times for me.
Honk Honk Honk.
Is that the best you got? A Bozo reference? You need some better material my friend.

Look, start threads in politics, be prepared to have your views challenged. It's that simple. You don't have to try to be insulting. In fact it'll get you banned.:shock:

The Jews have been persecuted for millenia. Literally millenia dude! There were hundreds of thousands, maybe millions of displaced European Jews at the end of WWII. Yes there was a movement of Jews in the late 19th and early 20th centuries who wanted to repatriate and establish a Jewish state in their ancestral homeland of Palestine (which has never been a country or an ethnicity). Control of Palestine fell to the Brits at the end of WWI. This is when the influx of Zionists trully began. At the end of WWII is when the influx peaked. Between the 2 big wars there were problems between the Palestinian Arabs and Jews but the shit didn't really hit the fan until after WWII. The Jews and Arabs wrestled for control under British umbrella and in 1947 the british turned over control to the U.N. who had worked up a proposed partition. The Jews accepted, the Arabs did not. And so began a string of wars between the surrounding Arab nations and Israel. You already know how those ended but my question to you is what was supposed to be done with the displaced Jews at the end of WWII? Most were a little gunshy about going back to Germany or Poland and understandably so. The zionist agenda has been fulfilled long ago. The Jews have their state and now it's up to the Palestinians to agree to some form of a deal. The Jews aren't going anywhere. They aren't going to withdraw from Palestine and relinquish the state that they've longed for for centuries. What's the solution? :?:


Well-Known Member
yeah, i still don't get the insults either. seems to come most when one gets backed into a corner. it's a sure sign of defeat.



Well-Known Member
i see these threads all day everyday. people in here get all worked up and PASSIONATE over shit that means nothing to their way of life. then a REAL emergency takes place in their own backyard and not a peep.
wish israel/ palestine didnt affect any of us but however small that piece of sand they live in it does affect all of us.

war on terror anyone? 911? theres half a world full of muslims that we'll never get on properly with all the time israel and palestine cant sort it the fuck out.

if there is ever a third world war and we end up nuking everything to shit one way or another the reasons behind it will be tied to whats going on there

once they get their shit together down there and decide that peace is better than blowing the shit out of each other the world will take a sigh of relief and then we might actually be able look forward to a long lasting future


Well-Known Member
wish israel/ palestine didnt affect any of us but however small that piece of sand they live in it does affect all of us.

war on terror anyone? 911? theres half a world full of muslims that we'll never get on properly with all the time israel and palestine cant sort it the fuck out.

if there is ever a third world war and we end up nuking everything to shit one way or another the reasons behind it will be tied to whats going on there

once they get their shit together down there and decide that peace is better than blowing the shit out of each other the world will take a sigh of relief and then we might actually be able look forward to a long lasting future
i would have wiped it clean 35 years ago.

nuclear warhead.


the fuckers ride camels.

so primative.

bomb the pigmies as well.

little people, whole villages full of them. wtf? :roll: :shock:


Well-Known Member
i would have wiped it clean 35 years ago.

nuclear warhead.


the fuckers ride camels.

so primative.

bomb the pigmies as well.

little people, whole villages full of them. wtf? :roll: :shock:
why 35 years not 32 or 38?

i rode a camel at the zoo once

you realise you just said you'd wipe israel off face of map you'd better dodge them bullets next time your out on your seadoo

some say burning ancient plant juice is pretty primitive too

whats up with short people? you got something against the vertically challenged?


Well-Known Member
i would have wiped it clean 35 years ago.

nuclear warhead.


the fuckers ride camels.

so primative.

bomb the pigmies as well.

little people, whole villages full of them. wtf? :roll: :shock:
What about those people with platters in their lip? Those are the ones that freak me out.:o


Well-Known Member
i'll scrape more gas off the beach when my rotax motor runs dries. :wink:

35 was just a rough number. it's as far back as i can remember these guys fuckin' with us. sometime around when i was in elementary school. seems around the mid 70's to me. that's just what I remember. i know it goes back way further than that. that is just when i had my first bombing thoughts.


Well-Known Member
i'll scrape more gas off the beach when my rotax motor runs dries. :wink:

35 was just a rough number. it's as far back as i can remember these guys fuckin' with us. sometime around when i was in elementary school. seems around the mid 70's to me. that's just what I remember.
I've tried getting in contact with someone to ask about helping out somehow down there. I've not gotten an official answer but I have a friend who works for a large environmental spill cleanup contractor. They did a bid to help out with the cleanup and the govt. and BP wouldn't even cover their cost. Doesn't sound like they really want this thing cleaned up. In their defense it is a cluster fuck down there I'm told also.:weed:


Well-Known Member
I've tried getting in contact with someone to ask about helping out somehow down there. I've not gotten an official answer but I have a friend who works for a large environmental spill cleanup contractor. They did a bid to help out with the cleanup and the govt. and BP wouldn't even cover their cost. Doesn't sound like they really want this thing cleaned up. In their defense it is a cluster fuck down there I'm told also.:weed:
it's all politics and money now. the whole world is. everybody wants to win their "arguements" but don't want to lift a finger to do it.

fuck obama, i want my vote back!!! :cuss:

i'll be the first to admit, "i fucked that one up". :wall:

at this point at least palin would have been some nice eye candy, even though she still is. come here sarah, i got something for ya. :hump: