Should little boys be allowed to play with toy guns???


Well-Known Member
Gks gun thread came to mind when I read this article this AM.
This is a spin-off of his thread…
Should little boys be allowed to play with toy guns???

I say of course!
I suspect that GK does not think this is a good idea?

Why boys should be allowed to play with toy guns

By LAURA CLARK AND SARAH HARRIS - 22:35pm on 28th December 2007

Playing with toy weapons helps the development of young boys, according to new Government advice to nurseries and playgroups.

Staff have been told they must resist their "natural instinct" to stop boys using pretend weapons such as guns or light sabres in games with other toddlers. Fantasy play involving weapons and superheroes allows healthy and safe risk-taking and can also make learning more appealing, says the guidance. It conflicts with years of "political correctness" in nurseries and playgroups which has led to the banning of toy guns, action hero games and children pretending to fire "guns" using their fingers or Lego bricks.
Full article; Why boys should be allowed to play with toy guns | the Daily Mail


New Member
How sad, I must agree. I grew up with toy guns and with exception of my time in the military, basically lived the first half of my life gun free. After being threatened by an ex husband that I knew to be crazy, I purchased my first real gun @ around 40, since then I have acquired a few more. I go to the gun range a couple times a year and let them eat, gives you an un-paralleled feel of power, nothing like the feel of a .45, or a SKS. I also sight my 7MM at these times to be sure I could pop a melon @ 500 yards. The smaller caliber guns, .25, .380, .22, etc are more for light carry ops., but if you want to feel well armed, strap on a .45 or a 9MM. I have to flip a coin between my .45 and 9MM, one has awesome knockdown power, .45, but only 7 in the clip, the other has a little less, but 17 in the clip, and is a bit lighter. Overall I love the .45 as it is a smooth heavy bore gun and shoots very precisely and comfortably, but in a close in firefight. it's nice to know you have 17 shots, The Glock 17 has a lot more recoil than the .45, and therefore is not as comfortable to fire, but in an emergency, I'd have to say it wins. I keep the .45 handy for home protection, one shot, one kill. If I didn,t have my grandkids living with me, I'd keep the mossburg 12 gauge pump by the bedside, but we can't do that. I have a special hiding place where I keep the .45 and I never keep a round chambered. So if you break into my house beware of that sound a .45 makes when a round is being chambered, for if I don't know you and you are in my house unanounced, your jig is up. BTW, I fired the highest score in my batallion and as far as I know I still hold the record, 448 out of 450, for anyone that has ever qualified on a military range with an m14 or an m16, they'll know that is pretty hard to beat.

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
I played with toy guns..

Then I played with BB guns..

I played with BB guns until my senior year in highschool..

I shot a dove in front of 6-7 of my friends.. The dove fell on the ground at OUR feet and the DOVES mate flew down and sat by the DEAD dove...

I began to weep... tears ran down my face... I had never sen a dead dove...

and I was so shocked that this OTHER bird was not afraid of us.. it was more important to the MATE to come sit by its DEAD friend/love (whatever)...

This was all taking place about 4-8 feet from me and 6-7 of my friends..

I began to have this deep yurning for the DEAD dove to BE ALIVE... I just starred at this phenomenon with utter amazement.... I did not want to be a dove killer..

AT that moment.. the DOVE I thought was dead stood on its feet and looked at me.. and then the couple of doves flew off....

I looked at my friend and handed him my BRAND NEW BB gun (just bought it the day before).. I told him he could have it...

This took place about 15 years ago...

Yesterday I was at my friends house cleaning out his back room... looking at old pictures and shit... and there was the GUN... I actually did not remember this story until reading Wavels thread.

Maybe the bird was never dead. Who knows... But killing shit and being aware that I KILLED something and TOOK its time from earth away... for MY SELFISHNESS.... is not something that sits well with me..

Masturbating to "YOUR" mom is more fun that killing things...



New Member
GK, funny you should tell this story, I also killed a bird with my BB gun and then destroyed the gun. That cured me of hunting any animals. Death is an ugly thing. I've since seen more than I'd like to remember, but that dead bird still haunts me because as you said, it was I who caused its days on earth to end. If I had to kill my meat, I'd be real inclined to be a vegetarian. It's real easy to go to the store and buy a steak. If you had to kill the cow, string it up and butcher it, I'm pretty sure there would be a lot less meat eaters. To me, those macho deer hunters are full of shit. They must have never watched Bambi when they were young. To purposly stalk and kill an innocent animal is barbaric, personally, it would be easier for me to off a vile human than an innocent animal, JMHO.

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
GK, funny you should tell this story, I also killed a bird with my BB gun and then destroyed the gun. That cured me of hunting any animals. Death is an ugly thing. I've since seen more than I'd like to remember, but that dead bird still haunts me because as you said, it was I who caused its days on earth to end. If I had to kill my meat, I'd be real inclined to be a vegetarian. It's real easy to go to the store and buy a steak. If you had to kill the cow, string it up and butcher it, I'm pretty sure there would be a lot less meat eaters. To me, those macho deer hunters are full of shit. They must have never watched Bambi when they were young. To purposly stalk and kill an innocent animal is barbaric, personally, it would be easier for me to off a vile human than an innocent animal, JMHO.


Although I have admiration for people who kill their own food... at least they are not a PUSSY like me and buying it at my local market...


The mass killings that take place at farms in the UNITED STATES make MICHAEL VICK look like an angel..

Anybody that eats meat and condemns MICHAEL VICKS actions without condemning their OWN.,. deserves a nice hard ass pounding from a wild BULL...



Well-Known Member
The USA is at war in Iraq and Afghanistan. We're fighting "terror". A faceless, nameless, borderless enemy. War without end, amen.

Now, the Government comes to us with studies suggesting that it's good for small boys to play with toy guns. Why does this not surprise me?

What is surprising is that they're not suggesting the same for girls.

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
The USA is at war in Iraq and Afghanistan. We're fighting "terror". A faceless, nameless, borderless enemy. War without end, amen.

Now, the Government comes to us with studies suggesting that it's good for small boys to play with toy guns. Why does this not surprise me?

What is surprising is that they're not suggesting the same for girls.

Man is at war with himself, a tormented creature that has mistaken his own tale as the enemy... Slowly but surely awakening and rrealizing that this MAN he wishes to kill is HIMSELF.. it is HIMSELF that he does not recognize... he is like an idiot that attacks his own reflection in a mirror.. HE even named his refection he calls it Terrorism

NOT only is this creature man trying to kill himself.. BUT he also maintains his ignorance with fictional stories of enemies and justice and righteousness and GODs

This is MAN..

Some will awaken

Some will awaken and fall back to sleep using the stories of religions to keep them asleep

Some will become drunk with love and witness the story from the most luxurious sky box ever created... and there will be toys and cookies and even some cap guns to play with...


STOP telling yourself the story.... and YOU can awaken



Well-Known Member
Good to see you Wavels....Yes, they should play with toy guns and when the time is right, teach them about the real thing. I still play with guns...but there not toys. Guns don\'t kill. People Kill!


Well-Known Member
If you have guns in your house it always best to teach your children how to safely handle and shoot a weapon, the kids that shoot themselves or a friend are always the ones who never touched a gun and think it is a toy, My pops taught me how to shoot and the Marines taught me how to be an expert. When Kids grow up around guns they respect them and don't treat them as a toy


Well-Known Member
To purposly stalk and kill an innocent animal is barbaric

No whats barbaric is keeping animals caged up in 5ft area their whole life then slitting their throats. Hippies should love hunting its truley the "Organic" way of obtaining food for ominavorial animals such as Homo Sapiens. Would you call a grizzly Bear barbaric for killing a deer for food....How many wildebeast or Zebra or Antalope die a brutal death everyday day in Africa at the "hands" of lions, Hyenas, cheetahs. Thats nature, its been going on for a few billions of years here on earth............ predator vs prey you can see at the zoo in san diego humans are not immune from that relationship, in places in Africa and India humans are more frequently targeted by prey species such as lions and tigers. Thats life her on Earth

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
Good to see you Wavels....Yes, they should play with toy guns and when the time is right, teach them about the real thing. I still play with guns...but there not toys. Guns don\'t kill. People Kill!

Hello INDIE,

What caused you to switch from toy guns to real guns?

Don't you think that an understanding of the world that refers to certain people as "bad guys" is more suited for toy guns.

At least for those people that still use that phrase "bad guys".



Well-Known Member
Hello INDIE,What caused you to switch from toy guns to real guns? Don\'t you think that an understanding of the world that refers to certain people as \"bad guys\" is more suited for toy guns.At least for those people that still use that phrase \"bad guys\".iloveyou---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To bad you don\'t live in the real world. When you get back to Earth, try me again. I will not bite this time.


Well-Known Member
I played with toy guns..

Then I played with BB guns..

I played with BB guns until my senior year in highschool..

I shot a dove in front of 6-7 of my friends.. The dove fell on the ground at OUR feet and the DOVES mate flew down and sat by the DEAD dove...

I began to weep... tears ran down my face... I had never sen a dead dove...

and I was so shocked that this OTHER bird was not afraid of us.. it was more important to the MATE to come sit by its DEAD friend/love (whatever)...

This was all taking place about 4-8 feet from me and 6-7 of my friends..

I began to have this deep yurning for the DEAD dove to BE ALIVE... I just starred at this phenomenon with utter amazement.... I did not want to be a dove killer..

AT that moment.. the DOVE I thought was dead stood on its feet and looked at me.. and then the couple of doves flew off....

I looked at my friend and handed him my BRAND NEW BB gun (just bought it the day before).. I told him he could have it...

This took place about 15 years ago...

Yesterday I was at my friends house cleaning out his back room... looking at old pictures and shit... and there was the GUN... I actually did not remember this story until reading Wavels thread.

Maybe the bird was never dead. Who knows... But killing shit and being aware that I KILLED something and TOOK its time from earth away... for MY SELFISHNESS.... is not something that sits well with me..

Masturbating to "YOUR" mom is more fun that killing things...

Same thing happened to me. I killed a bird when I was like 11 or 12. I never killed anything again besides spiders. That makes me sad just thinking about the poor bird I killed...It's kinda weird once you see the reality of death it's kinda shocking. It made me never want to kill again.


New Member
I had the same thing happen to me I killed a bird by throwing a tennis ball at it when I was young. Watching it slowly suffer and die made me sad. I had a friend who was fucked up. His father and mother abused him bad. He loved killing small animals. He would spray paint frogs then drop cinder blocks on them. He ended up being a fucked up sociopath.