Most Memorable Place You've Toked

haha yeah pretty much i just want to go on a walk find an old guy on a bench and talk to about his a big history junkie
Got the carrier trumped though nice try. 1975 nuclear ballistic missile submarine. 2000 feet below the North Atlantic. Hash oil from Scotland. No smell. LOL
Probably the School bathroom or a guard shack at my old school while I was walking to my old career center.
My highschool days consisted of walking out of the building and blaze a blunt on the football feild and walk back in b4 the bell rang for my next period.
the most silly smoke time for me that I will never forget is....we were in a church parking lot with the car in D and were creeping around the parking lot at 2MPH blazing and laughing our asses off. It was like the Austin Powers heavy roller scene. Extremely stupid.......since your doing something illegal and nothing like saying look at me playing chicken at 2mph with light poles for a good amount of time.
Hey, thats cool, I also have smoked down at Disney,and Detroit zoo LOL!. Disney was great, but my most memorable place has to be Cedar Point, OH. Aahhh...good times.
:peace: happy grow'n:joint:
Outside Buckingham Palace on my wifes birthday , Both of us mooching around London stoned out of our mings and just giggling and laughing at pretty much everything :).. I have a pic but i will have to pixilate the face out :hump:
My two favorites:
the gondola at the mtn i snowboard at
in a cop car: the city next to me has a broken car that they leave parked on the st. to make people nervous. me and my friend were baked ine night, climbed in, and toked up
church camp.. they had night watchmen everywhere so me and some friends snuck out and drove like 2 miles to a park with a waterfall, it was chill