Climate Crisis Fraud -written by a man who shares the Nobel Prize with Al Gore


New Member
So, everything I write is bs? Are you also referring to the topics on which we agree?
We actually agree on something, wow, I must be slipping. As this is a global warming post, I'll only charge you with BS on this subject. Maybe you should watch the science channel or Link TV or Discovery Or CNN or a myriad of programs related to global warming then ask yourself: Is this all BS. If the answer is yes, then you need a mental adjustment. It is real and yes, as much as you would like to refute mans complicity and go on polluting and wasting energy like a drunken sailor, change is needed, or we may go the way of the dinosaur. So amp up those incandescent lights, fire up the hummer, and go take a crap on mother earth,~LOL~. What, no sense of humor?


Well-Known Member
We actually agree on something, wow, I must be slipping. As this is a global warming post, I'll only charge you with BS on this subject. Maybe you should watch the science channel or Link TV or Discovery Or CNN or a myriad of programs related to global warming then ask yourself: Is this all BS. If the answer is yes, then you need a mental adjustment. It is real and yes, as much as you would like to refute mans complicity and go on polluting and wasting energy like a drunken sailor, change is needed, or we may go the way of the dinosaur. So amp up those incandescent lights, fire up the hummer, and go take a crap on mother earth,~LOL~. What, no sense of humor?
I have written many times on the urgent need for our economy to convert to a sustainable state. Why must you go to extremes? I do NOT advocate taking a crap on mother earth.


Well-Known Member
So I guess you have something stuck in your anus, Oh well I tried to be light and airy but you are a sourpus. I'll just say this then. Hey asshole, global warming is real, get over it.
BTW, I don't remember ever denying the existence of global warming. In fact, I defy you to link me to an instance where I ever denied global warming.

What I have doubted is the question of man-made climate change.


New Member
BTW, I don't remember ever denying the existence of global warming. In fact, I defy you to link me to an instance where I ever denied global warming.

What I have doubted is the question of man-made climate change.

Well doubt on sourpus, It's not my intention to correct all the dullards that can't see the truth. Keep those blinders tight.


Well-Known Member
Well doubt on sourpus, It's not my intention to correct all the dullards that can't see the truth. Keep those blinders tight.
Okay, I'm a dullard. My mother could have told you that. Show me where I'm wrong. Show me how global climate change is man-made. Show me the truth!


New Member
Okay, I'm a dullard. My mother could have told you that. Show me where I'm wrong. Show me how global climate change is man-made. Show me the truth!
Johnny ...

You might just as well drop a pebble into a bottomless well, and wait for the splash, as to try to get Med to answer to anything other than his left-wing, idiotic, zealotry positions.

The ignore function is such a delight. :blsmoke:



Well-Known Member
I know, I know... but people actually read what people write in this forum. Any bold assertion has to be challenged - as loony as it sounds. Those outlandish claims and vague descriptions must be questioned or we will continue to hear them - until a D runs the show.


Well-Known Member
Johnny ...

You might just as well drop a pebble into a bottomless well, and wait for the splash, as to try to get Med to answer to anything other than his left-wing, idiotic, zealotry positions.

The ignore function is such a delight. :blsmoke:

Careful, he's a gun-toten, left-wing, son-of-a-buzzard.


Well-Known Member
I am a conservationist. I believe the reduction of greenhouse gases is a sound idea. Sustainable energy is a good idea. However, I believe the climate change movement is a canard. A rouse designed to mask the true intent of the movement: the end of capitalism. What the global environmentalist really wants is the transfer of wealth from the industrialized world to the third world. That is the subtext of the recent Bali conference and the beloved Kyoto Protocol.

There is no doubt the climate of the earth is changing. We are between ice ages. What is in doubt is the cause. Is it natural or is it man-made?
I have known New Deal democrats who sit and shake their heads and say the same thing. At some point the party was anointed with the responsibility to kill capitalism and protect us from ourselves. An people wonder why youth are disenchanted with the political process.


Well-Known Member
I do not doubt your sincerity. But, your junk science stinks. Your geography is over-the-top.

You have spoken about Mars, America, the north pole, and who knows where else.

I cannot fix the rain forests in Brazil or Indonesia. I may be able to do something about America. And in America we are on the tree-plus side of the equation. Most of the construction and pulp board feet being cut today is second, third, and fourth harvest wood. I have seen this with my own eyes.

A significant problem exists today, according to reports from many scientists, because of prairie grass and ocean conditions. These two earth features appear to be THE major pollution scrubbers. I have no personal information about this, but I have read some articles that seems compelling to me.

Since you receive most of your scientific knowledge from the Discovery Channel, then watch about 50 years worth of videos feature the Costeau family. Or go to Cousteau Society - Interim site for more information.

So it behooves you not to start a response with "Dude" and finishing with "fool". You education is limited. Please accept help with good spirit. Otherwise, readers will think you are the Dude who is the Fool.

mars, the moon, the sun, and everything else effects the earth. Why is it irrelevent to mention them? Everything is conected some how, like a chain. You can not save 1 thing and discard the other, you must look at the universe as a whole.

You act like people only cut down trees for paper, what about developers?

Doesn't algae consume oxygen?

and the discovery chanel is great, how else would I be able to know you are a jack ass?