I enjoy your enthusiasm.. I do.
I personally will chop the plants that are ready to harvest, give them a quick trimming while still fresh; hang them with hangers.. and just let the circulating air around them.. dry them.
Once the buds are dry.. and smokable.. I then give them one more once over with the snippers.. trimming only where needed..
once I'm done with going over the plant and trimming where its needed; begins the curing process.
Everyone has their own drying process.. but when it comes to curing buds.. the best/easiest way to cure them is to use
mason jars.
Starting out, I'll make sure that I open the jar(s) two to three times per day.. in order to let the stank out.. and let the buds breathe in some
fresh air.. which helps keep mold away too.. as well as any fungus`iz. Also, one of the "burping" session.. I'll actually dump out the buds, and
lay them out onto a window screen, that lays ontop of a cardboard box (moving boxes).. which allows air to get around the entire bud.. helping the
bud breathe better. Usually, I'll leave them out on the screen for a good 30 minutes.. then put them back into the jars.
After the first 3 to 4 weeks of "burping" the jars.. you can kinda lay back some.. on "burping" the jars. The further they get into the curing process..
the less times the jars need to be "burped".
Usually, between 2-5 weeks worth of curing (depending on strain).. and the buds are ready. Or well, I'll let them go until they get to how I like them.
Sine I only grow 2 or 3 plants (3 max) per grow.. and I only grow for my personal enjoyment. But, usually within 3 weeks of curing.. my buds are
just right for my likings.
Sorry for rambling too.. I smoke.. and I usually talk a lot when I get high/stoned. Depending on strain of course.. sometimes.. I'll smoke some strain
that puts me into "quiet" mode.. where I'm quiet.. and usually fall asleep. LOL..
anyhow, have a great weekend everyone.