incandescent light bulb questions...why so many haters?


Well-Known Member
question ; incandesants why so many haters?
answer is : u cant grow bud with them, ie there shit

thats it
if you(meaning anyone) are leading anyone to belive they can then u are a chronic cock jockey

bud nugbong

Well-Known Member
plus rep them patriots...dynasty baby, haha

and oneton you had so many valid points in this thread...all those 1/2 sentences had me thinking. why dont you just suck my left nut and call it a night


Well-Known Member
Come on guys ... ((((((Group Hug ))))))) ... feel the love <3

This song sums it all up :)



Well-Known Member
plus rep them patriots...dynasty baby, haha

and oneton you had so many valid points in this thread...all those 1/2 sentences had me thinking. why dont you just suck my left nut and call it a night
Things got awful strong in the AFC East this off season. Def the powerhouse of the NFL going into preseason. Buffalo is the only team dragging ass.


Well-Known Member
first of all you guys gotta explain to me what OP means...and second i came into this convo trying to calmly explain to the kid how much better cfls are than incans. when i saw the other guys saying it couldnt happen and it wouldnt even grow a thing i tried to explain to both sides...I KNOW INCANS ARE A BAD IDEA but i was trying to explain that it could grow plant life, when i heard "they will grow for a few days and then die" i tried to explain why that was wrong with that statement.

then things spiraled out of control and i blacked out haha, i hope nobody has any hard feelings. and i think we all learned a lesson? probly not tho

im still buggin about how this guy knew i love baked beans...
Yeah, we learned that when a conversation was basically over you will jump in and say that it is possible when you actually never flowered plants through grow and just made this whole conversation start up over again...



Well-Known Member
Come on guys ... ((((((Group Hug ))))))) ... feel the love <3

This song sums it all up :)

Isnt that song from the Brokeback Mountain soundtrack? Funny stuff Vento.

bud nugbong

Well-Known Member
nlx + bunny good looks ive always seen it and wonderd what it meant, learn something new evry day...oneton i hope you can sleep tonight, cus my mums gonna put me to sleep niceeee boy.


Active Member
dude this one time, i got in an argument with this guy online... i had no idea what i was talking about but i totally won the argument! everyone has so much respect for me now! and i didnt even have to mention that im 6'5 300 lbs and could totally kick his ass! oh... and my daddy can beat up your daddy.


Well-Known Member
If you can grow a bud big enough to roll one single joint, with at least some buzz, with incandescent bulbs. Then Lil czr avatar will suck your dick. Two points here. First, cant be done. Second, why would anyone want that ugly mug bobby near your grown. LMAO Just thought this thread needed a bit of brevity.
dude, i agree that one shouldnt grow with incandecents but i just wanna say that your very wrong to sit here and say that it doesnt work. before cfl people did this alot. i grew one plant with one incandecent a long time ago before i even heard of riu and it worked fine then. back in the 70s guys would steal street lights and if they werent balsy enough to do that they would use bulbs from their house. so i understand that your against it but your also very wrong to say its impossible.

Lil Czr

Well-Known Member
dude, i agree that one shouldnt grow with incandecents but i just wanna say that your very wrong to sit here and say that it doesnt work. before cfl people did this alot. i grew one plant with one incandecent a long time ago before i even heard of riu and it worked fine then. back in the 70s guys would steal street lights and if they werent balsy enough to do that they would use bulbs from their house. so i understand that your against it but your also very wrong to say its impossible.
Can we replace the term impossible with an utter waist of time then.


Well-Known Member
It's UV light, like I stated before.

Incandescents have no UV (ultra violet) light.

You know, the rays from the sun that burn your skin, that's what the plant needs more than anything else.

And no, a black light won't work either, so don't even go there.

Believe me, someone thought of all these things long ago, tried them and failed.

There is a reason people spend big bucks for HID lighting, it works.

CFL's will work if you're on a budget.

But, if you feel the need to try it then I suggest that you do.
Right.. and if you put my posts and your posts together?? you'd have one hell of an explanation wouldn't ya? sure would. ;)

nicely put my friend.


Well-Known Member
i dont know how many times i said i dont want to argue but i definatly mentiuoned it a few times.
with that being said, from the little research ive done,yes LITTLE, everything points to incandescents being able to grow a plant.

NOW i did not mean to offend you, but you said something that directly conflicted another statement made by another grower on this site so i pointed that out because i want to know who is right.

im sorry im not one of those people who is going to listen to someone because they say thats the way it is, i like to know why and how it works not just that it works.
its technically possible to use incandesent, that said you would need hundreds to come any were near a usable amout of light for plants, they use incandesent lights in aqariums for underwater plants because some underwater plants are able to use the tiniest bit of light, they are exspensive to run and have a very low lumen per watt ratio


Well-Known Member
dude, i agree that one shouldnt grow with incandecents but i just wanna say that your very wrong to sit here and say that it doesnt work. before cfl people did this alot. i grew one plant with one incandecent a long time ago before i even heard of riu and it worked fine then. back in the 70s guys would steal street lights and if they werent balsy enough to do that they would use bulbs from their house. so i understand that your against it but your also very wrong to say its impossible.

i dont know about street light in the 70s but street lights now are commonly hps or metal halide


Well-Known Member
actually the street lights near my work are 400s but maybe on the main streets and e-ways their even bigger. maybe 1k idk.