Well-Known Member
Dude I hate you right now, I had like over 2,500 dollars in Camera equipment, Canon Rebel XSi, macro lenses, fish eyes, wide angles, 180-250mm all the way up to 500mm....anyways it all got jacked from me when I moved out to Vegas. Never park my car in the MGM again...
But you can take some dope ass shots with your camera. Use like an ISO of 800, take a picture at different shutter speeds to control your lighting (over exposure - under exposure). Mess with different F-Stops. Basically just go crazy. Post some pics!
Shooting in RAW allows you to blow up the picture without getting pixelation. Just being 16 BIT. =) I'd shoot RAW+JPEG sure each picture will be over 10MB for raw but fuck it...dope ass shots.
But you can take some dope ass shots with your camera. Use like an ISO of 800, take a picture at different shutter speeds to control your lighting (over exposure - under exposure). Mess with different F-Stops. Basically just go crazy. Post some pics!
Shooting in RAW allows you to blow up the picture without getting pixelation. Just being 16 BIT. =) I'd shoot RAW+JPEG sure each picture will be over 10MB for raw but fuck it...dope ass shots.