First Grow - Northern Lights with 400w


Well-Known Member
Dude I hate you right now, I had like over 2,500 dollars in Camera equipment, Canon Rebel XSi, macro lenses, fish eyes, wide angles, 180-250mm all the way up to 500mm....anyways it all got jacked from me when I moved out to Vegas. Never park my car in the MGM again...

But you can take some dope ass shots with your camera. Use like an ISO of 800, take a picture at different shutter speeds to control your lighting (over exposure - under exposure). Mess with different F-Stops. Basically just go crazy. Post some pics!

Shooting in RAW allows you to blow up the picture without getting pixelation. Just being 16 BIT. =) I'd shoot RAW+JPEG sure each picture will be over 10MB for raw but fuck it...dope ass shots.


Active Member
yeah I'm kicking myself right now, cause I had a macro lens, wide angle, and filters, all got stolen a few years ago out of my car along with my canon rebel 35mm body. I want that macro back for my plant pics!! I was at some art opening in LA and by the time I got out my car had been ransacked along with my sound system. I got an older digital rebel the 6.3 megapixel one, but it still shoots real good... gonna use a tripod as well to make sure the shots are nice and crisp.


Well-Known Member
Hell yea brother! Can't wait to see the shots!

Shit sucks man, somebody always trying to get over on someone.

Thing is I worked so hard to get my camera and equipment. Fuckers...


Active Member
Pulled out my digital rebel and as promised shot a few RAW images of the top colas. Unfortunately, after about 4 shots the battery died, and I lost my charger, so I might have to buy another charger to use this baby again. And without any further ado, the images.... one is just a cropped closeup of the other



Well-Known Member
Looking good man, turn your shutter speed down 1 or 2 F-Stops it'll bring out more of your darker hues.

Charge that shit mon'!



Active Member
A few quickies I took last night with my point + shoot. Was hoping for her to be done by now, but looking like maybe another week or so...

about the curling leaves, been in a heat wave lately, so its been hitting 90 degrees at times =( hope this won't affect my buds...



Well-Known Member
A few quickies I took last night with my point + shoot. Was hoping for her to be done by now, but looking like maybe another week or so...

about the curling leaves, been in a heat wave lately, so its been hitting 90 degrees at times =( hope this won't affect my buds...
Generally speaking, anything much above 85 degrees will cause the growth to stop, and the plant to go into survival mode. When the temps drop it will resume growing normally.


Active Member
Generally speaking, anything much above 85 degrees will cause the growth to stop, and the plant to go into survival mode. When the temps drop it will resume growing normally.
If you have a lot of Co2 plants can grow great up to 100 degrees. For example sativas in the rain forest. But indicas will get airy stretched out buds if it gets to hot for the percentage of Co2


Active Member
Sorry about the lack of updates, but it kinda just feels like she's been at a standstill for a while. I've just been waiting for some of the trichs to amber up, but I think she's pretty close to being done! holllla

oh and sorry about the poor quality, my point and shoot is kind of dying....



Active Member
So lets see... stopped flowering on the 3rd, so thats about 12 1/2 weeks of total flowering. She's been in complete dark for about 48 hours, and this morning got to meet my new trimming shears. I thought I'd be sad to have to cut her down, but she looked like she was on her way out anyways, and i have some clones of hers on the way, which I am putting in the flower room/closet immediately. Without further ado... the pics

last two table shots are of the smaller nuglets and lower branches, after I hung the larger colas and cleared the table. So... not a bad yield right?!



Active Member
yeah i'm stoked... those top two colas were pretty beefy, I'm gonna weigh it all dry in about a week, and I'll post the results.
Thanks for stickin around for the grow! great success!