Why the surge will never work in Iraq!


Well-Known Member
Hey guy, words mean things. The order words are phrased mean things. Fighting for freedom is waging war against tyrannical dictators who suppress the freedom of their "people" in order to ensure a firm grip on control. "Freedom fighters" is the catchy name the Israel despising, America hating media has given to TERRORISTS who kill innocent civilians in order to draw attention to their "causes". Who would cover such a cause. Oh yes, the media. Who would celebrate such a cause. Oh yes, the Democrats. And you.
So i take it you are for the death penalty? Killing killers?


New Member
Well, if freedom fighters are people that overthrough evil dictators, we need a few in this country to overthrow the current regime. Thank god there is only a year left on this bunch of assholes. I still can't figure out why they would impeach a president for lying about a blowjob, (a natural response if ever there were), and not impeach one for lying about why he was taking us to war, a much more destructive path than washing a young interns tonsils with cum. Sometimes I think common sense has died.


Well-Known Member
med, "dictators" do not leave office willingly ,your above ramblings are more delusional than usual!


New Member
So i take it you are for the death penalty? Killing killers?
Oh, you must mean American soldiers. If found guilty in a court of law, and sentenced to death by a jury of their peers, absolutely. Shit, a court martial would work for me even. Crazy, huh.


Well-Known Member
Well, if freedom fighters are people that overthrough evil dictators, we need a few in this country to overthrow the current regime. Thank god there is only a year left on this bunch of assholes. I still can't figure out why they would impeach a president for lying about a blowjob, (a natural response if ever there were), and not impeach one for lying about why he was taking us to war, a much more destructive path than washing a young interns tonsils with cum. Sometimes I think common sense has died.
Sigh.... I dislike defending the current administration; so backwards on so many issues. However, your outlandish claims cannot go unanswered.

President Clinton was not impeached because he lied about a blow-job. He committed perjury when he denied, under oath, his affair with Ms. Lewinsky. He did this to deny an accuser her day in court. Personally, I disagreed with impeachment. It was a terrible distraction to the nation. So sordid and cheap.

When and where did Dubya committ perjury to get us into the war? A war we did not start. Iraq is a front in the war, not the war itself.

Give me something, anything to prove it. I'll write my Representative and ask for impeachment proceedings myself.


Well-Known Member
The real issue is simple. The surge is working. Why? Because of General Petraus and the US Ambassador (can't remember his name). But, can this continue after these men leave? I believe this land has many bands of murderous thieves who will break out and try to assume a dictatorship. Until strong leadership emerges, murder will rule the night.

The US must move to find and help this new government, while reducing our troop levels on the ground. The only way to make that happen is simple economics. Establish a base price for Iraqi oil. Get companies to come in and improve the refining. Ship all the oil to the US. Make sure the Iraq government distributes the revenues in some method, between the citizens.

Once commerce starts back, people will be too busy to shoot each other.


New Member
Sigh.... I dislike defending the current administration; so backwards on so many issues. However, your outlandish claims cannot go unanswered.

President Clinton was not impeached because he lied about a blow-job. He committed perjury when he denied, under oath, his affair with Ms. Lewinsky. He did this to deny an accuser her day in court. Personally, I disagreed with impeachment. It was a terrible distraction to the nation. So sordid and cheap.

When and where did Dubya committ perjury to get us into the war? A war we did not start. Iraq is a front in the war, not the war itself.

Give me something, anything to prove it. I'll write my Representative and ask for impeachment proceedings myself.
Well, first you have to drag him in front of a grand jury and get him to lie, a feat the lame democrats can't achieve. Here's some brain fodder for ya: One of the most notable things that make the superrich different is that the possession of resources far beyond any conceivable physical need often acts on them like a sort of hallucinogen. They tend to walk around with visions in the lizard portions of their brains having two important advantages where those visions are concerned: They can better insulate themselves against those visions they find unpalatable and actualize even the most far-fetched of the ones that appeal to them Sound familiar?


New Member
Well, first you have to drag him in front of a grand jury and get him to lie, a feat the lame democrats can't achieve. Here's some brain fodder for ya: One of the most notable things that make the superrich different is that the possession of resources far beyond any conceivable physical need often acts on them like a sort of hallucinogen. They tend to walk around with visions in the lizard portions of their brains having two important advantages where those visions are concerned: They can better insulate themselves against those visions they find unpalatable and actualize even the most far-fetched of the ones that appeal to them Sound familiar?
Like you, or the writer for that matter, have been super-rich and know this to be fact. Get real.


Well-Known Member
from meds totally off topic post;

the possession of resources far beyond any conceivable physical need

Here is the insidious flaw in the poor logic in the above...
Conceived by whom?----this is entirely subjective.
Just who or what is to be the arbiter of what are "resources far beyond".

This is simply a deprivation of individual freedoms.
It is evil and nefarious because it denies individual human innovation and genius.

It is the politics of greed and envy at its most odious.
Socialist/Collectivist juvenilia.


Well-Known Member
Hey guy, words mean things. The order words are phrased mean things. Fighting for freedom is waging war against tyrannical dictators who suppress the freedom of their "people" in order to ensure a firm grip on control. "Freedom fighters" is the catchy name the Israel despising, America hating media has given to TERRORISTS who kill innocent civilians in order to draw attention to their "causes". Who would cover such a cause. Oh yes, the media. Who would celebrate such a cause. Oh yes, the Democrats. And you.
If they only targeted Israeli soliders would they be fighting for their freedom? or are they still terrorists? Isn't Israel supressing the freedom of the Palstinians to insure a firm grip on control of the Gaza strip, west bank in order to continue to build settelments and eventually annex those occupied lands because "God promised them those lands" Wouldn't you fight fight a opressive foriegn military bent on stealing your land. Or would you stand by and be humilated and oppressed


New Member
If they only targeted Israeli soliders would they be fighting for their freedom? or are they still terrorists? Isn't Israel supressing the freedom of the Palstinians to insure a firm grip on control of the Gaza strip, west bank in order to continue to build settelments and eventually annex those occupied lands because "God promised them those lands" Wouldn't you fight fight a opressive foriegn military bent on stealing your land. Or would you stand by and be humilated and oppressed
Whoa, I thought I clicked on that Donkey Dick thread. I'm not far off.


New Member
is that your reply
Around the 11th century BCE, the first of a series of Jewish kingdoms and states established rule over the region; these Jewish kingdoms and states ruled intermittently for the following one thousand years.[25] Between the time of the Jewish kingdoms and the 7th-century Muslim conquests, the Land of Israel fell under Assyrian, Babylonian, OpenDNS, Greek, OpenDNS, Sassanian, and OpenDNS rule.[26]

Should I have to do all your homework for you? Wikipedia you idiot. Who "owns" what in the region is only relevant for political purposes. Israel exists, is not going to be displaced, and so its neighbors should work to some resolution, or eventually be destroyed by Israel when they really cross the line. They already have made it clear that all their neighbors combined are no match for Israel. You might have heard of it, the six day war..? It's as simple as that. By the way, what do care what happens over there. As long as we aren't involved it ain't your beef! Right?


Well-Known Member
Around the 11th century BCE, the first of a series of Jewish kingdoms and states established rule over the region; these Jewish kingdoms and states ruled intermittently for the following one thousand years.[25] Between the time of the Jewish kingdoms and the 7th-century Muslim conquests, the Land of Israel fell under Assyrian, Babylonian, OpenDNS, Greek, OpenDNS, Sassanian, and OpenDNS rule.[26]

Should I have to do all your homework for you? Wikipedia you idiot. Who "owns" what in the region is only relevant for political purposes. Israel exists, is not going to be displaced, and so its neighbors should work to some resolution, or eventually be destroyed by Israel when they really cross the line. They already have made it clear that all their neighbors combined are no match for Israel. You might have heard of it, the six day war..? It's as simple as that. By the way, what do care what happens over there. As long as we aren't involved it ain't your beef! Right?
Ha Ha trust me Ive done a little more homework about the middle east then just reading Wiki, theirs full rows in your local library on the subject of the
Israeli/palestiaian conflict you should read up on it. Your right jewish people did rule over that land up to 136AD when the Romans sacked the city and sent the jews out in the Diaspora. But do they have the right to come back almost 2000 years later and then claim that land which had been settled by other people for 2000 years. Do Italians have the right to claim England because the Romans ruled and settled England for 400 years 2000 years ago? But your right Israel is not going to be displaced even though I think it was wrong what occoured in early 19th century when Jews from Europe immigrated to Placestine eventually kicked the Arabs out and declared it a Jewish state, you cant turn back the hands of time, just as it was wrong what the english settlers and subsquently the U.S governtment did to the Indians already living here, but that was 200 years ago so you can see why the Arabs are pissed because it was within living memory just 50 years ago. The reason why it is my beef is because America gives Israel billions of mine and your tax dollars a year, by far more than any other country in the world. And Im sure your for lowering taxes? Israel has the strongest military in the Middle East they have Nuclear weapons so are they really worried about being displaced? Why do they need a blank check from the american tax payer? Do really think Israel wants to give that land to the palestianians (Gaza/westbank) for a 2 state solution why do you think they keep building settlements their. Are U.S policy since the 70's and even under GWB is that Israel should stop building settlements in those occupied lands move toward a 2 solution, but they say fuck you america and then take their blank check from the tax payers and continue to build settlements. The reason why it is my beef is because are unbriddled support for Israel and their policy in gaza/west bank actually hurts America, That is a big reason but not the only reason why their is so much hate for America from Arabs and why Terrorists have attacked the U.S in the past. Why do we continue to give Israel all this money if they don't agree to are policy.......a two state solution........if we stopped giving them this unending support then they would have incentive to compromise............terrorism is like a swamp, if you want to stop it you need to drain the water, not pour more water into it


Well-Known Member
Around the 11th century BCE, the first of a series of Jewish kingdoms and states established rule over the region; these Jewish kingdoms and states ruled intermittently for the following one thousand years.[25] Between the time of the Jewish kingdoms and the 7th-century Muslim conquests, the Land of Israel fell under Assyrian, Babylonian, OpenDNS, Greek, OpenDNS, Sassanian, and OpenDNS rule.[26]

Should I have to do all your homework for you? Wikipedia you idiot. Who "owns" what in the region is only relevant for political purposes. Israel exists, is not going to be displaced, and so its neighbors should work to some resolution, or eventually be destroyed by Israel when they really cross the line. They already have made it clear that all their neighbors combined are no match for Israel. You might have heard of it, the six day war..? It's as simple as that. By the way, what do care what happens over there. As long as we aren't involved it ain't your beef! Right?

I think we nned to take a long look at the OpenDNS people, thos guys are out of control. :mrgreen:


New Member
Ha Ha trust me Ive done a little more homework about the middle east then just reading Wiki, theirs full rows in your local library on the subject of the
Israeli/palestiaian conflict you should read up on it. Your right jewish people did rule over that land up to 136AD when the Romans sacked the city and sent the jews out in the Diaspora. But do they have the right to come back almost 2000 years later and then claim that land which had been settled by other people for 2000 years. Do Italians have the right to claim England because the Romans ruled and settled England for 400 years 2000 years ago? But your right Israel is not going to be displaced even though I think it was wrong what occoured in early 19th century when Jews from Europe immigrated to Placestine eventually kicked the Arabs out and declared it a Jewish state, you cant turn back the hands of time, just as it was wrong what the english settlers and subsquently the U.S governtment did to the Indians already living here, but that was 200 years ago so you can see why the Arabs are pissed because it was within living memory just 50 years ago. The reason why it is my beef is because America gives Israel billions of mine and your tax dollars a year, by far more than any other country in the world. And Im sure your for lowering taxes? Israel has the strongest military in the Middle East they have Nuclear weapons so are they really worried about being displaced? Why do they need a blank check from the american tax payer? Do really think Israel wants to give that land to the palestianians (Gaza/westbank) for a 2 state solution why do you think they keep building settlements their. Are U.S policy since the 70's and even under GWB is that Israel should stop building settlements in those occupied lands move toward a 2 solution, but they say fuck you america and then take their blank check from the tax payers and continue to build settlements. The reason why it is my beef is because are unbriddled support for Israel and their policy in gaza/west bank actually hurts America, That is a big reason but not the only reason why their is so much hate for America from Arabs and why Terrorists have attacked the U.S in the past. Why do we continue to give Israel all this money if they don't agree to are policy.......a two state solution........if we stopped giving them this unending support then they would have incentive to compromise............terrorism is like a swamp, if you want to stop it you need to drain the water, not pour more water into it
Like I said, political purposes.