I think its funny people saying "how can you think its an inside job? There are people on the news who said its not." The 9/11 commission report is so sloppily put together, along with the public briefings surrounding the attacks, and your countries leaders reactions and itineraries are all way to convenient to have happened through 16 hijackers with box cutters infiltrating the US airport security, taking control of 4 planes and hitting 75% of their targets, all the while 6 of the alleged highjackers still being alive and the FBI never updating their search list.
And I am the crazy one.
Lets not even talk about the "plane" that supposedly hit the pentagon. Not a single flight control professional is confident enough to say they could complete a similar maneuver and yet a man with only the minimum flight hours needed accomplished a task so incredible the pentagon only released four frames of a single security cameras vantage on the incident, even though there were multiple tapes confiscated from hotels and shops nearby.