also azomite and humics are impossible to find near me lol have to order it online
so if i had a flowering plant that im going to put into flowering, and her soil was completely depleted of nutrients or very close can you top dress the plant and use the just add water method for her full flowering cycle?, how much topdress would an average feeder need in a 5 gal bucket (probably about 4 gals of soil) also when you say a plant can go through its full life cycle you mean from rooted clone or seedling from a 1 gal pot, correct? im still a little confused on when to transplant into a parfait mix of SS an roots and when to flower
here i make this a simpler question is the mentioned recipe 1/3 SS at the bottem of a container, 1/3 mixture of roots organic and SS, and top with roots, and plain inerrt soil around the root ball, is it a flowering cycle feeding recipe or is it designed for a coupel of weeks of veg and the full flowering cycle?
I just finished making a full batch and has been around 2 days so i open it up check it out, and got a huge smell of it and almost started to vomit. Sub or anyone else, is it supposed to smell horrible or did i fuck it up some how?? i figured it wouldnt smell like roses but damn this is something feirce.
This Recipe is designed for the flowering cycle and it consists of only 1/3 to 1/4 of SS at the bottom of your pot. It is not a layered mix. Once the roots of your plant reach the SS mix, the mix should provide enough nutrients for the full flowering cycle. You may need to top dress if you are planting a strain that is a nutrient hog but rarely is this the case. To find out whether or not your plant is a nute hog do some research on the strain. Keep in mind when you transfer your plants into the flowering pots do not switch to a 12/12 light cycle right away. Give your plants about a week or two on a vegging light cycle to adjust to the new soil and to recoup from the transplant.
So your telling me that ur not supposed to veg plants in this mix but transplant to it when your gonna flower? So then what the hell does sub veg in and what does he use to feed? Now you got me all confused.
So your telling me that ur not supposed to veg plants in this mix but transplant to it when your gonna flower? So then what the hell does sub veg in and what does he use to feed? Now you got me all confused.
you veg and bloom in his soil...