my first time growing indoor cannabis lot of pics and +rep for anayone who post :)


420420, I want to ask you : in which exact week you changed the system from 18/6 to 12/12?And when on 12/12,I am I obligated to keep the room totally dark or it's acceptable the lights in the room to be like a room with dark curtains on the windows,I mean a little brighter than a full dark room,cause the room have windows alongside one of the walls ,almost the whole wall.I have a couple of plants which I've started to grow just for fun,back in time I have grown plants outdoor in a country with very hot and sunny weather.I keep growing them for fun but I would like to give them at least half of the good care I can give them without setting up the expensive systems for perfect growing.I know from experience that the weed is very very resilient and it can be grown in very rough conditions but aperantly the sun in UK is not sufficient enough and I am replacing it with the cheaper CFLights.Please tell me abot the systems 18/6 and 12/12 and answer on my question on the lights,I know It's your first grow but I also can see that you manage very well.Cheers,I am waiting also for the pictures update.


Well-Known Member
I am still here, still following from the beggining!
Dont have a pc or laptop at the moment so it has been a rarity to upload pics on my grow.
I have been using my iPhone 4, telecom company must be like WTF at my internet usage! haha!

Plants are looking amazing right now bruv! And this is your first grow i keep forgetting!

This is what happens when you educate yourself, buy the best you can afford, and follow it text book style!

Congrats, and here for the harvest!

thank you vary much :) the plants are doing good so far . and yes i read many marijuana books before i started growing and its paying off so far :) :) :) :) i am l glad you are still fallowing this thread i will upload some more pics vary soon :)


Well-Known Member
420420, I want to ask you : in which exact week you changed the system from 18/6 to 12/12?And when on 12/12,I am I obligated to keep the room totally dark or it's acceptable the lights in the room to be like a room with dark curtains on the windows,I mean a little brighter than a full dark room,cause the room have windows alongside one of the walls ,almost the whole wall.I have a couple of plants which I've started to grow just for fun,back in time I have grown plants outdoor in a country with very hot and sunny weather.I keep growing them for fun but I would like to give them at least half of the good care I can give them without setting up the expensive systems for perfect growing.I know from experience that the weed is very very resilient and it can be grown in very rough conditions but aperantly the sun in UK is not sufficient enough and I am replacing it with the cheaper CFLights.Please tell me abot the systems 18/6 and 12/12 and answer on my question on the lights,I know It's your first grow but I also can see that you manage very well.Cheers,I am waiting also for the pictures update.
i am really not sure when i switched 18/6 to 12/12 i am not keeping track lol i think i vegged them for like
at least 2 months and t5 lights i herd are damn good. the more lights the plants gets the more bud :)


Well-Known Member
your keeping those plants very healthy, nice and green leaves!
they look really good man i'd give you rep but it says i need to spread some around first :joint:
thank you vary much :) looks like i am going to get nice harvest :) :) :) and can't wait to smoke my own ganja :) its gonna be great:weed::weed::weed::weed::weed::weed::weed::weed::weed::weed::weed::joint::joint::joint::bigjoint::bigjoint::bigjoint::eyesmoke::eyesmoke::eyesmoke::leaf::weed::mrgreen:8):-D