The UK Growers Thread!


Active Member

Back after some hard toking & working lol.. Very happy to bud was i little bit harder than normally i guess that was the affect of the lights being on while drying.Been a busy lad chopped 2 more yesterday got 2 more to do in abit, think i might leave the haze abit longer but im running out of room for hanging the bud. Heres some snaps enjoy...

heres just one plant hanging!! Compare to my old soil crop thats like three plants..​
love the grow bro plants look awsome!

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I wouldn't grow it out of principle, i'd have thought it would most likely just be any random strain that someone wants to use to cash in on pineapple express the film.


Active Member
Has any 1 ever grown pineapple express b4 if so can I get a bit of feed bk. Mass respect :D
like tip-top said man, i wouldnt buy it because has only thought of the film and making cash on the name, but its upto you because its your grow but before start look at pineapple chunk and mango haze there 2 lovely stains with big yields


Active Member
mornin peeps how everyones ladies this mornin n how do i put my camra on the macrow or whateva it is lol?
my g-o-m in soil aint doing a thing man, its been out for 2 weeks ond still only has the 1st 4 leaves. do you know hat could be wrong?

my seed in the aerosystem should pop out the soil either sometime today or tomorrow.

and my secret g-o-m is budding i'll put pics up later.

how are yours looking this fine morning?

scottish lad

Well-Known Member
if your looking for a large yeild with good smoke you should try critical mass ..............

seen really good grows with this strain . i will be doing them in next few weeks .

hows the new unit broke ?


Active Member
my g-o-m in soil aint doing a thing man, its been out for 2 weeks ond still only has the 1st 4 leaves. do you know hat could be wrong?

my seed in the aerosystem should pop out the soil either sometime today or tomorrow.

and my secret g-o-m is budding i'll put pics up later.

how are yours looking this fine morning?
iv not got a clue bro post some piks in abit n ill have a look mightt just be genetics coz the greenhouseseed company arnt anyfin like they used to be! iv not been and had a look yet bro but ill post post piks a bit latter from yesterday and from today as i took some yesterday and just got tooooo blazed lmao!
Ok nice 1 ppl I will check the pineapple chunk :) was also thinkin about ordering sum vanilla kush but from photos yeilds look quite small

scottish lad

Well-Known Member
ha ha a fella a know done that but he was na so lucky he killed all 10 o his plants he was pissed of th say the least .

i allways keep a few small sticky boards around my grow to prevent anything getting close to them .


Well-Known Member
difficult in summer,when i go out i have to walk under trees and as you know it only takes 1, im going to feed my plants neem from early on and spray weekly from veg, that should keep them out.


1st time GRW X-perimentIMAG0002.jpgIMAG0074.jpg
PC Grow - 2xCFL -AK48(fem) - DIY PC Box
Made box - PC Box/2 PC fans/12v mulitadaptors x2/reflective material

Day 1 - 11
Planted 4 seeds in Rockwool soil cubes for ten days of natural light growth in a £6 propogator in the kitchen, then transplanted to four 4"pots.
2 AK48 + 2 unknown strains.
Terminated 1 unknown seed, due to lack of space and possibe future overcrowding
Day 11 - 23
Moved pots into PC, on 18/6 using two 26wCFL(2700) for veg & flowering. Water once daily. Due to size of plants, one AK by itself, with the other AK & unknown sex in together(risky) killed 2 spider mites and 1 wasp.
Repotted all 3 on Day 23
So far So good....

The one on the left next to the fan is the unknown, not sure if male or fem yet....