1st time GRW X-periment

PC Grow - 2xCFL -AK48(fem) - DIY PC Box
Made box - PC Box/2 PC fans/12v mulitadaptors x2/reflective material
Day 1 - 11
Planted 4 seeds in Rockwool soil cubes for ten days of natural light growth in a £6 propogator in the kitchen, then transplanted to four 4"pots.
2 AK48 + 2 unknown strains.
Terminated 1 unknown seed, due to lack of space and possibe future overcrowding
Day 11 - 23
Moved pots into PC, on 18/6 using two 26wCFL(2700) for veg & flowering. Water once daily. Due to size of plants, one AK by itself, with the other AK & unknown sex in together(risky) killed 2 spider mites and 1 wasp.
Repotted all 3 on Day 23
So far So good....
The one on the left next to the fan is the unknown, not sure if male or fem yet....