The "OFFICIAL" cast your VOTE on PROP 19 thread

PROP 19 - tax and regulate cannabis in California

  • YES

    Votes: 152 66.1%
  • NO

    Votes: 78 33.9%

  • Total voters


Active Member
Prop 215 did not specify garden size or amount to possess...ON PURPOSE!!!

SB 420 TRIED to define legal numbers with a default 12/6 plant number unless local gov. sets a higher level...But...and stay focused here kiddies is where the problem with prop 19 and it's purposefully bad choice of words...Prop 215 CANNOT be amended by a senate bill...only by another voter initiative (the Ca supreme court ruled on this in January 2010)...This is why it is imperative that the language in any legalization law...actually legalizes mj for everyone without further criminalization!

Besides I am allowed 36 veg AND 18 flower in writing (not that it really matters, but not every pig can spell at the 8th grade level...much less know the law!) And there is currently NO restriction on space...Outdoors 5x5 = 1 fooking plant!!!! Not cool and not legalization!!! THIS CRAP IS ONLY FOR RICHARD LEE and a few others TO GET VERY WEALTHY while narrowing the access we already have

edit: you funny Uncle Chuck
your poor attitude has rendered your judgment flawed and your arguments invalid.


Well-Known Member
I love how I am being told to be less confrontational while simultaneously calling me's cool though...whatever makes you feel better...personally I smoke MMJ for that but not everyone lives in one of the 14 states :(

Not sure how I could take this thread by force...(swings keyboard...everyone instantly sees clearly...:roll:)...but my posts are my opinion...relax!...We live in a great country and I will exercise my rights and VOTE!

Not sure how I was trying to know you dude...just trying to show that I understand how bad mj laws are in other states...The thing is...although you mentioned that another state might see the light and enact a more liberal law...that is not going to happen...not even in Massachusetts...this is why CALIFORNIA'S LAW MUST BE RIGHT...IT AFFECTS THE FUTURE LEGISLATION IN OTHER STATES!!!!!



Active Member
"my demands". when did i make any demands?

1 cookies = 1 cookie

i prefer steak and potatoes myself. :cool:

enjoy your cookie.

i apologize for the assumption, but yes if i could get a cookie or in this props terms an ounce legally and without reprisal i would be in seventh heaven.


Well-Known Member
as much as that made me laugh and i commend you for your brass balls, please lets try to remain civil.

your previous post i very much agree with. the demands we are seeing are simply absurd.
you are right, we should remain more civil than my tone in that post...

getting told to stfu is one of those things that irks me.

thanks for your civility.:)


Well-Known Member
allright enough. if you want to act like a pile of dog shit expect to get treated as such. your disrespect shows your inadequacy. if you cant raise yourself above the peon mindset you hold youll never be taken seriously. if thats what you are going for than well done. if anyone needs to shut the fuck up its the douche-waffles like yourself who want to drag people down for no greater reason than making themselves feel better. hit your bong, grow your illegal grows, and be proud that noone gives 2 shits what you think since stringing a bunch of words together into a coherent sentence in an adult conversation is apparently beyond your grasp. go you. hay... stopped caring what you have to say a while ago.

the winking smily constitutes "sarcasm". i thought that one was obvious.

and my grows are legal.


Well-Known Member
All have you know...this douche-waffle's garden is 100% legal!!! You and Fdd both made me laugh!!! Douche-waffle...that's great dude!!!!



Well-Known Member
forgot this, .......


the best way to find out who people really are is to poke them a little. people are the most real when they get angry.

gotcha. ;)

now come here and give me a hug. :hug:


Active Member
im generally a very aggressive man, but im very passionate about this subject... especially since im dry and have no way to get my since more normal sellers (i hate dealing with black market and my illegal plants have a while to go) is in jail. please lets stay on point. there's pleanty of other places to troll or tease each other.

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
Prop 215 did not specify garden size or amount to possess...ON PURPOSE!!!

SB 420 TRIED to define legal numbers with a default 12/6 plant number unless local gov. sets a higher level..
And the supreme court ruled that plant/space limits was unconstitutional if it went against what a doctor decides is necessary.

Besides I am allowed 36 veg AND 18 flower in writing (not that it really matters, but not every pig can spell at the 8th grade level...much less know the law!) And there is currently NO restriction on space...Outdoors 5x5 = 1 fooking plant!!!! Not cool and not legalization!!!
And a doctor said you're allowed to have 36 regardless of what prop 19 says. So what's the problem?

That's a bunch of crap. Anyone here can form a corporation and start a business. Why should I vote in favor of prohibition because I should be looking out for those who are too lazy to form a legal business?


Active Member
And the supreme court ruled that plant/space limits was unconstitutional if it went against what a doctor decides is necessary.

And a doctor said you're allowed to have 36 regardless of what prop 19 says. So what's the problem?

That's a bunch of crap. Anyone here can form a corporation and start a business. Why should I vote in favor of prohibition because I should be looking out for those who are too lazy to form a legal business?
well stated. yes absolutely lets not make such wild assumptions. prop 19 will do NOTHING to change 215. i hope someday to open a restaurant for savory "space" dishes such as "space" chicken kiev or "cannabis" beef wellington. ok so i need better names, but you get the idea.


Well-Known Member
im generally a very aggressive man, but im very passionate about this subject... especially since im dry and have no way to get my since more normal sellers (i hate dealing with black market and my illegal plants have a while to go) is in jail. please lets stay on point. there's pleanty of other places to troll or tease each other.
as you reprimand the OP himself.

i'm sorry.
